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Calculating the start day soon after child birth 106-05010060

This page contains an example of calculating the start day for payment for a customer soon after the birth of a child.


Start day for payment soon after the birth of a child

This table describes examples of calculating the start day for payment for a customer soon after the birth of a child.




Start day for social security payment soon after the birth of a child + Read more ...

Emma is a working mother with one child. Emma and partner Richard are partners in a small business which specialises in the distribution of 'widgets'. Emma has been in receipt of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) since first child Rose was born three years ago.

On 1 August 2016 Emma gives birth to a second child. Emma's parent Carol (who lives across the road) is severely injured whilst shopping for Emma on 4 August 2016. Emma decides to care for Carol who is in receipt of Age Pension. Emma contacts Services Australia in relation to lodging a claim for FTB (this example is not concerned with the payment of Family Tax Benefit) and discusses with the Service Officer any assistance that can be received whilst caring for Carol.

Three weeks later, on 22 August 2016 Emma lodges a claim for Carer Payment (CP) to care for Carol.

Under schedule 2, Clause 10 of the Social Security (Administration) Act, Emma's start day for CP will be 4 August 2016, i.e. the first day that Emma was qualified as the claim was made within four weeks after giving birth to a child.


Start day for Parenting Payment for the father of a newborn child + Read more ...

Anna and Tom are married and expecting their first child. Tom works part-time in a supermarket and Anna works full-time at a service station. They have decided that Anna will go back to work shortly after the birth, and Tom will stay at home to look after the baby.

On 7 March 2020 Anna gives birth to Daniel. There was a complication with the birth, and both Anna and Daniel are required to stay in hospital for two weeks before they are discharged on 21 March 2020.

One week later, on 28 March 2020 Tom lodges an online claim for Parenting Payment Partnered (PPP).

Although Tom is not the parent who gave birth, under schedule 2, Clause 29 of the Social Security (Administration) Act, Tom’s start day for PPP will be 7 March 2020 i.e. the first day that Tom qualified as the claim was made within four weeks of Daniel becoming a PP child of Tom.


Calculating the 4 weeks + Read more ...

The 4 weeks is calculated from the date of birth plus one day, i.e. the date of birth is day 0.

  • Child is born on 12th August
  • 4 weeks period after birth of the child commences 13th August
  • The last day a claim for a social security payment can be made and be eligible for backdating to the date of birth is 9th September

In this case the 13th August is day 1 of the 28 day count, and the 9th September is the 28th day.