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Recording and correcting employment income details 108-07010010

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

This document outlines recording and correcting employment income for customers. For assessment of employment income before 7 December 2020 changes, see Historical recording and correcting employment income details (prior 07/12/2020).

On this page:

Initial assessment of employment income

Earnings and Reporting workflow

Single Touch Payroll (STP) data

Employment income coding

Other points to consider

Complete the update

Initial assessment of employment income

Table 1




Customer's circumstances + Read more ...

Before following this procedure, review:

Review the following if the customer and/or their partner is:


Customer and/or partner travels overseas + Read more ...

Is the customer and/or partner travelling overseas?


Customer and/or partner going overseas + Read more ...

All employment income paid must be reported if the customer (and their partner, if applicable) are payable. This includes employment income that is paid when the customer and/or partner is travelling overseas.

If a statement reporter leaves Australia, they are re-profiled as a notification reporter from the date the customer leaves Australia. Notification reporter provisions apply and the customer must still advise of changes within the required timeframe.

For details about payment specific portability rules, see Leaving Australia and portability of payments.

If the customer and/or their partner will be paid employment income:

  • during the entitlement period of their departure, the income must be coded on the business day before departure
    • If the customer is partnered and their partner will leave on a different date, any employment income paid during the entitlement period of the customer’s departure, must be coded on the business day before the earliest departure date
  • after the entitlement period of their departure, while overseas and:
    • the customer and/or their partner will be payable while overseas, the income must be declared within 14 days of being paid
    • the customer and their partner, if applicable, will not be payable while overseas, the income does not need to be declared or recorded

The date of event (DOV) for income will be the date paid. The income is still spread across the full entitlement period.

If a customer fails to advise employment income before departure, or while overseas, the customer may incur an overpayment.

Do not change the Entitlement Period End Day (EPED) to an earlier date before departure; the system will issue any entitlement after departure.

Is the customer or their partner required to report employment income before departure or while overseas?

  • Yes, see Table 2 for help with recording employment income details
  • No, tell the customer to notify of any changes within 14 days. Procedure ends here


Employment income details + Read more ...

To ensure the customer is paid correctly, they must provide the details of all employment for themselves and/or their partner, such as:

  • date paid by their employer
  • gross amount paid (this is the gross amount as shown on their payslip before tax and other deductions are taken out)
  • pay period (the period of work that the person is being paid for)
  • pay frequency (that is, weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc.)
  • if applicable and required, hours worked within the reporting period, see Table 4 for details of when hours are required to be recorded


  • Employment income details may prefill if it is available through Single Touch Payroll (STP). Customers must check and confirm or change the prefilled information to ensure correctness
  • Any STP data available in respect to a partner’s employment does not pre-fill in a customer’s Earnings and Reporting transaction
  • For more details about customers reporting STP employment income early due to national public holidays or an overseas departure, see Single Touch Payroll (STP)

Does the customer have full details of all income for both the customer and/or their partner?

  • Yes, and is unable to use self-service, see Table 2
  • No, and is unable to confirm any pre-filled STP data (if available):
    • The customer must get the details. They should be prompted to check their payslip or contact their employer
    • The customer cannot report until the details are known
    • Notification reporters must be placed on reporting until details are known
    • The customer should be encouraged to report through self service if able to, once the information is known
    • Procedure ends here until the details are available

Earnings and Reporting workflow

Table 2




Earnings and Reporting workflow + Read more ...

Genuine attempts must be made to transition customers to report via self-service options before assisted reporting is completed, unless an Exception applies.

The Earnings and Reporting workflow in Process Direct should be used in most cases to update and/or correct employment income details for a customer and their partner, if applicable.

Use the EANS screen in Process Direct to complete manual coding if:

  • the Earnings and Reporting workflow is unavailable
  • a new claim activity is being processed
  • coding will be bundled with an activity, such as a restoration
  • the customer is in receipt of a manual rate of payment (PEN/PGA/FAO systems and ABSTUDY payments only). The Customer First Earnings and Reporting workflow should be used in this case

Note: if manual coding is completed, the Earnings and Reporting workflow must be run to release any pending payments.

