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Cessation of employment income 108-07010110

How the cessation of income is assessed and recorded


Type of remunerative income and treatment when source ceases


Continuous income (which may include leave of absences at the same rate) + Read more ...

Treatment when source ceases

Ongoing employment income amount and frequency (1WE/2WE/MTE) are maintained until there is a change. When employment income ceases, the date of event (DOV) to zero the income is the date last paid employment income plus 1 day.


Casual wages (which may include leave of absences) + Read more ...

Treatment when source ceases

As the amount paid in each fortnight is advised each time

For example: 11 Mar 2021 $785 IOP

When employment ceases no income is advised or recorded.

Customer with no mutual obligation requirements can be made a non-stimulus reporter if they (and their partner, if applicable) do not have any other employment income.


Remunerative lump sums which are annual + Read more ...

For example: annual bonus, or relate to unspecified periods that is, irregular commission, cashed out leave paid while there is no absence from work.

Treatment when source ceases

The sum is originally assessed from the Entitlement Period Start Date (EPSD) of the entitlement period in which the income was paid, for the number of days it relates to, up to 52 weeks.

For example:

An annual bonus of $1,500 paid on 3 January 2021 for 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020. This $1,500 is coded with event date 03 Jan 2021 with frequency 'LOP' and a pay period of 01 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2020.

This income is automatically ceased after 52 weeks.


Remunerative lump sums which are paid more frequently than annually + Read more ...

For Example: commission, bonus, payments for a job where the final pay or length of the job could not be known until completed.

Treatment when source ceases

The amount is assessed from the Entitlement Period Start Date (EPSD) of the entitlement period in which the income was paid, for the number of days it relates to. For example: 20 March 2021 $900 for 1-28 Dec 2020 (Coded with frequency LOP).

As the income was paid for 28 days, the amount is assessed from the EPSD of the period in which it was paid, for 28 days. The system will automatically crease assessing the income once 28 days have passed.


Leave and other payments paid upon termination when the recipient or their partner is claiming or receiving an Income Maintenance Period (IMP) affected payment + Read more ...

For example: JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Youth Allowance (YA), Parenting Payment (PP) single or partnered, Farm Household Allowance (FHA), Austudy or Disability Support Payment (DSP) (any age).

Treatment when source ceases

Each type of payment is recorded from date received but assessed consecutively as an Income Maintenance Period.

For example: 4 Aug 10 RDN 10 days 24 Aug 10

4 Aug 10 REC 5 days 10 Aug 10

Note: this will not directly affect any partner not receiving an IMP affected payment.


Leave and other payments paid upon termination when neither the recipient nor their partner is claiming or receiving an IMP affected payment + Read more ...

For example: JSP, YA, PP single or partnered, FHA, Austudy or DSP.

Treatment when source ceases

Leave and redundancy payments are not coded on the Income Maintenance Period Summary (IMPS) screens, however, staff should discuss with the customer any updates needed to their assets due to the change of circumstances. Deeming applies to financial assets.