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Adding shares and securities 108-19092749

This document explains information about the assessment of public company shares and listed securities either owned by a customer or owned by an entity such as a private trust or company.

Staff trained in Process Direct select the Process Direct tab. Staff not trained, select Customer First.

Process Direct

On this tab:

Information needed for new shares or listed securities

Keying new shares or listed securities

Keying new shares or securities held in unlisted public companies

Information needed for new shares or listed securities

Table 1




Customer contact + Read more ...

Check the Securities and Investments Summary (SIS) screen

Is the product to be updated already recorded including zero balances?


Update includes other income and/or assets + Read more ...

Is the customer making multiple income and asset updates:


New Shares purchased + Read more ...

If the customer is advising of new shares or listed securities, check whether these have been purchased as they may have been part of an estate or gifted. If they have been purchased, it may be necessary to obtain further documents, such as a bank account statement, and update other financial assets.

For information about how to decide what the investment is, see the Resources page.

If the update is for:

  • shares in a public company listed in Australia, including listed property trusts, go to Step 4
  • shares in a listed Australian public company not listed on ASX, go to Step 5
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), go to Step 6
  • shares in an unlisted Australian public company, go to Step 7
  • shares in an overseas public company, go to Step 9
  • a warrant or option, go to Step 13
  • member shares in an Australian Credit Union or Building Society, go to Step 15
  • shares in a private company either Australian or overseas, go to Step 16


Shares in a public company listed in Australia + Read more ...

No documents are needed if the customer can advise:

  • ASX code
  • total number of shares
  • the percentage owned by the customer and their partner
  • the date the shares were purchased or acquired

Has all the information needed to record the shares been provided?

  • Yes:
    • go to SIS screen in the Super Key field and select the Adding a new line symbol next to the Shares summary listed securities (SILS) line
    • this will open Create Shares Summary Listed Securities box
    • in the field ASX Code, select the Browse key
    • Search for the shares by:
      ASX code as advised by the customer or
      Company name
    • if located, the Listed Securities (SILS) screen will open, select the correct shares from the listing displayed, see Table 2, Step 1
    • if not located, go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 17


Listed Australian public company shares not on ASX + Read more ...

Check the FINS bulletin for a link to the National Stock Exchange of Australia as the share may be listed on this stock exchange.

Can the share be found?

  • Yes, code on Shares Summary Unlisted Securities (SIUS) screen:
    • key 'SIS' in the Super Key field
    • select the Adding a new line symbol next to the SIUS line
    • see Table 3, Step 1
  • No, if share is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), go to Step 6
    • if not an ETF, obtain the latest holding statement and submit an online enquiry to the FINS Helpdesk who will advise how to assess
    • place the transaction on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • When FINS Helpdesk advise on how to assess the shares, see Table 2, Step 1.


Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) + Read more ...

ETFs are traded on the ASX, but unlike shares (which focus on one company), an ETF tracks an index, a commodity, bonds, or a basket of securities. Some of these can be located in the same way as ordinary shares:

  • key 'SIS' in the Super Key field and select the Adding a new linesymbol next to the Shares summary listed securities (SILS) line
  • this will open Create Shares Summary Listed Securities box
  • in the field ASX Code, select the Browse key
  • Search for the shares by:
    • ASX code as advised by the customer, or
    • Company name

Can the ETF be located by searching for the name or ASX code?



  • Go to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in the FINS Bulletin for links to the ASX website for current prices
  • Open the SIUS screen by selecting Adding a new lineand follow the instructions in the FINS Bulletin for recording ETFs
  • Obtain share price as of Event Date:
    • for a new claim, code the claim date, unless the customer has a partner who is current on income support or low-income card. Note: for early claims use the claim lodgement date if this is within 13 weeks of qualification date
    • for a change in circumstances, settlement date, the date the payment is made for the trade and when ownership is transferred. For social security purposes, use the settlement date (as this is the date legal ownership transfers) as the date of purchase, and date of event
  • Procedure ends here


Unlisted Australian public company shares + Read more ...

Is the share value less than 12 months old?