Is the Process Direct Earnings and Reporting workflow being used?


Start the workflow + Read more ...

Select the Earnings and Reporting workflow from the Task Selector list on the START screen in Process Direct:

  • Select start to begin:
    • If a started reporting transaction exists, this will be presented. Select the existing transaction to continue with the update. Cancelling a started transaction will remove any potential provisional details which may have been reported by the customer
    • Staff must check if a Note/DOC has been created due to a failed report or handoff (including within Online Interaction Summary in Customer First), with details of any action required. Staff should not cancel the failed report or hand-off transaction unless advised by an NNU
  • Any outstanding reporting periods can be selected from the Messages page
    • A maximum of 3 reporting period can be selected at a time. If more than 3 reporting periods require action, the Earnings and Reporting workflow can be processed more than once
  • The Receipt Date field will prepopulate with today's date, but can be edited if required
  • Select the contact channel from the dropdown menu
  • Select Save and then
  • Next to continue

Note: when using the Earnings and Reporting workflow in Process Direct to complete a report and the customer and their partner, (if applicable) do not have employment income or hours to report, select Next to continue through each step of the workflow to stimulate the customer’s payment.

If the partner is a statement reporter and needs to report, complete a separate Earnings and Reporting workflow activity in the partner's record so their report is also actioned. Discuss report with partner or their correspondence nominee (if applicable).

Do not record a nil entry unless specified. See Reporting requirements for students and Australian Apprentices for further considerations for Australian Apprentice customers

Is there employment income or hours to report?


Single Touch Payroll (STP) data + Read more ...

Has Single Touch Payroll (STP) data been presented?

Single Touch Payroll (STP) data

Table 3




Single Touch Payroll (STP) employer data + Read more ...

The STP Employer Update (EMCF) screen will show if there is employer data available which requires review.

Note: before the customer's response is recorded, the Record Status for the new STP employer will be ‘provisional’ and the Status field will be blank. Once updates on EMCF are saved, the Record Status will remain as ‘provisional’ until the transaction is complete. The Status field will then show CNF – Confirmed or REJ - Rejected. The Submitted On date and Linked Employer name will show the relevant details.

Discuss the pre-filled details with the customer to determine if they are working for the employer. Select Edit next to the STP employer details. Where the customer advises it is:

  • their current employer, update the status to Confirmed and match the employer name with an existing employer or select New Employer. Select Save and Next to continue. Go to Step 2
  • not their employer, discuss their relationship with the STP employer and update the status to Rejected if applicable. See Single Touch Payroll (STP) for more details. Select Save and Next to continue. See Table 4


Single Touch Payroll (STP) pay data + Read more ...

The STP Employer Wage Items (EMGI) screen will show when there are STP pay event details in the current reporting period. STP data shows across three tables:

  • STP Income Details - shows a high level view of the employer's details, the total reported Gross STP Income amount and the customer's reporting period
  • Pay events - shows pay events paid in the reporting period, the date each pay event was paid, the employer pay periods and any cessation details when available
  • Income details - a detailed view of all pay components for each pay event. More details are to be coded on this level when required, with any changes needed as advised by the customer

Note: customers retain control of the information they submit in their reporting statement. It is the customer’s responsibility to review any pre-filled STP data, advise of any updates needed and confirm the income paid as per their payslip details. No evidence is required if the customer changes the provisional STP employment details, before confirming the data. Staff must make notes about any changes the customer has advised in the Notes field before finalising the transaction.

