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Recording Child Support Scheme (CSS) exemption referrals – social work 003-12130050

If a child is in immediate danger or risk of harm you must act, and a delegate must call 000.

For Services Australia social workers only.

This page contains information about recording Child Support Scheme (CSS) exemptions in the Social Work Recording Application (SWRA) in Process Direct and the Social Work Information System (SWIS) in Customer First.

Process Direct

On this page:

CSS exemption referrals in the SWRA in Process Direct

CSS exemption - not pursued recording in the SWRA in Process Direct

CSS exemption referrals in the SWRA in Process Direct

Table 1




Assessment is not going to be resolved during the first contact + Read more ...

If the assessment is not going to be resolved during the first contact, in Customer First create a Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Social Worker > Claims >Social Work Assessment in progress.

Exit from Customer First and open Process Direct.


CSS exemption for family and domestic violence + Read more ...

Note: family and domestic violence is a prepopulated referral issue for all CSS exemption assessments recorded in the SWRA in Process Direct If the assessment does not relate to a family and domestic violence situation complete it in SWIS in Customer First. This will make sure the customer’s individual circumstances are accurately recorded.

Is family and domestic violence one of the reasons a CSS exemption is required?


Recording the assessment + Read more ...

In Process Direct

  • Select the Social Work Recording Application on the Task Selector screen
  • On the Reports and Case Notes Summary screen select New
  • Assessment type: From the drop down list select either:
    • Report- Child Support Scheme - Exemption
    • Report- Child Support Scheme - Partial Exemption
  • Decision: From the drop down list select either Granted or Not Granted
  • Is this assessment related to an existing referral?
    • For all new assessments select No from the drop down list
    • If the CSS exemption has resulted from an existing referral for a Crisis Payment (CrP) completed in the SWRA select Yes
      if selecting Yes a referral ID must be entered. The referral ID can be located in the existing referral in SWIS in Customer First.


Complete consent to record and share page + Read more ...

On the Consent to Record and Share screen:

  • complete all of the mandatory fields and
  • add third party contacts where required


Recording the Referral Record screen + Read more ...

Some fields on the Referral Record screen will prepopulate. Review all fields and make appropriate changes.

  • Area and Location fields will prepopulate based on the user profile. Update if required
  • Referral date: will prepopulate with today's date. Update if required
  • Customer Status: will not pre-populate. Select appropriate option:
    • Job Seeker
    • Student
    • Carer
    • Parent
    • Not on Payment
    • Other
  • Cultural background: will prepopulate based on the customer’s information. Update if required
  • Interpreter used?: select Yes or No
  • Referral allocated through workload manager?: select Yes or No
  • Referral Source: field select appropriate option
  • Customer currently on income management?: select Yes or No. If Yes, select the relevant measure from the Initiative drop down list

Referral issues will prepopulate based on Assessment type and cannot be changed unless the Assessment type is also changed by clicking ‘Previous’ and selecting another option in the drop down list.

  • The referral issues will be:
    • Child Support Issues - Exemption
    • Family and Domestic Violence
    • Financial/Hardship
  • Select Next to go to the Contact Record screen


The Contact Record screen + Read more ...

  • Area and Location fields will prepopulate based on the user profile and can be updated as required.
  • Contact date: field will prepopulate with today's date. Update if required
  • Contact Type field will prepopulate to File/Paper Assessment and cannot be changed
  • Entitlement Decision, Social Work Intervention, and Outcome of Intervention fields will prepopulate based on the information recorded on the Assessment Type screen and cannot be changed
  • Additional outcome of Intervention field should be completed depending on the social worker’s delegation:
    • Non delegated social workers select Assessment in progress. When the assessment transfers over to SWIS in Customer First it will save as a draft report
    • Delegated social workers select Assessment completed. When the assessment transfers over to SWIS in Customer First it will save as a draft report


Recording the CSS Exemption Report + Read more ...

All CSS exemption assessments must have a report completed and transferred to SWIS in Customer First.

  • Complete all fields on the CSS Exemption Report screen with the appropriate information, including the Social Worker Assessment Summary
  • The Doc: will prepopulate with specified information relating to the social worker completing the report. This information cannot be changed and should not replace a grant or rejection DOC

Note: the headings listed in the Social Worker Assessment Summary section are to help with report writing. The use of these headings is not mandatory, delete or change them if appropriate.


Transfer the assessment information to SWIS in Customer First + Read more ...

All CSS exemption assessments must have reports completed and transferred to SWIS.

  • When all mandatory information has been recorded in the SWRA in Process Direct select Submit for the assessment to be transferred over to SWIS
  • After successfully submitting the assessment record all additional contacts in SWIS in Customer First as they cannot be entered in the SWRA.

