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Accessing a PST-skilled social worker 003-12080010

Overview of the 3 types of case consult scenarios

Case consultation scenarios appropriate for social work involvement

There are 3 scenarios, which may occur during a case consult:

A case discussion between the PST-skilled social worker and PST-skilled Service Officer:

A case discussion occurs when the PST-skilled Service Officer has gathered relevant information and evidence but needs help with assessing and understanding the impact of the identified personal circumstances on the customer's capacity to comply.

These consultations may involve seeking evidence from the social worker to assess capacity or to seek advice regarding referral options.

During these case discussions, the PST-skilled Service Officer and PST-skilled social worker would be engaged in the conversation and the social worker would not speak directly with the customer.

A three-way discussion with the PST-skilled social worker, PST-skilled Service Officer and customer:

At times, the PST-skilled social worker may need to speak with the customer to clarify circumstances or get more details. In these instances, the PST-skilled Service Officer will not put their headset down but will stay on the line, listening to the conversation and providing information where appropriate. Once the PST-skilled Service Officer has the information needed, the PST-skilled social worker will leave the call to allow the compliance investigation to continue.

The PST-skilled social worker may take over the call:

At times, a PST-skilled social worker may take over the call if they need to have a private conversation with the customer because the:

  • customer presents with a complex crisis
  • customer is potentially at risk, or
  • content may be distressing for the PST-skilled Service Officer

During the consultation, a PST-skilled Service Officer may also request the PST-skilled social worker to take over the call because they believe the content is or could be distressing for them to hear. If the PST-skilled social worker has taken over the call and there is an outstanding compliance decision, they will follow the warm handback procedure as outlined on the Process page.

Case consultation scenarios for social work involvement

Table 1: This table provides scenarios for when it is appropriate or mandatory for a Participations Solution Team (PST)-skilled Service Officer to consult with a PST-Skilled social worker.




Family and domestic violence

A PST-skilled Service Officer is investigating a failure.

During the interview, the customer discloses they have been experiencing difficulties in their relationship, which has been causing a lot of stress.

The PST-skilled Service Officer notes a previous contact on the customer's record, where domestic violence was identified. The PST-skilled Service Officer discusses the current circumstances further.

The customer discloses recent police attendance to their home, feeling unsafe and sometimes being unable to leave the house or speak with anyone.

The PST-skilled Service Officer contacts the PST-skilled social worker to consult and to get support with identifying the impact of family and domestic violence to help them with decision making.

Family and domestic violence is a circumstance in which a PST-skilled Service Officer must consult with a PST-skilled social worker.


Customer receiving Youth Allowance and has other complex circumstances

A PST-skilled Service Officer consults a PST-skilled social worker about a failure committed by a 20-year-old job seeker.

The job seeker reports the loss of a family member and ongoing mental health issues. They advise that they sometimes see a psychologist.

The job seeker is receiving Youth Allowance, which is a reason to consult if needed. Other identified circumstances of grief, loss and mental health issues further indicate complex circumstances where the PST-skilled Service Officer would benefit from seeking specialist support.


Customer in crisis and experiencing complex personal circumstances

A PST-skilled Service Officer is conducting a Capability Assessment with a job seeker linked with a Disability Employment Service provider.

During the initial file investigation, the PST-skilled Service Officer notes the job seeker has:

  • a mild intellectual impairment
  • recent loss of employment
  • family breakdown
  • unstable accommodation, and
  • lodged a medical certificate for depression

The PST-skilled Service Officer identifies new circumstances that may be having an impact on the customer's capacity to comply with their current requirements.

When questioning the customer, it becomes apparent they are struggling to communicate their situation, becoming increasingly frustrated as the conversation continues.

The PST-skilled Service Officer wants support to communicate with the customer and to understand the current impact of the identified circumstances. The PST-skilled Service Officer contacts the PST-skilled social worker for support.

The above scenario demonstrates a job seeker is in crisis and experiencing complex personal circumstances. Social work assessment skills can help with decision making.

Inappropriate consults with a PST-Skilled social worker

Table 2: This table provides scenarios for when it is not appropriate for a Participations Solution Team (PST)-skilled Service Officer to consult with a PST-Skilled social worker.




Accommodation circumstances

A PST-skilled Service Officer is speaking with a job seeker who has recently become homeless.

The PST-skilled Service Officer consults with a PST-skilled social worker to recommend an activity test exemption to allow the job seeker to connect with housing support. The delegation for granting an exemption from compulsory requirements lies with Service Officer’s 3 or above.

In this case, the Service Officer has the delegation to exempt the job seeker. Alternatively, the Service Officer could consult with their Team Leader or Senior Support Officer for support in making a decision about whether to apply the exemption and/or consider alternate interventions.


Safety or well-being

A PST-skilled Service Officer is conducting a Capability Assessment with a job seeker who has become distressed and advised of thoughts of suicide.

The PST-skilled Service Officer contacted a PST-skilled social worker due to concerns for the job seeker’s safety and wellbeing.

While this is an appropriate referral to a social worker, the PST-skilled Service Officer must warm transfer the job seeker to the Social Work Line choosing IVR option 1. This will enable timely access to a social worker for immediate crisis intervention due to concerns for the job seeker’s safety and wellbeing.

If the job seeker disconnects the call before the warm transfer, the Service Officer should speak with their Team Leader or Manager immediately.


Medical condition

A PST-skilled Service Officer is conducting a Capability Assessment with a job seeker who discloses they have anxiety, which was diagnosed two years ago.

The PST-skilled Service Officer can see a medical certificate lodged 12 months ago and is able to confirm the job seeker is linked with a doctor and attends appointments when required.

The job seeker is in Workforce Australia Online and does not report any other circumstances that impact their capacity to meet their requirements.

The PST-skilled Service Officer contacts the PST-skilled social worker for a consult. In this instance, the Service Officer could consult a PST-skilled social worker if they are unsure whether anxiety is impacting but they could also get support from their Senior Support Officer with their decision making if required, as there is suitable medical evidence on record.