  • Yes, key 'SIS' in the Super Key field and select the Adding a new linesymbol next to the Shares summary unlisted listed securities (SIUS) line. See Table 3, Step 1
  • No, go to Step 8


More information needed for unlisted Australian public company shares + Read more ...

Ask the customer what information they have. If they do not have everything needed or the information is greater than 12 months old, check if getting the extra documents will be a cost to them. If there will be a cost, consider contacting the company accountant for the details.

Get the following information:

  • Company, name of the company or cooperative
  • Product, name of security/share/product
  • Type, for example, ordinary shares
  • % Owned C/P, the % owned by the customer and their partner
  • Event Date, the date when a change occurred to this security
  • Holding Statement or Buy Contract

The customer should also provide all of the following documents:

  • latest Annual General Report including asset and liability information of the company
  • if relevant, evidence that a market exists for a company's shares
  • the director's report for at least the most recent financial year (this may be included in the Annual General Report)

Is the required information available?

  • Yes, code the details:
    • Where a market exists, use the market value
    • Otherwise, use the Net asset backing method to calculate the share value i.e. Net asset value of the company (from the balance sheet) divided by the total number of shares issued by the company). This equals the value per share. Multiply the value per share by the number of shares owned by the customer = total share value owned by the customer
    • Key the unlisted public company details on the SIUS screen, see Table 3, Step 1
    • If needed, submit an online query to the FINS helpdesk for help
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 17 to issue a QSS32 questionnaire asking for the information listed above and record a DOC/Fastnote with the details of what was requested.


Shares in an overseas public company + Read more ...

Ask the customer for a copy of any share documents which should include:

  • the full name of the company/share
  • the country in which it is listed, and
  • the stock exchange code and/or ISIN (International Securities Identification Number)

Does the customer own partial shares in an overseas public company?

  • Yes, go to Step 10
  • No, search Shares Summary Listed Securities (SIL) screen and check the FINS Bulletin


Partial Shares in an overseas public company + Read more ...

Partial shares are unable to be coded on the system.

Are the partial shares part of a share portfolio?

  • Yes, code the total value of the share portfolio on SIUS screen by selecting Adding a new line. See Table 3, Step 1
  • No:
    • The partial share is a single share. Submit an online enquiry to contact the FINS helpdesk
    • Place the transaction on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • Once the response is received, the FINS helpdesk will advise how to assess the shares. See Table 3, Step 1


Overseas public company code available from FINS Bulletin + Read more ...

Has all the information needed to key the investment product been provided?

  • Yes:
    • Key SIS in the Super Key field and select the Adding a new line symbol next to the Shares summary listed securities (SILS) line
    • this will open Create Shares Summary Listed Securities box
    • in the field ASX Code, select the Browse key
    • Search for the shares by:
    • Foreign Id Code as found on the FINS Bulletin
    • Company name, or
    • Country Code
    • The Listed Securities (SILS) screen will open. Select the correct shares from the listing displayed. See Table 2, Step 1
  • No, go to Step 17


Overseas public company code not found on the SIS screen + Read more ...

The following information is needed:

  • full name of the company
  • name of security/share/product
  • the % owned by the customer and their partner
  • the date when a change occurred to this security
  • investment country
  • currency
  • number of shares owned by the customer and their partner
  • asset value

Is all the information available?

  • Yes:
    • Submit and only enquiry to the FINS Helpdesk who will advise when the share is recorded on the SIN database
    • Place the transaction on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • When FINS Helpdesk advise how to assess the shares, go to Step 11
  • No, go to Step 17


Warrants or Options + Read more ...

Warrants or options are specialised securities, which are listed on the ASX with a 6 character code (rather than the usual 3).

The CHESS Statement/share certificate is required for updates and must include:

  • Name of the company or cooperative
  • Name of security/share/product
  • Expiry date

Warrants and Options in Overseas listed companies will also need:

  • Investment Country
  • Currency
  • Exchange Rate
  • Total Asset Value

Note: further information on Warrants and Options is available in the FINS Bulletin.

Has the customer provided the documents needed?


Determine the current value of the option or warrant + Read more ...

Can the warrant or option be found on the ASX website?

