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Historical recording and correcting employment income details (prior to 07/12/2020) 108-22063045

This document specifically concerns recording employment income earned before the 7 December 2020 Changing the Social Security Income Assessment Model (CAM) changes. Before 7 December 2020, employment income was assessed under the earned income model.

On this page:

Initial assessment of employment income

Recording employment income details

Ceasing or converting continuous income recorded before 7 December 2020

Foreign employment income coding before 7 December 2020

Initial assessment of employment income

Table 1




Customer's circumstances + Read more ...

Is employment income earned before 7 December 2020 being recorded or corrected?


Has the customer provided sufficient information? + Read more ...

To correctly record employment income for customer and/or partner the following information is required:

  • Gross amount earned
    • This is the gross amount earned before tax and other deductions are taken out
    • This is the amount actually earned during the entitlement period
    • Do not use amounts from the customer’s payslip unless it is for the exact same period as the entitlement period
  • Period over which gross amount is earned (that is, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, etc.)
  • Pay frequency
  • If applicable and required, hours worked within the reporting period

Note: If the employment income actually earned during the entitlement period cannot be determined, and the assessment is not related to a debt or compliance activity, contact the Income Support Means Test team

Go to Step 3.


Customer's circumstances continued + Read more ...

  • If foreign employment income is being recorded, go to Table 4
  • For all other employment income updates, go to Table 2

Recording employment income details

Table 2




Type of update to be undertaken + Read more ...

Is a correction to previously recorded employment income required?


Verifying a correction to employment income + Read more ...

Verification for correction of employment income details should only be requested where the details were previously updated during a review or data matching. If the customer is providing an update to an amount they or their partner had previously advised, then it can be updated without verification.

If verification is required for the correction, no changes should be made until the evidence is provided.


Correcting employment income + Read more ...

Process Direct:

  • Identify the employer on the EAN/EANS screen that requires correction
  • Open the twisty to display the confirmed details on the EAN table
  • To make the necessary changes, edit the existing information
  • Record the reason for correcting the existing information in the Change Reason field
  • Once a confirmed entry has been corrected or deleted, the overwritten data will not be visible in Process Direct
  • Only delete information if it has been recorded in error

Customer First:

  • Identify the employer on the EANS screen that requires correction
  • To view the employer earnings information that requires correction, click the selection box to highlight the employer details line
  • Once the employer is highlighted, select Employment Income Details (EAN)
  • To make the necessary changes, edit the existing information by selecting the date(s) to be edited and typing over the existing details
  • Record the reason for correcting the existing information in the Change Reason field
  • Only delete information if it has been recorded in error

For assistance with coding the correct employment income details on the EAN screen, go to Step 6.


Code employment income + Read more ...

Is the employer already recorded?

  • Yes,
    • Select the relevant employer from the list in Customer First or expand the relevant employer details in Process Direct
    • Employer details, for example, Business Name or ABN, can be updated if required, by either selecting Edit and correcting existing entries in Process Direct or by typing over existing details on the EAN screen in Customer First
    • Go to Step 6
  • No, go to Step 5


Coding a new employer + Read more ...

If using Customer First, go to the EAN screen to add a new employer. Complete the below fields:

If using Process Direct, on the EAN/EANS screen, select Add New Row. The Create Earnings table will present. Complete the below fields:

  • Type of Employment Income: this field is used to record the type of employment income being recorded. If the customer earns different income types from the same employer, these must be coded under separate entries on EANS
    • ADE - Australian Disability Enterprises
    • AOE - Assignment of Earnings
    • EAR - Earnings from Employment
    • PSA - Profit Sharing Arrangement
    • PSG - Professional Sporting Games
    • PSS - Professional Sport Sign Fees
    • SAC - Sales Commission
    • SWS - SWS/DES Ongoing Support
  • Employer Verification: The customer’s STP employer status, leave this blank
  • Employer Name Description: The employer's name
  • Employer ABN: The employer's Australian Business Number
  • Apprentice Employer:
    • Update indicator to 'Y' if the customer is an Australian apprentice reporting apprentice employment income
    • If the customer has an Apprentice Employer already recorded, the indicator on the previous employer must be changed to 'N' before adding the new Apprentice Employer
  • Employer Phone Number: The employer's phone number, if applicable
  • Employee Reference: The employee's reference number for their employer, if applicable

It is not compulsory to code all fields, however, if the information is available, code these fields.

Continue to Step 6 to record income details.


Coding (continued) + Read more ...

