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Quarterly Supplement 108-08030000

From 20 March 2017, Energy Supplement grandfathering arrangements apply for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) holders. Only CSHC holders who are grandfathered for Energy Supplement will receive the payment from 20 March 2017 onwards.

This document outlines the quarterly supplement for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) holders.

Payment of quarterly supplement

The quarterly payment is made up of Energy Supplement. From 20 March 2017, Energy Supplement will only be paid to CSHC holders who are grandfathered. For more information about grandfathering for Energy Supplement, see Energy Supplement for CSHC holders.

Eligible CSHC holders who are grandfathered for Energy Supplement, have provided payment destination details and have not asked to stop quarterly supplement will get quarterly supplement payments on 20 March, 20 June, 20 September, and 20 December each year.

If the customer ceases to be a CSHC holder before the next payment date, any residual supplements are paid on cancellation.

The quarterly supplement is:

  • An arrears payment calculated on a daily rate based on the customer's marital status (single or partnered)
  • Paid each quarter on or shortly after the test days of 20 March, 20 June, 20 September and 20 December. A quarter commences on a test day and ends the day before the next test day. Payments are usually made within a few days after the test day
  • A non-taxable payment
  • Not means-tested, so each grandfathered CSHC holder receives the relevant amount in full
  • An optional payment. Customers not wishing to be paid quarterly supplement can decline the payment at any time
  • Portable, for more information see portability of add-ons

The quarterly supplement is only payable to a bank account and is not paid by cheque, in accordance with section 1061UA of the Social Security Act 1991. See the References page for a link.

Quarterly supplement historical information

The Seniors Supplement payment (SSP) was introduced from 20 September 2009 to replace Seniors Concession Allowance (SCA) and Telephone Allowance (TAL) for CSHC holders. The Seniors Supplement payment was abolished from 20 June 2015.

Before 20 June 2015, the Energy Supplement was automatically paid to CSHC holders who elected to receive Seniors Supplement payment (SSP). If a CSHC holder declined the SSP, they would not have received Energy Supplement.

Since 20 June 2015, the quarterly supplement's only component is Energy Supplement.

Energy Supplement will no longer be paid from 20 March 2017 to CSHC holders who do not meet the grandfathering provisions. Grandfathering rules will determine a CSHC holder's ongoing entitlement to Energy Supplement from 20 March 2017.

Delivery of quarterly supplement and payment nominee

For customers with a payment nominee, the nominee's bank account details must be coded for the quarterly supplement to be paid.

There are two possible scenarios:

  • The customer has a new payment nominee arrangement and quarterly supplement payment has not been received, or
  • The customer has a payment nominee and the quarterly supplement has been paid by cheque

In both scenarios, to be paid correctly:

  • The payment nominee arrangement must be cancelled
  • Nominee bank account details must be recorded
  • The nominee arrangement must be manually reinstated for the quarterly supplement (and any arrears) to be paid

Rate of quarterly supplement payment

The quarterly supplement is calculated on a daily rate. The daily rate is calculated by dividing the annual rate by 364.

Quarterly supplement may vary because it is calculated by the daily rate multiplied by the number of days in the quarter. Test days are included in the next quarter, for example, for the December quarterly supplement, the first day of the quarter is 20 September and the last day is 19 December.

The rate of quarterly supplement is based on marital status:

  • Partnered rate applies whether or not the customer's partner receives a payment or holds a CSHC. The rate may be affected by changes to the partner's circumstances such as illness separation.
  • Single rate applies to customers who are:
    • Not a member of a couple
    • A member of an illness separated couple
    • A member of a psychological care separated couple
    • A member of a respite care couple, or
    • Partnered and their partner is in gaol

Cancellation of CSHC and quarterly supplement

Customers who have their CSHC cancelled are paid out their accumulated quarterly supplement on cancellation. Customers moving from CSHC to any pension or from any pension to CSHC, will be paid their accumulated CSHC quarterly supplement or pension supplement on transfer.

As a result of immediate payment of all monies due on transfer, there should not be any circumstances where dual payments are made.

Upon cancellation of CSHC, the accumulated rate is the daily rate multiplied by the number of days the customer is entitled to up to but not including the cancellation date. For example, if a customer's CSHC is cancelled on 25 September, they would have accumulated five days of payment (20-24 September).

Note: cancellation of CSHC after 19 September 2016 will result in the loss of grandfathering for Energy Supplement.

The Resources page contains a link to Office Locator.


Suppression of quarterly supplement

Rates and thresholds

Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC)

Energy Supplement

Energy Supplement for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders

Quarterly supplement overseas absences

Portability of Add-ons

Completing Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) clearances and income coding

Changes in a customer's circumstances and effect on concession card entitlement