  • Yes:
    • warrants or options are not available in the system (they have a limited lifespan), and will need to be coded on the SIUS screen
    • see Table 3, Step 1
  • No:
    • Submit an online enquiry to the FINS Helpdesk for help in calculating the value of the option or warrant
    • Place the transaction on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • When FINS Helpdesk advise how to assess the option or warrant, see Table 3, Step 1


Credit union and building society member shares + Read more ...

The financial institution sets the value of the shares. The amount is usually very small and while they are an assessable financial asset, they will have little or no impact on the customer's rate of payment.

The asset value will show on the Savings Summary (SVS) screen as the actual cost, and assessed as a financial asset. Deeming provisions for income purposes will apply.

No action is needed if member shares are recorded on the SVDI screen and the account(s) is still open. If the member shares are coded on the SIUS screen then they must be zeroed out and recorded on the SVDI screen.

Update the share values to zero if the credit union or building society accounts are closed (do not delete them).

If the customer advises they own a credit union or building society member share and the share is identified as having an asset value, key this information on the Savings and Direct Investment (SVDI) screen. In the following fields:

  • key 'SVS' in the Super Key field and select the Adding a new linesymbol next to the Direct Investment Account (SVDI) line
  • this will open Create Direct Investment Account box
  • Investment Type Code: Direct investment
  • Investment Name: Name of credit union
  • Investment Date: this is an optional field and can be left blank
  • Account number: mbrshare
  • Customer/Partner Owned %: key the percentage owned by the customer and their partner
  • Event date: enter the date the asset should be assessed from (this can be date of claim or date of change)
  • Balance Amount: value of shares held

If presented, complete the Receipt Date and Channel box :

  • Receipt Date: key the date the information was provided or contact made by the customer (whichever is the earliest)
  • Channel: key the method by which the information was received e.g. web, phone or personal

See Table 2, Step 2.


Shares in a private company - refer to Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) + Read more ...

All shares owned in a private company must be assessed by a CAO.

Check the customer has provided the documents required to assess a private company.

Is all of the information available?


Documents and information needed from customer + Read more ...

Tell the customer all information is needed before any change can be made to make sure they get the correct entitlement:

  • Request the information and forms required and allow extra days for mail delivery
  • DOC the record with what has been requested

Procedure ends here until documents returned.

Keying new shares or listed securities

Table 2




Keying the SILS screen + Read more ...

Using the information provided, key SIS in the Super Key field and select the Adding a new line symbol next to the Shares summary listed securities (SILS) line:

  • this will open Create Shares Summary Listed Securities box
  • select Browse then search for the company using the ASX code, Foreign Product ID or Company name (if ASX code is not known)
  • check for messages in the comments field (such as delisted details or name change)
  • select the correct share type from the list presented (this will usually be Ordinary Fully Paid)

On the:

  • Event Date: key the appropriate date of event. When buying or selling shares there is a trade date (the date that the transaction happens on the market) and settlement date (the date the payment is made for the trade and when ownership is transferred)
    • For social security purposes, use the settlement date (as this is the date legal ownership transfers) as the date of purchase, and date of event
    • For a new claim, code the claim date, unless the customer has a partner who is current on income support or low-income card. Note: for early claims use the claim lodgement date if this is within 13 weeks of qualification date
  • Number of Shares: key the total number of shares held
  • Customer Owned %: the customer’s share of ownership of the asset
  • Partner Owned %: the partner’s share of ownership of the asset
  • Loan/Encumbrance amount $:
    • If applicable, key the balance of the loan/encumbrance which is deductible from the investment value. See Loans and liabilities against assets
    • Do not key margin loans here. See the FINS Bulletin which has information about margin loans, including the pseudo code for a number of margin loan products
    • For sales of the former home finalised before 1 January 2023, this field includes the exempt amount from the sale of the former home that the customer intends to spend on their new home
  • New home deduction amount $: if applicable, code the exempt amount from the sale of the former home that the customer intends to spend on their new home for sales finalised on/after 1 January 2023. See Selling a home
  • Acquisition Date: this is the date the shares were purchased or acquired (same as settlement date). However, this field does not have to be coded. This is a historical field. Do not send a RFI letter requesting the date of acquisition
  • Rural Exempt: only key if the listed securities are exempt for rural payments. Shares may be exempt if they are essential to the running of the farm and the business. Select:
    • ASS - if investment is exempt from the asset test. For example, for superannuation if the fund is in the accumulation phase
    • BTH - if both asset and deemed income is exempt
    • NOT - if neither asset value or deemed income is exempt

Select Save.