  • Discuss the pre-filled employment income with the customer. If required, changes can be made to the pre-filled data by selecting Edit next to the Wage Item
  • Pay Period Start and End Dates can be added where required
  • Pre-filled STP income can be adjusted to zero but cannot be deleted
  • The Pay Event Date cannot be edited. If the customer advises the pay event date is incorrect, the pre-filled data must be zeroed and then added back in with the correct date of event

If the customer advises of payslip details that did not pre-fill, staff can:

  • add additional pay components, via New Income Details on the Income Details table
  • add additional pay events, via the New Pay Event Detail on the Pay Events table

If a customer advises of regular discrepancies in the pre-filled STP data, staff must request payslips and lodge a mySupport request. See Single Touch Payroll (STP).

If the customer reports fringe benefits and the error SR353 occurs, see Table 4, Step 20 in Single Touch Payroll (STP).

Once all income has been verified by the customer, select Accept Income to confirm the data. Repeat for each STP employer. Accept Income will become greyed out and can only be selected again if changes are made. Select Next.

The accepted assessable income will automatically load onto the EAPP screen with a LOP frequency. Any confirmed unused leave and redundancy payments paid when a customer has ceased employment for an STP employer will automatically load onto the IMPS screen. Only customers (and their partner) who are subject to an Income Maintenance Period will be impacted by this coding. See Income Maintenance Period (IMP).

  • If no further employment income or hours need to be recorded for the customer and their partner, select Next and see Table 5
  • Otherwise, see Table 4

Employment income coding

Table 4




Employer details + Read more ...

Are the employer details being recorded for the first time?

  • Yes, go to Step 2
  • No, select the drop down for the employer(s) from the EANS screen
    • Employer details, for example Business Name, ABN/WPN, can be updated, if required, by selecting Edit and correcting existing entries
    • If an apprenticeship has commenced with an existing employer, the Apprentice Employer indicator must be updated to 'Y'
    • Go to Step 3


Coding a new employer + Read more ...

  • If using the workflow select Add New Row from the EANS screen to open the Create Earnings Table and complete the below fields
  • If manually coding, go to the EAPP screen and complete the below fields

Note: it is not compulsory to code all fields, only record the details if available.

Type of Employment Income + Read more ...

This field is used to record the type of employment income being paid. If the customer is paid different income types from the same employer, these must be coded under separate entries on EANS/EAPP.

  • ADE - Australian Disability Enterprises
  • AOE - Assignment of Earnings
  • EAR - Earnings from Employment
  • PSA - Profit Sharing Arrangement
  • PSG - Professional Sporting Games
  • PSS - Professional Sport Sign Fees
  • SAC - Sales Commission
  • SWS - SWS/DES Ongoing Support

Employer Name Description + Read more ...

The employer's name.

Alias + Read more ...

Employer's trading name, if applicable.

Employer ABN/WPN + Read more ...

The employer's Australian Business Number or Withholding Payer Number.

Apprentice Employer + Read more ...

  • Update indicator to Y if the customer is an Australian Apprentice reporting Apprentice employment income
  • Only one employer should have a current Y indicator in this field at any one time
  • If the customer has an Apprentice Employer already recorded, the indicator on the previous employer must be changed to N before adding the new Apprentice Employer
  • If error E820NM presents, input the trading name of the employer in the Alias field

Employer Phone NO + Read more ...

The employer's phone number.

Employee Reference + Read more ...

The employee's reference number for their employer if applicable.

Employer Verification + Read more ...

This field shows the employers STP verification status and will auto populate.

  • STP – Employer is STP verified
  • STC – STP employer has ceased


Continuous income exceptions + Read more ...

Continuous income frequencies (1WE, 2WE and MTE) can only be recorded in limited circumstances. Customers cannot select a continuous frequency through self service and must contact to determine eligibility (with the exception of customers whose records are in Environment I with an overseas address).

It is the Service Officer's responsibility to determine if the customer is eligible to have a continuous income frequency applied. Where a continuous income frequency is recorded, the Service Officer must include how the customer has met the exception criteria in the Finalisation Notes or in a separate DOC.

