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Creating, updating and ending Parental Income Test (PIT) links with dependent student, Australian Apprentice and job seeker recipients or claimants 108-02010100

This page contains information relating to process steps for linking records with dependent student, Australian Apprentice or job seeker customers for the Parental Income Test (PIT).

On this page:

Links with recipient or claimant for PIT

Updating PIT links in Customer First (CF)

Links with recipient or claimant for PIT

Table 1: This table describes process steps for linking records with dependent student, Australian Apprentice or job seeker recipients and claimants for the Parental Income Test (PIT).




Recipient or claimant includes a student, Australian Apprentice or job seeker + Read more ...

To add, edit or delete a PIT link for a dependent Youth Allowance (YA), ABSTUDY and AIC customer, in an


Process Direct + Read more ...

Check and update the parent(s)/guardian(s) record to reflect the correct marital status before updating the link. The date of a change in circumstances will be the date of effect of the PIT link update.

To view or update PIT links, go to the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen by:

  • selecting the NSS Task Selector checkbox from the SAP Warning and Errors (SWE) screen, or
  • keying 'NPPS' into the Super Key

To update/end date an existing PIT link:

  • select Edit next to the relevant existing PIT link to open the Change PIT Parent Selection screen
  • End Date: the last day the parent was considered a PIT parent
  • End Reason Code: select the appropriate reason from the drop down menu

To delete a PIT link:

  • select Delete next to the relevant existing PIT link
  • a Warning will display to confirm deletion of PIT link data
  • select Yes. Procedure ends here

Note: only delete PIT links if they were applied in error.

To create a new link:

  • select Add to open Create PIT Parent Selection
  • open Search and Select CRN
  • enter relevant search parameters, and select Go
    • Start Date: the Start Date of the claim in new claim activities, or the date the person became an appropriate parent for PIT in a PIT review
    • Link Type Code: PIT - Parental Income Test
    • From SVC Reason Code: PIT - Parental Income Test
    • To SVC Reason Code: (as appropriate) PAR - Parent/Guardian(link), STP Step Parent or FSP - Foster Parent (link) for ABSTUDY customers in state care
  • select Save

Once all relevant actions have been taken, finalise the claim or review via ELD.

Record details of the update in a Note.

Procedure ends here.


Customer First + Read more ...

Check and update the parent(s)/guardian(s) record to reflect the correct marital status before updating the link. The date of a change in circumstances will be the date of effect of the PIT link update.

For activities completed in Customer First, updating of PIT links is carried out via the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen. For:

  • ABSTUDY and Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme, ensure the ISS system is selected
  • Youth Allowance (YA), ensure the NSS system is selected

Go to the NPPS screen by either:

  • selecting an outstanding PIT related activity from the Activity List (AL)/Future Activity List (FAL) screen, or
  • keying 'NPPS' in the Next field and pressing [Enter]. Go to Step 4


Check entries on the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen + Read more ...

To obtain more details for each parent listed, key 'X' beside the parent/guardian record to expand it.

Key 'L' and press [Enter]. This will swap to the parent/guardian record and display the Link Summary (LS) screen.

Are the recipient's or claimant’s PIT parent details complete and correct under the Current PIT Links field and are the details current/confirmed?

Note: only one record can be actioned at a time.


To modify an existing record: + Read more ...

  • 'S'elect the record from the Current PIT Links field. The Other Customer Links (OCL) screen will display
  • amend the Start Date field, as required
  • complete the Source and DOR fields
  • key 'C' in the Action field and press [Enter]

The system will return to the NPPS screen.

If all details are correct, see Step 6 in Table 2.


Correcting end-date of a PIT link that has already been ended + Read more ...

  • go to the Link Summary screen by keying 'LS' in the Next field and press [Enter]
  • in the Display all field, key 'Y' and press [Enter]. This will display all current and ended links of all types
  • select the PIT link which has been ended from the incorrect date by typing 'S' (select) next to the link and press [Enter]
  • page forward and backwards until the page is found where the incorrect PIT link end date and PIT Link End Reason is recorded
  • over key this with the correct date. Key 'C' (change) in the Action field. Note: the correct date is the day before the event date, for example, if the parent separated today, the PIT link is end dated with the previous day
  • navigate back to the NPPS screen by keying 'NPPS' in the Nxt field

Are other links to be created?