  • Event date: See Determining the Date of Event for employment income
  • Amount:
    • Always code the employment income actually earned during the entitlement period. Do not use amounts from the customer's payslip unless it is for exactly the same period as their entitlement period
    • Note: if the employment income actually earned during the entitlement period cannot be determined, and the assessment is not related to a debt or compliance activity, contact the Income Support Means Test team
    • If no income was earned, do not code nil income unless there were continuing earnings coded which are being ceased
    • If the customer's EPED changed during this period, income must only be included for the days in this shorter period
  • Frequency: Record the appropriate employment income frequency, selectable options are:
    • IOP – Income for one period
    • DLY – Daily
    • 1WE – Weekly
    • 2WE – Fortnightly
    • 4WE – Four weekly
    • 6WE – Six weekly
    • 8WE – Eight weekly
    • 12W – 12 weekly
    • HMT – Two pays per month
    • MTH – Monthly
    • 2MT – Two monthly
    • 3MT – Quarterly
    • 6MT – Half yearly
    • ANN – Annually
  • Employment Status: field, must reflect the customer's employment type:
    • FTN (full-time non-ongoing employment) - If they are employed full-time and receiving stable income but employment isn't ongoing
    • FTO (full-time employment ongoing) - If they are employed full-time and receiving a stable income
    • PTC (part-time/ casual) - If employment is permanent part-time hours or casual variable hours
  • Change Reason: Mandatory for some updates depending on the event date. Select the applicable option from the list
  • Hours: Update this field with the number of hours worked during the fortnight to earn the employment income
  • Verification: Must be completed where proof of the amount of employment income is provided. Complete this field where customer has provided proof of the amount of employment income. If this field is completed, in Customer First the system navigates to the Actual Earnings Details (EAAD) screen
    • BIR - Business Integrity Review
    • FVC - Full fortnight verification for current fortnight by payslip
    • FVE - Full fortnight verification by employer contact for any fortnight
    • FVP - Full fortnight verification for past fortnight by payslip
    • JKP - JobKeeper payment
    • NVE - Not verified
    • PVE - Partial verification by employer contact for any fortnight
    • PVP - Partial verification by payslip for current fortnight
  • Source: The source of the information
  • DOR: The date of receipt of the information

Repeat these steps if there is other employment income to be recorded, including for the customer’s partner if applicable.

Once all coding is complete go to Step 7.


Continuous income coding + Read more ...

Continuous employment income includes the following frequency codes: DLY, 1WE, 2WE, 4WE, 6WE, 8WE, 12W, HMT, MTH, 2MT, 3MT, 6MT and ANN.

Has employment income been recorded with a continuous income status within the activity?


Earnings Outcomes page + Read more ...

Customer First

  • Go to the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Action any items on the Assessment Warning and Error (AWE) screen

Process Direct

  • Resolve any errors shown on the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess to go to the Entitlements (ELD) screen

Check the activity result for correctness

Review the AR and ELD screens (and any other applicable screens) to ensure the activity outcome is correct.

If a correction was recorded and:

Complete the activity from the AR or ELD screen once satisfied that the result is correct.

Note: the following information is required to be recorded in a Note or DOC on the customer’s record (this must be done manually if not using the workflow):

  • Employer name
  • The date of event
  • Gross amount of income earned
  • Frequency
  • If applicable, hours worked
  • Anything else concerning the advice not noted elsewhere, including calculations performed to determine income applicable to an entitlement period

Procedure ends here.

Ceasing or converting continuous income recorded before 7 December 2020

Table 3




Ceasing or converting continuous income recorded + Read more ...

Continuous income recorded on the EAN screen must be ceased or converted from the Entitlement Period Start Date (EPSD) of the customer's transition period (entitlement period which includes 7 December 2020).

Note: if continuous income is recorded on the EAN screen within a retrospective update/correction, it must be ceased or converted within the same activity.

The correct action to take will depend on how often the continuous income is paid.

  • For income which is paid regularly, go to Step 2
  • For lump sum payments (including where converted to 1WE or 2WE frequency), go to Step 3


Ceasing or converting income which is paid regularly + Read more ...

Income which is paid regularly must be ceased from the EPSD of the customer’s transition period. To do this code the following on the EAPP screen:

  • Event date: EPSD of the customer’s transition period
  • Amount: Zero
  • All other fields are left blank

If further instances of paid income are required to be recorded from the transition to the paid model (7 December 2020 changes), these should be recorded as per Recording and correcting employment income details.

Note: see Resources of Recording and correcting employment income details for help with recording income paid during the customer’s transition period, as a one-off calculation may be required.

Go to Table 2, Step 8.


Ceasing or converting lump sum payments + Read more ...

If a lump sum payment has been recorded on the EAN screen, the full lump sum assessment period will need to have elapsed before the income can be ceased.

For example, if a lump sum is to be assessed for 52 weeks, the income will need to be maintained on the customer's record for 52 weeks before it can be ceased.

The date the customer was paid the one off or regular lump sum will need to be determined so that it can be determined if the full assessment period has passed.

  • If the full assessment period has elapsed before the EPSD of the customer’s transition period and the income has not been zeroed, go to Step 4
  • If the lump sum assessment period had not elapsed before the EPSD of the customer’s transition period, go to Step 5


Ceasing lump sum payments where the assessment period has elapsed before transition period + Read more ...