Check if the customer is paid regular income and meets either the 1WE or 2WE exception or the Pension Monthly Exception Rule.

If the customer is paid irregular income or does not meet either exception, they must be placed onto statement reporting and income will be recorded with a non-continuous frequency (IOP/LOP).
For more details, see Resources.

If a continuous frequency is already recorded, or one is being recorded within a retrospective update, make sure the exception criteria is still met. If not, cease the exemption and place the customer (and/or their partner) onto statement reporting. Income will be recorded with a non-continuous frequency (IOP/LOP). See Resources for full instructions.


Record details + Read more ...

If recording income/hours for an existing employer, make sure details are recorded in the correct table/screen. When adding a new employer, this will happen automatically depending on the event date used.

Repeat for each employer, if required, and update relevant income for the customer’s partner.

Note: to switch between records of the customer and the partner, use the Relations Menu. When using the Earnings and Reporting workflow, STP data will not pre-fill for the customer’s partner within the workflow.


Event date + Read more ...

Generally, the date the income was paid by the employer, see Determining the Date of Event for employment income.

If coding hours worked (HOP), the event date will be the Entitlement Period End Date (EPED).

Note: for Australian Apprentice customers (YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY) who are reporting their Apprentice employment income, 2 entries are required, one for:

  • income details, and
  • hours with Employment Status FTO


Amount + Read more ...

The gross amount of employment income paid in the entitlement period.

  • Always code the gross employment income, including cents (the amount before tax and other deductions) actually paid during the entitlement period
  • See Assessment of employment income for Centrelink payments for help in determining the income to record
  • Any income paid outside of a period where a person or their partner is in receipt of an income support payment must not be recorded
  • If the customer has received multiple pays in a single entitlement period, more steps may be required
  • Make sure that the income being declared has not already been recorded against either this, or a duplicated employer
  • If no income was paid within the entitlement period, do not code an entry of nil income unless there is continuous income coded that has now ceased and needs to be zeroed off
  • If the customer's EPED changed during the reporting period, only income paid in the new reporting period must be declared and recorded
  • Check whether the customer received any allowances. See Allowances paid with employment income

See Resources for examples of calculating income.


Frequency + Read more ...

Record the employment income frequency or hours.

  • Income for one period (IOP) - variable income or constant income where continuous income frequency exceptions are not met, where the employer pay period is equal to or less than the entitlement period
  • Long Period (LOP) - variable income or constant income where continuous income frequency exceptions are not met, where the employer pay period is greater than the entitlement period (will also require start and end dates of the pay period)
    • STP reported employment income will have a frequency of LOP by default, this does not need to be changed
    • LOP may be an appropriate frequency where income is paid during a short entitlement period due to grant of a new claim. For example, the customer is paid a fortnightly pay during a short entitlement period of 7 days. This would usually be recorded as IOP, however, due to the short period, is recorded LOP
  • One weekly (1WE)/Two weekly (2WE) - customers and/or partners who are paid regular one weekly or two weekly income and meet the 1WE or 2WE exception
  • Monthly (MTE) - Customers and/or partners who are paid regular ongoing monthly income and eligible for the Pension Monthly Exception Rule
  • Hours for One Period (HOP) - the total hours that have been worked within the reporting period (coded as a separate entry). For details of when hours are required to be recorded, see the Hours/Fortnightly Step below

See Resources for some examples of income coded with different frequencies.


Employment Status + Read more ...

Record the customer's employment status (not required for IOP/LOP frequencies)

  • FTN (full-time non-ongoing employment) if they are employed full-time and receiving stable income but employment is not ongoing (customers who meet the continuous income exceptions only)
  • FTO (full-time employment ongoing) if they are employed full-time and receiving a stable income (customer who meet the continuous income exceptions and Australian Apprentices only)
  • PTC (part-time/ casual) if employment is permanent part-time hours or casual variable hours


Change Reason + Read more ...

Required if pay event data is corrected.