Does the error - Delisted or deleted securities cannot be selected display?

  • Yes:
    • If the customer is present, read the message to them. They may have more information
    • Otherwise, check the delisted/suspended page on the FINS bulletin
    • If not on FINS bulletin submit an online enquiry to the FINS Helpdesk for coding assistance
    • Place the transaction on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • Follow the advice from the FINS Helpdesk to key the shares
  • No, continue with update:
    • Enter Receipt Date and select Channel
  • If more updates are:
    needed, do them in the same transaction. When completed, go to Step 2
    not needed, go to Step 2


Finalising the process + Read more ...

  • Select Assess
  • Check the outcome on Entitlements (ELD) and select Finish
  • Add any extra details to the Finalise Note
  • Select Finalise to complete the transaction

Keying new shares or securities held in unlisted public companies

Table 3




Keying the SIUS screen + Read more ...

Using the information provided key SIS in the Super Key field and select the Adding a new linesymbol next to the Shares summary unlisted securities (SIUS) line:

  • This will open Create Shares Summary Unlisted Securities box
  • Share name: key name of the unlisted company or cooperative. Include the ASX code (or International Securities Identifying Number (ISIN) for a foreign company) if available
  • Share type: select the type of unlisted security/share. For unlisted Australian shares, select Australian Shares. For unlisted overseas shares, select Unlisted Overseas Shares and:
    • Country code: select the 2 letter code for the country in which the investment was made from the dropdown box
    • Currency code: key 3 letter code for the currency in which the investment was made. Use field help '?' to find code
    • Exchange Rate, key exchange rate to be applied to the investment.
  • Detail text: key the total number and type of shares (e.g. 150 ordinary shares)
  • Event Date: key the appropriate date of event. When buying or selling shares there is a trade date (the date that the transaction happens on the market) and settlement date (the date the payment is made for the trade and when ownership is transferred). For social security purposes, use the settlement date (as this is the date legal ownership transfers) as the date of purchase, and date of event
    • For new claims, the event date is the commencement date of the claim, unless the customer has a partner who is current on income support or low-income card. Note: for early claims use the claim lodgement date if this is within 13 weeks of qualification date
    • For MFU activities, the event date is the date the MFU review is being completed
  • Asset amount: key the asset value of the investment (current number of shares multiplied by current price of shares). For foreign shares, use the share price provided by FINS Helpdesk
  • Customer Owned %: the customer's share of ownership of the asset
  • Partner Owned %: the partner's share of ownership of the asset
  • Rural exempt code: only key if the listed securities are exempt for rural payments. Shares may be exempt if they are essential to the running of the farm and the business. Select:
    • ASS - if investment is exempt from the asset test. For example, for superannuation if the fund is in the accumulation phase
    • BTH - if both asset and deemed income is exempt
    • NOT - if neither asset value or deemed income is exempt
  • Annual Income: If the investment is:
    • exempt from deeming, key the actual annual income from the investment
    • included in deeming, leave blank
  • New home deduction amount $: if applicable, code the exempt amount from the sale of the former home that the customer intends to spend on their new home for sales finalised on/after 1 January 2023. See Selling a home. Note: there is currently no field to record loans or pre 1 January 2023 sale proceeds for unlisted shares. If the customer has a loan against their unlisted shares or sold their former home prior to 1 January 2023 and invested some or all of the sale proceeds into unlisted shares:
    • code the investment on SVDI as a ‘Direct Investment’, and
    • record the applicable deduction amount in the Loan/Encumbrance amount $: field
  • Deeming Exempt: key 'Y' if the investment is exempt from the deeming rules
  • Assessed by CAO: key 'Y' if the investment is assessed by the CAO

Select Save.

Enter Receipt Date and select Channel.

Go to Step 2.