If a lump sum payment has been recorded on the EAN screen and the full assessment period has elapsed before the EPSD of the customer’s transition period, the continuous income can be ceased on the EAN screen as follows:

  • Event date: End date of the lump sum assessment period + 1 day
  • Amount: Zero
  • All other fields are left blank

If further lump sum payments have been paid, see Treatment of lump sums to record the details and repeat this process if continuous income is used to record the lump sum.

Go to Table 2, Step 8.


Converting lump sum payments where the assessment period has not elapsed before transition period + Read more ...

If a lump sum payment has been recorded on the EAN screen and the full assessment period has not elapsed before the EPSD of the customer’s transition period, the continuous income must be converted for the remaining time of the assessment period. This is done as follows:

  • Continuous income should be ceased on the EAPP screen from the EPSD of the customer's transition period
  • Determine the number of days that have passed from the start of the assessment period until the EPED immediately before the customer’s transition period
  • Subtract the number of days passed, as worked out above, from the number of days in the full assessment period to determine the number of days remaining
  • Determine the daily rate of the lump sum by dividing the lump sum amount by the number of days in the full assessment period
  • Record an LOP entry on the EAPP screen with an event date of the EPSD of the customer’s transition period
  • The income amount will be the daily rate of the lump sum amount, multiplied by the number of days remaining in the assessment period
  • Record the EPSD of the customer's transition period in the Start Date field and record the end date of the assessment period in the End Date field
  • If further lump sum payments have been paid, see Treatment of lump sums to record the details and repeat this process if continuous income is used to record the lump sum
  • Record a DOC or Note with details of the calculations performed and any conversion undertaken with the customer
  • The income will automatically cease once the assessment period has ended and new instances of lump sums paid can then each be recorded with frequency LOP
  • An example can be found in Resources of Recording and correcting employment income details

Go to Table 2, Step 8.

Foreign employment income coding before 7 December 2020

Table 4




Foreign Employment Income + Read more ...

If using:


Process Direct coding foreign employment income + Read more ...

  • Go to the Foreign Income (FIPS) screen
    Note: if foreign employment income is already coded on the FIPS screen, and previously recorded details need correcting, expand the appropriate employer entry and select Edit. Update information as required
  • On the Foreign Income /Asset Details (FID) table, select Add New Row
  • On Create Foreign Financials, update the fields
  • Country of Payment Enter the source country for the payment
  • Currency Enter the source currency
  • Type EAN - Earnings
  • Frequency Use a valid code before 7 December 2020:
    • QTR - Quarterly
    • DLY - Daily
    • 1WE - Weekly
    • 2WE - Fortnightly
    • 4WE - Four weekly
    • 8WE - Eight weekly
    • 12W - Twelve weekly
    • HMT - Two pays per month
    • MTH - Monthly
    • 2MT - Two monthly
    • 3MT - Quarterly
    • 6MT - Half yearly
    • ANN - Annually
    • ONE - One off
  • Reference/Description Name of the employer
  • Event Date/Start date The date of the change in circumstance
  • Select Save
  • Receipt Date and Channel fields
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess check outcome on the Entitlements (ELD) screen
  • Select Finish
  • Record details of the update in the Note and include:
    • The date of event
    • Gross amount of income earned
    • Frequency
    • Anything else concerning the advice not noted elsewhere
  • Select Finalise
  • Procedure ends here


Customer First coding foreign employment income + Read more ...

If foreign income is already coded on the Foreign Income/Assets/Pension Summary (FIPS) screen, select the appropriate line or go to the Foreign Income/Asset Detail (FID) screen to add new income details.

Note: there is no field for percentage ownership on the foreign income and assets screens. The customer and/or partner's percentage will need to be coded on each of their records separately.

Complete the following fields:

  • Country of Payment: The country of origin
  • Type: EAN - Earnings
  • Reference/Description: Name of the employer
  • Event Date: The date of the change in circumstance
  • Currency: Select the relevant currency from the list
  • Exchange Rate: There is no need to code an exchange rate as the correct rate for that date of event will default
  • Income Amount: the amount of income received by the customer in the currency of the country of payment
  • Frequency: Valid codes before 7 December 2020:
    • QTR - Quarterly
    • DLY - Daily
    • 1WE - Weekly
    • 2WE - Fortnightly
    • 4WE - Four weekly
    • 8WE - Eight weekly
    • 12W - Twelve weekly
    • HMT - Two pays per month
    • MTH - Monthly
    • 2MT - Two monthly
    • 3MT - Quarterly
    • 6MT - Half yearly
    • ANN - Annually
    • ONE - One off
  • If correcting previously recorded amount, overtype the incorrect information
  • If making a correction or deletion, a 'Warning' may appear regarding possible reassessment of customer record which will require a 'Y' or 'N' response to continue
  • Source: and DOR:
  • Complete the activity on the Assessment Results (AR) screen
  • Record details on a DOC (this must be done manually if not using the workflow). Details need to include:
    • The date of event
    • Gross amount of income earned
    • Frequency
    • Anything else concerning the advice not noted elsewhere

Note: there is no field for percentage ownership on the Foreign income and assets screens. The customer and/or partner's percentage will need to be coded on each of their records separately