  • CNV - Conversion
  • CSO - CSO error
  • CUS - Customer error
  • DBT - Debt Action
  • TPE - Third Party Error
  • VER - Verification Only


Hours/Fortnightly + Read more ...

Coding hours

  • If required, can be coded with continuous income, that is, DAY, 1WE, 2WE, MTE or if using a one-off frequency (for example IOP/LOP) any hours worked in the entitlement period are to be coded separately using 'Hours for one period' (HOP) frequency
  • For all payments except Disability Support Pension (DSP), hours worked should be rounded up to the nearest whole hour. For DSP customers, round the hours worked down to the nearest whole hour
  • Do not record a nil entry if there are no applicable hours worked

Note: customers who are required to report hours worked in the entitlement period are responsible for providing this information. Details of hours worked are not included in STP data.

Customers with mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...

Customers with mutual obligation requirements, customers receiving Mobility Allowance (MOB) and/or a payment which has restrictions on the number of hours worked, such as Disability Support Pension (DSP) must report hours they have worked in their reporting period. Hours can be coded with a continuous income frequency or coded separately with the Hours for One period (HOP) frequency.

Disability Support Pension customers + Read more ...

Disability Support Pension (DSP) customers are able to work indefinitely for less than 30 hours per week without losing eligibility for their DSP, subject to the income test. If a DSP customer advises they are working more than 30 hours per week, see Commencing or returning to work or self-employment Disability Support Pension (DSP).

Customers in receipt of Youth Disability Supplement (YDS) + Read more ...

A customer receiving YDS who is working must report their hours worked as well as their income.

However, YA Students and ABSTUDY customers, only need to report the hours worked if they exceed 30 hours per week.

The customer’s capacity to work may need to be reviewed as result of working 30 hours or more, as they may no longer have a partial capacity to work (PCW). See Youth Disability Supplement (YDS).

Carer Payment customers + Read more ...

Customers receiving Carer Payment (CP) must have their hours worked in their reporting period coded on the CPAS/CPAD screens. See Carer Payment (CP) processing in the Earnings and reporting workflow tool. Hours do not need to be recorded on the EANS/EAPP screens.

Apprentice customers + Read more ...

For Australian Apprentice customers (YA, Austudy or ABSTUDY) who are reporting Apprentice employment income, must have their hours recorded so that the Employment Status FTO can be recorded.

Note: if error E608CQ occurs, see Resources.

Leave Payments + Read more ...

Leave payments paid while temporarily absent from work are employment income. Record it in the entitlement period in which it was paid. The number of hours ‘worked’ is equivalent to the number of hours for which the leave was paid, for the relevant entitlement period, coded with a HOP frequency.


Verify + Read more ...

Record the verification provided if applicable. If verification is provided, compliance staff go to the Actual Earnings Details (EAAD) screen. The EAAD screen is only required to be updated by compliance staff.

  • BIR - Business Integrity Review
  • FVC - Full fortnight verification for current fortnight by payslip
  • FVE - Full fortnight verification by employer contact for any fortnight
  • FVP - Full fortnight verification for past fortnight by payslip
  • JKP - JobKeeper payment
  • NVE - Not verified
  • PVE - Partial verification by employer contact for any fortnight
  • PVP - Partial verification by payslip for current fortnight
  • STJ - STP Employer Verified (JobKeeper) (auto code)
  • STV - Single Touch Payroll (STP) verified (auto code)


Start and End Date + Read more ...

This field is only coded when the income frequency LOP is used.

For the Start Date field:

  • Record the pay period start date or the start date of the lump sum assessment period if there is not a defined pay period

For the End Date field:

  • Record the pay period end date or assessment period end date if there is not a defined pay period
  • When a LOP frequency has exceeded 20 years (or greater than 7,300 days) in length from the start date to the end date, refer to an APS5 or above (through usual referral channels) to update this


Next Steps + Read more ...