Finalising the process + Read more ...

  • Select Assess
  • Check the outcome on Entitlements (ELD) and select Finish
  • Add any extra details to the Finalise Note
  • Select Finalise to complete the transaction

Is the investment a warrant or option?


Review needed for warrant or option + Read more ...

The exercise (or expiry) date is when the warrant or option is either:

  • converted to shares, or
  • allowed to lapse

A review is needed to check that the customer has advised about the disposal or purchase of actual shares backing the option or warrant.

  • Check the exercise (or expiry) date. It will be on the customer's documents or if the underlying shares are listed on the ASX, then check the ASX website
  • In Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: customer's payment type
    • Review Reason: INV
    • Due Date: exercise or expiry date as per customer's documents or ASX website
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: '<insert warrant or option> due to exercise/expiry xx/xx/xxxx. Check if customer has advised about the disposal/purchase of actual shares backing the option or warrant. Return to OB 108-19092749 to action.'
    • Keywords: SHAREEXP
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Procedure ends here.

Customer First

On this tab:

Information needed for new shares or listed securities

Keying new shares or listed securities

Keying new shares or securities held in unlisted public companies

Information needed for new shares or listed securities

Table 1




Customer contact + Read more ...

Check the Securities and Investments Summary (SIS) screen.

Is the product to be updated already recorded including zero balances?


Update includes other income and/or assets + Read more ...

Is the customer making multiple income and asset updates:


New Shares purchased + Read more ...

If the customer is advising of new shares or listed securities check whether these have been purchased, as they may have been part of an estate or gifted. If they have been purchased, it may be necessary to obtain further documents, such as a bank account statement, and update other financial assets.

For information about how to decide what the investment is, see the Resources page.

If the update is for:

  • shares in a public company listed in Australia, including listed property trusts, go to Step 4
  • shares in a listed Australian public company not on ASX go to Step 5
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), go to Step 6
  • shares in an unlisted Australian public company, go to Step 7
  • shares in an overseas public company, go to Step 9
  • a warrant or option, go to Step 13
  • member shares in an Australian Credit Union or Building Society, go to Step 15
  • shares in a private company either Australian or overseas, go to Step 16


Check whether the shares in a public company listed in Australia are available to code + Read more ...

No documents are needed if the customer can advise:

  • ASX code
  • total number of shares
  • the percentage owned by the customer and their partner
  • the date the shares were purchased or acquired

Has all the information needed to key the investment product been provided?

  • Yes:
    • Go to the SIP screen
    • Search for the shares by ASX code in the ASX/Foreign Product ID field or by Company name
    • Select Continue
    • If located, the Listed Securities (SILS) screen will open. Select the correct shares from the listing displayed
    • See Table 2, Step 1
    • If not located, go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 17


Listed Australian public company shares not on ASX + Read more ...

Check the FINS bulletin for a link to the National Stock Exchange of Australia (NSX) as the share may be listed on this stock exchange.

Can the share be found?

  • Yes, code on Shares Summary Unlisted Securities (SIUS) screen (navigate from the SIS screen), See Table 3, Step 1
  • No:
    • If share is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), go to Step 6
    • If not an ETF, obtain the latest holding statement submit an online enquiry to the FINS Helpdesk who will advise how to assess
    • Place the activity on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • When FINS Helpdesk advise on how to assess the shares, see Table 2, Step 1


Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) + Read more ...

ETFs are traded on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), but unlike shares (which focus on one company), an ETF tracks an index, a commodity, bonds, or a basket of securities. Some of these can be located the same way as ordinary shares.

  • Go to the SIP screen
  • Search for the ETF by ASX code in the ASX/Foreign Product ID: field or by Company name
  • Select Continue

Is the ETF available to code on the SIP screen?



  • Go to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in FINS Bulletin for links to the ASX website for current prices
  • Go to SIUS screen and follow the instructions in the FINS Bulletin for recording ETFs
  • Obtain share price as of Event Date:
    • for a new claim, code the claim date, unless the customer has a partner who is current on income support or low income card. Note: for early claims use the claim lodgement date if this is within 13 weeks of qualification date
    • for a change in circumstances, settlement date, the date the payment is made for the trade and when ownership is transferred. For social security purposes, use the settlement date (as this is the date legal ownership transfers) as the date of purchase, and date of event
  • Procedure ends here


Unlisted Australian public company shares + Read more ...