For non-delegated social workers:

The report will transfer over in draft mode and a Social Work Support Manager (SWSM) will still be required to set the report to final in SWIS.

For delegated social workers:

The report will transfer over as final in SWIS.


Record additional contacts + Read more ...

Social workers must record additional contacts using SWIS in Customer First, once the CSS exemption has successfully transferred.

Record contact with the customer

  • Go to the customer's record in SWIS in Customer First
  • Select the referral created in SWRA in Process Direct
  • Select Create a new contact
  • Contact Type: field select either
    • Interview in CSC - Face to Face
    • Phone Interview
    • Interview Elsewhere
    • File/Paper Assessment
  • Entitlement Decision: field, leave blank as was completed in SWRA in Process Direct
  • Social Work Intervention: Select one or more other options depending on the intervention provided. For Example Counselling/Support, Referral Made/Completed - F & DV Service, Accommodation etc.
  • Outcome of Intervention: field select Information Collected and Assessment in Progress

Recording third party verification contacts

When social workers have received third party verification, they need to record a separate contact within the original referral via SWIS in Customer First.

  • Go to the customer's record in SWIS in Customer First
  • Select the referral created in SWRA in Process Direct
  • Select Create a new contact
    • Contact Type: field select Interview in CSC - Face to Face or Phone Interview
    • Select File/Paper Assessment if the contact with the third party has been in the form of a statement the contact
  • Entitlement Decision: field, leave black as completed in SWRA
  • Social Work Intervention: field, select Discussion with Third Parties
    • Select up to two more options depending on what happened during the contact and who the third party is. For example, Advice - DHS Services
  • Outcome of Intervention: field select Information Collected and Assessment in Progress


For Social Work Support Managers recording the delegation of decisions for non-delegated social workers + Read more ...

Social Work Support Managers must complete delegations in SWIS in Customer First.

  • Go to the customer's record in SWIS in Customer First
  • Select the referral created in SWRA in Process Direct
  • Select Create a new contact
  • Contact Type: field select File/Paper Assessment
  • Entitlement Decision: leave blank
  • Social Work Intervention: field select Delegating SW Assessments
  • Outcome of Intervention: field select Assessment Completed

CSS Exemption - not pursued recording in the SWRA in Process Direct

Table 2




Record the referral + Read more ...

In Process Direct:

  • Select the Social Work Recording Application on the Task Selector screen
  • On the Reports and Case Notes Summary screen select New
  • Assessment type: From the drop down list select Case Note- CSS Exemption- not pursued


Complete the consent to record and share page + Read more ...

  • Complete all of the mandatory fields
  • Add third party contacts where required


Record the referral + Read more ...

Some fields on the Referral Record screen will prepopulate. Review all fields and make appropriate changes.

  • Area and Location fields will prepopulate based on the user profile. Update if required
  • Referral date: will prepopulate with today's date. Update if required
  • Customer Status: will not pre-populate. Select appropriate option:
    • Job Seeker
    • Student
    • Carer
    • Parent
    • Not on Payment
    • Other
  • Cultural background: will prepopulate based on the customer’s information. Update if required
  • Interpreter used?: select Yes or No
  • Referral allocated through workload manager?: select Yes or No
  • Referral Source: field select appropriate option
  • Customer currently on income management?: select Yes or No. If Yes, select the relevant measure from the Initiative drop down list

Referral issues will prepopulate based on Assessment type and cannot be changed unless the Assessment type is also changed by clicking ‘Previous’ and selecting another option in the drop down list.

  • Select Next to go to the Contact Record screen


The Contact Record screen + Read more ...

  • Area and Location fields will prepopulate based on the user profile. Update if required
  • Contact date: will prepopulate with today's date. Update if required
  • Contact Type field will prepopulate to File/Paper Assessment and cannot be changed
  • Entitlement Decision, Social Work Intervention, and Outcome of Intervention fields will prepopulate based on the information recorded on the Assessment Type screen and cannot be changed


Record the Case Note + Read more ...

  • Complete the Consent to record case note page
  • Complete the Consent to store section on the Case note screen as appropriate
  • The Summary section will pre populate to CSS Exemption Not Pursued
  • Complete a brief case note in the Details section and include the following information


Transfer the assessment information to SWIS in Customer First + Read more ...

When all relevant information has been recorded in the SWRA in Process Direct

  • Select Submit to transfer the information into SWIS in Customer First


Record additional contacts + Read more ...