If using the Earnings and Reporting workflow, select Next once finished coding to continue through the workflow.

If error 'E705CQ - use EAN to update AU data. F2 for help' shows, see Resources for instructions.

See Table 5.

Other points to consider

Table 5




Income for past periods + Read more ...

Is an update or correction required for a past period for the customer and/or their partner?


Update income for past periods + Read more ...

Verifying the correction

If an ADE employer has reported a customer's income from employment electronically, contact the National Business Gateway team.

If the customer is advising of a correction to previously confirmed STP employment income, verification is required (via payslips or a letter from the employer).

Verification for correction of non-STP employment income details should only be requested where the details were previously updated during a review or data matching. If the customer is providing an update to an amount they or their partner had previously advised, then it can be updated without verification.

If verification is required for the correction, see Requesting information (CLK). Do not make any changes until the evidence is provided.

Actioning the update or correction

If updating income for a past period:


Update income for past periods within the workflow + Read more ...

To update details within the Earnings and Reporting workflow:

  • Select Yes to Do you want to update income for a past period?
  • Enter a date range for the period that requires an update and select Search
  • Reporting periods where STP data is available will show Yes in the STP data Present column
  • Select the reporting period(s) that requires an update and select Next
  • Where STP data is present for the relevant period that requires an update, the EMGI screen will show each reporting period one at a time until all periods have been actioned

If updating income for a past period for:


Correction for an STP employer + Read more ...

Correction of STP income must be actioned on the EMGI screen. Do not update directly on EAPP/IMPS. Where there are entitlement periods that require an update, these will show one at a time until all periods have been actioned. Once Accept Income has been selected, the changes are mapped to the EAPP screen.

  • If unconfirmed STP data on EMGI is being reviewed, see Table 3, Step 2
  • If previously confirmed STP data on EMGI needs updating, select Edit for the Event Date of the employment income that needs correcting
  • Once updates are made, select Accept Income and then Next
  • The updated STP income will automatically update on EAPP. Staff must check the updated income has applied to EAPP before continuing

STP income that is zeroed on EMGI does not zero the previously confirmed pay event on EAPP, as the system does not apply zero income. In this instance, delete the previously confirmed pay event on EAPP that was zeroed on EMGI.

Where employment income was previously coded directly on EAPP and STP data is now being reviewed, make sure the manually coded income is deleted. This can be identified with NVE verification code.

Note: once a confirmed entry has been corrected or deleted, the overwritten data will not be visible in Process Direct.

Go to Step 7.


Correction for non-STP employer or manual update in Process Direct + Read more ...

  • Identify the employer on the EANS screen that requires correction and open the twisty to show the confirmed details on the EAPP table
  • Edit and Delete actions are available next to the confirmed pay event, only delete details if it has been recorded in error
  • The Change Employment Income Paid Period table will show when Edit is selected. Edit the existing details to make the necessary changes
  • Select the reason for correcting the existing details in the Change Reason field, then select Save
  • If new income details are to be recorded for an existing or new employer, this can be done by adding new details on EAPP
  • If using the Earnings and Reporting workflow, select Next once all updates are finished

Note: once a confirmed entry has been corrected or deleted, the overwritten data will not be visible in Process Direct.

Go to Step 7.


Manual Correction in Customer First/Customer Record + Read more ...

Note: correction of confirmed STP income must be actioned in Process Direct on the EMGI screen

  • For non-STP corrections, select the relevant employer from the EANS screen and code the correct details over the existing details
  • Select the reason for correcting the existing details in the Chng Rsn field
  • When correcting existing details, select Correct in the Chg/Del field
  • If the details were recorded in error, the coding should be deleted selecting Delete in the Chg/Del field
  • If new income details are to be recorded for an existing or new employer, this can be done by adding new details on the EAPP screen

Go to Step 7.


Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS) + Read more ...

Does the customer (or partner) receive Family Tax Benefit (FTB) or Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?