Is the current share price less than 12 months old?

Are the unlisted Australian company shares in the FINS Bulletin?

  • Yes, enter the unlisted public company information on the SIUS screen (navigate from the SIS screen). See Table 3, Step 1
  • No, go to Step 8


More information needed for unlisted Australian public company shares + Read more ...

Ask the customer what information they have. If they do not have everything needed or the information is more than 12 months old, check if getting the extra documents will be a cost to them. If there will be a cost, consider contacting the company accountant for the details.

Get the following information:

  • Company, name of the company or cooperative
  • Product, name of security/share/product
  • Type, for example, ordinary shares
  • % Owned C/P, the % owned by the customer and their partner
  • Event Date, the date when a change occurred to this security
  • Holding Statement or Buy Contract

The customer should also provide all of the following documents:

  • Latest Annual General Report including asset and liability information of the company
  • if relevant, evidence that a market exists for a company's shares
  • the director's report for at least the most recent financial year (this may be included in the Annual General Report)

Is the required information available?

  • Yes, code the details:
    • Where a market exists, use the market value
    • Otherwise use the Net asset backing method to calculate the share value, i.e. Net asset value of the company (from the balance sheet) divided by the total number of shares issued by the company. This equals the value per share. Multiply the value per share by the number of shares owned by the customer = total share value owned by the customer
    • Key the unlisted public company information on the SIUS screen, see Table 3, Step 1
    • If needed, submit an online enquiry to the FINS Helpdesk for help
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 17 to issue a QSS32 questionnaire asking for the information listed above and record a DOC/Fastnote with details of what was requested


Shares in an overseas public company + Read more ...

Ask the customer for a copy of any share documents which should include:

  • the full name of the company/share
  • the country in which it is listed, and
  • the stock exchange code and/or ISIN (International Securities Identification Number)

Does the customer own partial shares in an overseas public company?


Partial Shares in an overseas public company + Read more ...

Partial shares are unable to be coded on the system.

Are the partial shares part of a share portfolio?

  • Yes, code the total value of the share portfolio on SIUS screen (navigate from the SIS screen). See Table 3, Step 1
  • No:
    • The partial share is a single share, submit an online enquiry to contact the FINS helpdesk
    • Place the transaction on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • Once the response is received, the FINS helpdesk will advise how to assess the shares. See Table 3, Step 1


Overseas public company code available from FINS Bulletin + Read more ...

Has all the information needed to key the investment product been provided?

  • Yes,
    • Go to the SIP screen
    • Search for the shares using the Foreign Product ID
    • Select Continue
    • The Listed Securities (SILS) screen will open
    • See Table 2, Step 1
  • No, go to Step 17


Overseas public companies not found on the SIP screen + Read more ...

The following information is needed:

  • full name of the company
  • name of security/share/product
  • the % owned by the customer and their partner
  • the date when a change occurred to this security
  • investment country
  • currency
  • number of shares owned by the customer and their partner
  • asset value

Is all the information available?

  • Yes:
    • Submit and online enquiry to the FINS Helpdesk who will advise when the share is recorded on the SIN database
    • Place the activity on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • When FINS Helpdesk advise how to assess the shares, go to Step 11
  • No, go to Step 17


Warrants or Options + Read more ...

A warrant or option are specialised securities, which are listed on the ASX with 6 characters (rather than the usual 3).

The CHESS Statement/share certificate is required for updates and must include:

  • Name of the company or cooperative
  • Name of security/share/product
  • Expiry date

Warrants and Options in Overseas listed companies will also need:

  • Investment Country
  • Currency
  • Exchange Rate
  • Total Asset Value

Note: further information on Warrants and Options is available in the FINS Bulletin

Has the customer provided the documents needed?


Determine the current value of the option or warrant + Read more ...

Can the warrant or option be found on the ASX website?

