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Assessing withdrawals from superannuation 108-05070020

This document outlines the assessment of lump sum withdrawals from superannuation funds. This procedure is not for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) customers.

How to assess superannuation withdrawals




Procedure details regarding benefits + Read more ...

This procedure is not for Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) customers. For FTB and CCS customers, see the following procedures:

Customer advises of a superannuation fund withdrawal

Is customer over Age Pension age?


If customer is below Age Pension age + Read more ...

Due to legal advice from the Department of Social Services (DSS), Services Australia (the agency) must not request or record details of superannuation investments for customers who are below Age Pension age.

Note: If a superannuation investment is recorded, the details must not be changed after a withdrawal unless shares or managed investments require updating at the same time. Any updates will result in an unnecessary recalculation of all their managed investments and shares, with no legislative basis for such an action.

Depending on what the customer uses the withdrawn amount for, further assessment of the withdrawn funds may be necessary.


Customer’s investment details + Read more ...

Has the customer deposited the funds into a managed investment, or used the money to purchase shares?


Set superannuation balance + Read more ...

Set the customer's superannuation balance (if present) to zero (or code the new balance if partial withdrawal).

  • select the superannuation investment from the Managed Investment Summary (MIS) screen, to go to the Managed Investments (MI) screen
  • code '0' in the Super/Rollover $: field (or code the new balance if partial withdrawal)
  • code the date the new managed investment or shares were purchased in the Event Date: field
  • code the source of the information in the Source: field
  • code the date of receipt in the DOR: field

Press Enter

Go to Step 6.


Customer superannuation details and actioning + Read more ...

Do not alter any superannuation details (if present) on the customer's record. Doing so will trigger an unnecessary recalculation of their shares and investments, with no legislative basis for such action.


Does customer or partner's income estimate require updating + Read more ...

If the customer or their partner is in receipt of FTB or CCS, check if their current income estimate needs to be updated.

Advise the customer of the choices available to help reduce the chance of an overpayment during the reconciliation process. See Updating income estimates for the current financial year.


Coding customers assets + Read more ...

An asset purchased with the withdrawn funds must be coded on the customer's record. For example, the customer purchases a vehicle or places the money into a bank account.

Record details of changes on a DOC.