Check annual income estimate + Read more ...

Check if the customer needs to revise their current income estimate for family assistance payments.

If the customer or partner receives FTB or CCS, the FAO Income Summary Details task will be automatically selected in the Earnings and Reporting workflow.

Note: the estimate must include taxable income support payments and tax-free pension/benefit amounts received, employment income and any other components of adjusted taxable income (ATI) (received and expected) for the financial year for both members of the couple. If either member of the couple is eligible for income support payment, the expected payments must be included in the estimate for family assistance.

Advise choices available to help reduce the chance of an overpayment during the reconciliation process.

If the customer starts an employment income nil rate period and they receive FTB Part A, they may be subject to the FTB Part A income test during this period. They will be required to provide an income estimate within 21 days of commencing the employment income nil rate period or their FTB will cancel.

  • If the customer agrees to update their Family Estimate:
  • If an update is not required or the customer declines to update:
    • If using the Earnings and Reporting Workflow, select Next to continue
    • Go to Step 9


Carer payment (CAR) customer + Read more ...

Is the customer and/or partner in receipt of Carer Payment (CAR) and working or undertaking other activities?


Updating Carer Payment (CAR) activity details + Read more ...

For customers and/or their partners in receipt of Carer Payment (CAR) and working or undertaking other activities:

Once finished:

  • If using the Earnings and Reporting Workflow, select Next
  • See Table 6

Complete the update

Table 6




Warnings and errors + Read more ...

In Process Direct, resolve any warnings or errors on the SAP Warnings and Errors (SWE) screen, if required and select Assess to go to the Entitlements (ELD) screen.

If using the Earnings and Reporting workflow and the customer has a partner, a prompt will show: 'Customer has a partner, do you wish to update partner income?'

Selecting the message will go to the partner record for staff to record partner employment income details. Once any updates on the partner’s record are complete, return to the customer’s record and select Assess.

In Customer First/Record, go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen. Resolve any warnings or errors on the Assessment Warnings and Errors (AWE) screen, if required.


Checking the result for correctness + Read more ...

Check the Entitlements (ELD)/Assessment Results (AR) and Payment Summary (PS) screens for the gross and net amount to be paid and the next reporting date if the customer is a statement reporter.

Reporting Regime (RPRD) can be used to confirm the next reporting date after activity is finalised.

If the customer’s report is not stimulating as expected, see Table 2 in Reporting screens.

If a correction was recorded and:

More details for determining correctness of the activity:


Complete the activity + Read more ...

If details are correct, select Finish/Finalise from the ELD/AR screen to complete the activity.

If using the Earnings and Reporting Workflow, a Note/DOC will create capturing the details updated within the workflow. Where changes have been made to STP data, staff must include an explanation. Add further notes to the Finalisation free text box to explain any arrears or negative adjustment (if applicable).

Note: the following details must be recorded in a Note/DOC on the customer’s record (this must be done manually if not using the workflow):

  • employer
  • date paid by the employer
  • gross amount paid
  • pay period and frequency
  • if applicable, hours worked
  • If applicable, what action generated any arrears or negative adjustment
  • anything else concerning the advice not noted elsewhere
  • record if the customer had no income or hours for the reporting period


Other points to consider + Read more ...

For FHA only

  • If replication of employment income data did not occur as expected, this can be identified by:
    • Social Service Plans (SSP) not generating after reporting, or
    • SSPs generating without the expected effect on entitlement
    • Stimulus customers who report no employment income may also be affected by this issue
  • If a payment has to be delivered to the customer, escalate to ICT Help Desk:
    • If the payment is not showing anywhere on the customer record, use the Farm House Allowance (FHA) issues webform. Select 'Payment Not Delivered' under 'What is the issue?'
    • See the Resources page for a link to mySupport


Outcome and notification requirements + Read more ...

Tell the customer the outcome of the activity and their ongoing reporting requirements, if applicable. See Reporting overview for more details.