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Assessing fringe benefits for Social Security income test purposes 108-05020040

This document outlines the assessment of fringe benefits for pension and allowance Income Test purposes. Fringe benefits are employer provided benefits not received directly as a wage or salary.

Calculating fringe benefits for income test purposes




Salary sacrificing + Read more ...

Is this a personal superannuation salary sacrifice arrangement, or a salary sacrifice to purchase a fringe benefit?


Free or discounted accommodation + Read more ...

Is the fringe benefit free or discounted accommodation provided by the person’s employer?

  • Yes:
    • The value of the free or discounted accommodation is not assessed as income for social security purposes
    • If a cash payment is provided for the purpose of paying accommodation costs, this is considered income and is not classed as free or discounted accommodation
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 3


Fringe benefit received by customer and/or partner + Read more ...

A customer in receipt of pension or allowance advises they and/or their partner receive a fringe benefit as part of their employment income that is paid in addition to a wage or salary.

A separate procedure applies for assessing fringe benefits for family assistance and Paid Parental Leave scheme payments.

Ask the customer and/or their partner to provide evidence of their fringe benefits (reportable and non-reportable). This could be in the form of:

  • a letter from the employer
  • a payment summary that reflects the current arrangement
  • their latest individual income tax return

The letter must state either the non-grossed-up or grossed-up amount of fringe benefits.

The non-grossed-up amount is the actual cost to the employer of providing the fringe benefit. The grossed-up amount is the amount that would have been received in salary in order to pay for the benefit received in after tax dollars

A person's payment summary (group certificate) shows the reportable fringe benefits total, only if the non-grossed-up amount is more than $2000 ($1000 before 1 July 2007). Note: the information provided on a payslip varies from employer to employer. A payslip may show gross taxable income and not include fringe benefits amounts.

If a customer or their partner received fringe benefits from a private company or private trust in which they are involved, see Trusts and companies assessment.

Note: any Reportable Fringe Benefits reported by an employer via Single Touch Payroll (STP) is the grossed-up amount and will be pre-filled on the EMGI screen in the Earnings and Reporting workflow in Process Direct. Once confirmed by the customer, the non-grossed-up amount will be automatically calculated by the system and the adjusted figure will be recorded on the EAPP screen.

Customers will be also asked whether Free Accommodation is included in the Reportable Fringe Benefit amount. If they answer “Yes”, the amount per fortnight is requested. This amount is exempt income and is 100% excluded from the final calculation.

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, staff may complete this step if they are trained.Has the customer or their partner provided evidence that lists the non-grossed-up amount of fringe benefits received?


Grossed-up amount advised + Read more ...

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, staff may complete this step if they are trained.

If the customer and/or their partner has provided a payment summary or other evidence with the grossed-up amount of fringe benefits, calculate the non-grossed-up amount using the method below:

Non-grossed-up amount = grossed-up amount x (100% - Fringe Benefit Tax rate).

Code the non-grossed-up amount of fringe benefits on the customer/partner record. Go to Step 5.

See the Resources page for examples.


Code/update the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen + Read more ...

Processing Team: Typically done by specialised processing teams in a service centre or Smart Centre. Unless otherwise stated, staff may complete this step if they are trained.

Code/update the EAPP screen, via the Earnings and Reporting workflow with the non-grossed-up fringe benefits as calculated at Step 3.

Service Officers must code receipt of the fringe benefit component as a separate employer (even if received from the same employer) and clearly identify the fringe benefit in the Description on the EAPP screen (for example, 'Fringe benefit work car'). The fringe benefit amount must not be included with any other variable/ongoing income from employment.

Note: when STP employment income data is reported via Single Touch Payroll (STP), the non-grossed-up amount of income for the fringe benefit will not be recorded separately from the customer’s other income types. This is intended, a separate employer is not required.

Record the amount from the date the fringe benefits begin to be paid. If the customer begins to have use of a fringe benefit but will not be paid an amount, the date the customer begins to have use of the benefit is the date the benefit should be recorded.

Record details of the fringe benefit received and the assessment method used in a display on access DOC.

If the customer is a statement reporter, ensure they are aware of the correct amount of gross income to report each fortnight, for both their employment income and fringe benefits received.

Note: for customers receiving family assistance, check their annual income estimate is reasonable and request a revised estimate, if necessary.