Existing link has incorrect destination service reason and needs to be corrected + Read more ...

If the PIT link destination service reason is incorrect, it cannot be modified. The link will need to be deleted and re-created (take note of the start date of the link before deleting, as this date must be used when the link is re-created):

  • 'S'elect the record from the Current PIT Links: field. The Other Customer Links (OCL) screen will display
  • Key 'D' in the Action: field and press [Enter]

Once the link is deleted, it will then display in the Other Links: field on the NPSS screen. Re-create the link from the start date, and while doing this, select the correct PIT Link service destination reason.

Note: if the destination service reason needs to be corrected to Foster Parent (FSP) then both carer's records need to be deleted and re-created as FSP links.

See Step 4 in Table 2.

Updating PIT links in Customer First (CF)

Table 2




A link needs to be created + Read more ...

Are there already two entries in the Current PIT Links field?

  • Yes, one of the records must be end-dated (ceased) before a new record can be created as the recipient or claimant cannot have 3 current PIT links. Go to Step 2
  • No, go to Step 3


PIT link for parent is to be end-dated + Read more ...

'S'elect the parent record. The Other Customer Links (OCL) screen will display.

  • In the End Date: field, enter the date before the date the parent ceased to be a parent of the recipient or claimant
  • In the Rsn field, enter the most applicable reason for the end-dating
  • Complete the Source and DOR fields if these are blank
  • Key 'I' in the Action field to update the details and select Continue

Are other links to be created?


Link to be created + Read more ...

If a link is to be created with a:

  • person listed in the Other links: section of the PIT Parent Selection (NPPS) screen, go to Step 4
  • person not listed on the NPPS screen, go to Step 5


Create link with person listed in Other Links: field + Read more ...

  • Key 'I' against the record (do not press enter)
  • New link destination SVC rsn: select from:
    • 'PAR' - parent
    • 'STP' - step parent
    • 'FSP' - foster parent (ABSTUDY customers in state care only)
  • Link Start Date: the start date of the claim in new claim activities, or the date the parent became an appropriate parent for the purposes of PIT in a PIT review. Note: the date cannot be in the future
  • Code the Source and DOR fields (if not already completed)
  • Select Continue

The Link Confirmation (LC) screen will display.

To confirm the link, key 'Y' in the Confirm Selection? field

Does another PIT parent need to be linked?

  • Yes, key 'Y' in the Add another link of this type? field. The system will return to the NPPS screen. Repeat this step for another record, if required
  • No, select Continue. Go to Step 6


Create link with person not listed on NPPS screen + Read more ...

  • Enter a valid reason in the New link destination SVC rsn field, select from:
    • 'PAR' - parent
    • 'STP' - step parent
    • 'FSP' - foster parent (ABSTUDY customers in state care only)
  • Link Start Date: the Start Date of the claim in new claim activities, or the date the parent became an appropriate parent for the purposes of PIT in a PIT review Note: the date cannot be in the future
  • Key 'Y' in the Add link to CRN not on this screen: field
  • Complete the Source and DOR fields (if not already completed)
  • Select Continue
  • Other Customer Links (OCL) screen, make sure the Start Date is correct
  • Select Continue
  • Complete Link Person (LP) screen
    • Surname of Person: surname of parent /guardian
    • First Name or Initial: first name or initial of parent/guardian. Note: this field is not mandatory but recommended to filter search results
    • Date of Birth: date of birth of parent/guardian
    • Select Continue
  • Select the parent/guardian from the National Index Name List (IL) screen. If the parent/guardian does not have a Centrelink record select Add Person. Note: Service Officers must follow Searching for a customer on the system before proceeding.)
  • Where a parent/guardian does not have a Centrelink Record see, Adding a customer to the system Link Confirmation (LC) screen, confirm the link by keying 'Y' in the Confirm Selection?: field
  • Parental Income Test (PIT) information will need to be recorded on the Household Income and Assets (NHI) screen for each new parent

Does another PIT parent need to be linked?

  • Yes, key 'Y' in the Add another link of this type? field. The system will return to the NPPS screen. Repeat this step for another record, if required
  • No, select Continue


Finalise activity + Read more ...

Finalise activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen.

Record details of the action on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.