  • Yes,
    • Warrants and options are not available in the system (they have a limited lifespan. They will need to be coded on the SIUS screen
    • see Table 3, Step 1
  • No,
    • Submit an online enquiry to contact the FINS Helpdesk for help in calculating the value of the option or warrant
    • Place the transaction on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • When FINS Helpdesk advise how to assess the option or warrant, see Table 3, Step 1


Credit union and building society member shares + Read more ...

The financial institution sets the value of the shares. The amount is usually very small and while they are an assessable financial asset, they will have little or no impact on the customer's rate of payment.

The asset value will show on the Savings Summary (SVS) screen as the actual cost and assessed as a financial asset. Deeming provisions for income purposes will apply.

No action is needed if member shares are recorded on the SVDI screen and the account(s) is still open. If the member shares are coded on the SIUS screen, they must be zeroed and recorded on the SVDI screen.

Update the share values to zero if the credit union or building society accounts are closed (do not delete them).

If the customer advises they own a credit union or building society member share and the share is identified as having an asset value, key this information on the Savings and Direct Investment (SVDI) screen. In the following fields:

  • Investment Name: name of the credit union
  • Account number: mbrshare
  • Type: select 'OTH'
  • Balance: value of the shares held
  • Investment/Loan Closed: N
  • Interest % and Non FI Deprvd Income: leave blank
  • % Owned C/P: key the percentage owned by the customer and their partner
  • Event Date: enter the date the asset should be assessed from (this can be date of claim or date of change)
  • Source: key source of the information
  • DOR: key the date the information was received

See Table 2, Step 2.


Shares in a private company - refer to Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) + Read more ...

All shares owned in a private company must be assessed by a CAO.

Check the customer has provided the documents required to assess a private company.

Is all of the information available?


Documents and information needed from customer + Read more ...

Tell the customer all information is needed before any change can be made to make sure they get the correct entitlement:

  • Request the information and forms required and allow extra days for mail delivery
  • DOC the record with what has been requested

Procedure ends here until documents returned.

Keying new shares or listed securities

Table 2




Keying the SILS screen + Read more ...

Using the information provided:

  • search for the share or security by ASX code, Foreign Product ID or company name (if ASX code is not known)
  • check for messages in the comments field (such as delisted details or name change)
  • select the correct share type from the list presented

Does the error Delisted or deleted securities cannot be selected display?

  • Yes:
    • If the customer is present, read the message to them. They may have more information
    • Otherwise, submit an online enquiry to the FINS Helpdesk for coding assistance
    • Place the transaction on hold for 7 days, pending the response
    • Follow the advice from the FINS Helpdesk to key the shares
  • No, code the following:
  • Total Number of Shares, key the total number of shares held
  • % Owned C/P: key the percentage owned by the customer and their partner
  • Event Date, key the appropriate date of event. When buying or selling shares there is a trade date, the date that the transaction happens on the market, and settlement date, the date the payment is made for the trade and when ownership is transferred. For social security purposes, use the settlement date (as this is the date legal ownership transfers) as the date of purchase, and date of event
    for new claims, the event date is the commencement date of the claim, unless the customer has a partner who is current on income support or low-income card. Note: for early claims use the claim lodgement date if this is within 13 weeks of qualification date
  • Loan/Encumbrance amount $:
    if applicable key the balance of the loan/encumbrance which is deductible from the investment value. See Loans and liabilities against assets
    Do not key margin loans here. Go to the FINS Bulletin, which has information about margin loans including the pseudo key for a number of margin loan products
    For sales of the former home finalised before 1 January 2023, this field includes the exempt amount from the sale of the former home that the customer intends to spend on their new home
  • New home deduction amount $: if applicable, code the exempt amount from the sale of the former home that the customer intends to spend on their new home for sales finalised on/after 1 January 2023. See Sale of principal home
  • Acquisition Date, this is the date the shares were purchased or acquired (same as settlement date). However, this field does not have to be coded. This is a historical field. Do not send a RFI letter requesting the date of acquisition
  • Rural Exempt, only key if the listed securities are exempt for rural payments. Shares may be exempt if they are essential to the running of the farm and the business. Select:
    ASS - if investment is exempt from the asset test. For example, for superannuation if the fund is in the accumulation phase
    BTH - if both asset and deemed income is exempt
    NOT - if neither asset value or deemed income is exempt’
  • Source: key source of the information
  • DOR: key the date the information was received

If more updates are needed, do them in the same activity. When completed, go to Step 2

If no further updates are needed, go to Step 2


Complete the activity + Read more ...

