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Coding income from the Supported Wage System (SWS) 108-07010030

This document outlines how to code the income when a customer starts in the Supported Wage System (SWS).

Coding SWS income and changes to income

Table 1:




Customer advises income from the SWS + Read more ...

From 1 July 2006, the Pensions Supported Wage Details (PDW) screen changed to the Employment Income Details (EAN) screen. Update both of these screens if needed for any changes with a Date of Event before 7 December 2020.

Details of income with a date of effect:

  • before 1 July 2006 is on the PDW screen. This includes customers starting work before 1 July 2006, or their payslip has an end date before 1 July 2006
  • from 1 July 2006, data on the PDW screen changed to the EAN screen. A new entry of $0 with a date of event (DOV) of 1 July 2006 was created where:
    • the PDW and EAN screens were both coded for a change to the last record of income on the PDW screen, or
    • a new entry of income was added before the 1 July 2006 conversion date

From 7 December, income is coded on the Employment Income Paid Details (EAPP) screen.

Income includes salary sacrificed contributions to superannuation.

As SWS income is based on productivity, if a customer is receiving full award wages, confirmation of ongoing SWS employment is required. The Service Officer may need to contact employer to confirm details.

If the customer is receiving full award wages and considered to be in open employment, see Recording and correcting employment income details.

If the customer is participating in SWS, go to Step 2.

Otherwise, procedure ends here.


Customer on SWS advises an income change + Read more ...

Is the customer already on SWS and advising a change to their income?

  • Yes, if the Earnings and Reporting workflow:
    • is available, launch the workflow. Code the Earnings Update page and 'S'elect the employer. Go to Step 4
    • is unavailable, select the employer from the EANS screen and manually add the details on the EAPP screen. Go to Step 4
  • No, place the customer onto statement reporting and record new employer details. Go to Step 3


Launch workflow - create new employer entry + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.pngLaunch the Earnings and Reporting workflow.

Code fields with details of the employment:

  • Income Type, key SWS/DES for Supported Wage System
  • Employer Name/Description, key the employer's name. Add a work description if the name is unknown
  • Phone Number, key if known
  • ABN, key employer ABN if known
  • Employee Reference, key if known


Code income details + Read more ...

In the following fields:

  • Event Date, key the date the customer was paid the income. If coding hours worked (HOP frequency) this will be the Entitlement Period End Date (EPED). If the customer has received multiple pays in a single entitlement period, further steps may be required
  • Amount, key gross amount of employment income
  • Frequency, key employment income and/or hours:
    • income for one period (IOP) - income where the employer pay period is equal to or less than the entitlement period
    • Long Period (LOP) - income where the employer pay period is greater than the entitlement period (will also require start and end dates of the pay period to be recorded)
    • One weekly (1WE), Two weekly (2WE) - Only available for certain customers who meet the 1WE or 2WE exception
    • Monthly (MTE) - Customers and/or partners who are paid regular ongoing monthly income and eligible for the Pension Monthly Exception Rule
    • HOP is to be selected to key the number of hours worked in the entitlement period, if required. See Recording and correcting employment income details for requirements
  • Employment Status, key the customer's employment type. For example, part-time/casual, key PTC
  • Start Date, only key when Frequency is LOP, record the employment income pay period start date
  • End Date, only key when Frequency is LOP, record the employment income pay period end date
  • Change Reason, key if correcting existing details
  • Verified, key if verification has been provided. If this field has a code other than 'Not Verified' 'NVE', the system goes to the Actual Earnings Details (EAAD) screen:
    • BIR - Business Integrity Review
    • FVC - Full fortnight verification for current fortnight by payslip
    • FVE - Full fortnight verification by employer contact for any fortnight
    • FVP - Full fortnight verification for past fortnight by payslip
    • NVE - Not verified
    • PVE - Partial verification by employer contact for any fortnight
    • PVP - Partial verification by payslip for current fortnight


Finalise activity + Read more ...

If using the Earnings and Reporting workflow, the activity will finalise as part of that process.

If not using the workflow, finalise assessment on the Activity Results (AR) screen.

Record a DOC with the:

  • employment details
  • action taken (including if payment has been suspended), and
  • advice given to the customer