Once the case note and referral has transferred to SWIS in Customer First, record additional contacts:

  • Select the referral created in SWRA in Process Direct
  • Select Create a new contact
  • Record details in a SW Contact DOC

Customer First

CSS exemption referrals in the SWIS in Customer First

Table 1




Assessment is not going to be resolved during the first contact + Read more ...

If the assessment is not going to be resolved during the first contact, in Customer First create a Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Social Worker > Claims > Social Work Assessment in progress.


Record the referral + Read more

  • Customer Status: field select 'Job Seeker', 'Carer', 'Parent', 'Not on Payment', 'Student' or 'Other' as applicable
  • Referral Source: field select 'DHS' and in the drop down list select appropriate option i.e. Booked appointment, Child Support, Medicare, Personalised Services, Service Centre, Smart Centre, SW Line
  • Referral Issues: field select 'Child Support Issues' and in the drop down list select 'Exemption' (this is compulsory)

2 other options may be chosen depending on the customer's circumstances, e.g. 'Family and Domestic Violence' or 'Issues Following Separation'.

Note: in most cases, only one Entitlement Decision will be recorded for each referral, except where a customer claims a Crisis Payment where this referral reason can also be recorded on the referral as the second or third referral reason

Under Child Support Issues there are other options available, e.g. 'End Assessment', 'Change of Care' or 'Hardship'. This may be selected if the customer needs to end an assessment, especially in cases of full exemption due to imposition (IMP) and exemption due to family and domestic violence (VIO).

  • Contact Type: field select 'Interview in CSC Face to Face' or 'Phone Interview'
    • Where the contact with the customer has been in the form of a statement the contact should be recorded as 'File/Paper Assessment'
  • Entitlement Decision: field should be left blank at this stage
  • Social Work Intervention: field select 'Advice - DHS Services' and two other options depending on the intervention provided by the social worker, e.g. 'Counselling/Support' or 'Referral Out - F&DV Service'
  • Outcome of Intervention: field select 'Information Collected and Assessment in Progress'


Recording third party verification contacts + Read more

Once third party verification has been obtained, social workers are required to record a separate contact within the original referral.

  • Select the original referral and then select 'Create a new contact'
  • Contact Type: field select 'Interview in CSC Face to Face' or 'Phone Interview'
    • Where the contact with the third party has been in the form of a statement the contact should be recorded as 'File/Paper Assessment'
  • Entitlement Decision: field should be left blank at this stage
  • Social Work Intervention: field select 'Discussion With Third Parties' (this is compulsory)
    • 2 other options may be chosen depending on what has been undertaken during the contact and who the third party is, e.g. 'Advice - DHS Services'
  • Outcome of Intervention: field select 'Information Collected and Assessment in Progress'


Recording the decision + Read more ...

For delegated social workers

Select the original referral and then select Create a new contact.

  • Contact Type: field select File/Paper Assessment
  • Entitlement Decision: field select Delegation Assessment outcome as per drop down menu
  • Social Work Intervention: field select Eligibility Assessment Undertaken
    • 2 other options may be chosen depending on the intervention provided by the social worker, for example: Counselling/Support

Eligibility Assessment Undertaken should be used only once for each referral, but there are exceptions to this, where a customer is also claiming a Crisis Payment. With delegated assessments, this should be when the contact is recorded (File/Paper Assessment).

  • Outcome of Intervention: field select Assessment Completed

Note: the DOC box does not need to be completed as the SWIS workflow will force the creation of a SWIS DOC.

  • All CSS Exemptions need to have a SWIS Report completed

For non-delegated social workers

Select the original referral and then select Create a new contact.

  • Contact Type: field select File/Paper Assessment
  • Entitlement Decision: field select Delegation Assessment outcome as per drop down menu
  • Social Work Intervention: field select Eligibility Assessment Undertaken
    • 2 other options may be chosen depending on the intervention provided by the social worker, for example: Counselling/Support

Eligibility Assessment Undertaken should be used only once for each assessment. For delegated assessments, this should be when the contact is recorded (File/Paper Assessment). For report writing and non-delegated work, it should be recorded with the initial contact.

  • Outcome of Intervention: field select Assessment in Progress

Note: the DOC box does not need to be completed as the SWIS workflow will force the creation of a SWIS DOC.

  • All CSS Exemptions need to have a SWIS Report completed

For Social Work Support Managers recording the delegation of decisions for non-delegated social workers

Select the original referral and then select Create a new contact.

  • Contact Type: field select File/Paper Assessment
  • Entitlement Decision: leave blank
  • Social Work Intervention: field select Delegating SW Assessments
  • Outcome of Intervention: field select Assessment Completed