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Finalise the activity
  • Record the details of the updates on a DOC

Keying new shares or securities held in unlisted public companies

Table 3




Keying the SIUS screen + Read more ...

Using the information provided:

  • Company: key name of the unlisted company or cooperative. Include the ASX code (or International Securities Identifying Number (ISIN) for a foreign company) if available
  • Product: key the type of security and number of shares held
  • Type: select the type of unlisted security/share. For unlisted Australian shares, select US. For unlisted overseas shares, select OS and:
    • Investment Ctry: key 2 letter code for the country in which the investment was made. Use field help '?' to find code
    • Currency: key 3 letter code for the currency in which the investment was made. Use field help '?' to find code
    • Exchange Rate: key exchange rate to be applied to the investment
  • Total Asset Value, key the asset value of the investment (current number of shares multiplied by current price of shares). For foreign shares, use the share price from FINS Helpdesk
  • Annual Income: If the investment is:
    • exempt from deeming, key the actual annual income from the investment
    • included in deeming, leave blank
    • % Owned C/P: key the percentage owned by the customer and their partner
  • Event Date: the date the unlisted security was purchased or acquired. When buying or selling shares there is:
    • the trade date, date that the transaction happens on the market
    • the settlement date, date the payment is made for the trade and when ownership is transferred. For social security purposes use the settlement date (as this is the date legal ownership transfers) as the date of purchase and date of event
    • for new claims the event date is the commencement date of the claim, unless the customer has a partner who is current on income support or low income card. Note: for early claims use the claim lodgement date if this is within 13 weeks of qualification date
    • for MFU activities, the event date is the date the MFU review is being completed
  • Deeming Exempt, key 'Y' if the investment is exempt from the deeming rules
  • Assessed by CAO, key 'Y' if the investment is assessed by the CAO
  • Rural Exempt: only key if the listed securities are exempt for rural payments. Shares may be exempt if they are essential to the running of the farm and the business. Select:
    • ASS - if investment is exempt from the asset test. For example, for superannuation if the fund is in the accumulation phase
    • BTH - if both asset and deemed income is exempt
    • NOT - if neither asset value or deemed income is exempt
  • New home deduction amount $: If applicable, code the exempt amount from the sale of the former home that the customer intends to spend on their new home for sales finalised on/after 1 January 2023. See Sale of principal home
    • There is no field to record loans or pre 1 January 2023 sale proceeds for unlisted shares. If the customer has a loan against their unlisted shares or sold their former home prior to 1 January 2023 and invested some or all of the sale proceeds into unlisted shares:
      code the investment on SVDI screen as type 'Other', and
      record the applicable deduction amount in the Loan/Encumbrance amount $: field
  • Source: key the source of the information
  • DOR: key the date the information was received

Go to Step 2.


Complete the activity + Read more ...

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Finalise the activity
  • Record the details of the update on a DOC

Is the investment a warrant or option?


Review needed for warrant or option + Read more ...

The exercise (or expiry) date is when the warrant or option is either:

  • converted to shares, or
  • allowed to lapse

A review is needed to check that the customer has advised about the disposal or purchase of actual shares backing the option or warrant:

  • check the exercise (or expiry) date. It will be on the customer's documents or if the underlying shares are listed on the ASX then check the ASX website
  • in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:
    • Service Reason: customer's payment type
    • Review Reason: INV
    • Due Date: exercise or expiry date as per customer’s documents or ASX website
    • Source: INT
    • Date of Receipt: today's date
    • Notes: '<insert warrant or option> due to exercise/expiry xx/xx/xxxx. Check if customer has advised about the disposal/purchase of actual shares backing the option or warrant. Return to OB 108-19092749 to action.'
    • Keywords: SHAREEXP
    • Workgroup: leave blank
    • Position: leave blank
    • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

Procedure ends here.