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Home ownership 108-04070000

This document outlines how the customer's home ownership status determines the applicable Assets Test limit. A customer can be either a homeowner or a non-homeowner under social security law. This topic and its procedures provides information about determining homeowners and non-homeowners.

Assessment of home ownership

Determining whether a customer is considered a homeowner or non-homeowner is necessary for situations where a home is used to operate a business, is a dual-occupancy home or a home owned by a trust or company. Different assessments apply for the situation where a customer is selling a home and/or purchasing another residence. A customer may have a right to reside in a home for life and in that situation the life interest in a home must be assessed.

The principal home and the private land (curtilage) adjoining the home may not be considered an asset under the Assets Test.

Home ownership also needs to be assessed for customers who pay site fees, mooring fees and/or live in a caravan, boat or park home.

The Training & Support page contains links to the courses/training modules in the Learning Portal relevant for this topic and its procedures.


Determining homeowners and non-homeowners

Purchasing another residence

Assessing house and curtilage

Non-homeowner purchasing a home

Sale of principal home

Sale of real estate by instalment or deferred payment

Assessing a life interest in a home

Assessing caravans, boats and park homes

Permanent vacation of principal home

Vacation of principal home due to illness

Granny flat provisions

Deprivation related to the transfer of a farm to a close relative