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Late commencement of course for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), Austudy, PES, and Youth Allowance (YA) 106-05010120

This document outlines how to determine the start day for a student claiming ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES), Austudy, PES, or Youth Allowance (YA).

Determining start date for ABSTUDY, ABSTUDY PES, Austudy, PES and YA




Is the customer an Australian Apprentice? + Read more ...


Claiming or receiving ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement + Read more ...

Is the student claiming or receiving ABSTUDY or ABSTUDY Pensioner Education Supplement (PES)?


Started the course more than 3 weeks after the course start date, (that is, after the Friday of the third week) + Read more ...

Did the student start the course after the Friday of the third week?


Started the course after the second Friday after the course start date + Read more ...

Did the student start the course after the second Friday after the course start date?


Circumstances beyond the student’s control + Read more ...

Were there circumstances beyond the student’s control that stopped them from starting the course by the third Friday of classes?

  • Yes, for:
  • No, the student is eligible from the date they started full-time study. Go to Step 9


Circumstances beyond the student’s control for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES only + Read more ...

Were there circumstances beyond the student’s control that stopped them from starting the course by the third Friday of classes?


Evidence of circumstances + Read more ...

Ask the student for evidence to support the circumstances that stopped them from starting their study before the

  • second Friday of classes for the: YA and Austudy or
  • third Friday of classes for ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES

Has the student provided evidence of the circumstances beyond their control affecting their study start date, or sufficient evidence to support their statement for secondary students?

  • Yes, for:
    • ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES, go to Step 8
    • Youth Allowance and Austudy, the student meets study requirements from the course start date. Go to Step 9
  • No, and the student cannot or did not provide the requested information within required period. The student is eligible for their payment type from the date they started the course, and met study load requirements. This is unless the payment is affected by:
    • ABSTUDY closing dates, or
    • ABSTUDY PES closing dates

Go to Step 9.


Determining the start day for Living allowance or ABSTUDY PES + Read more ...

Students that have started study outside the first 3 weeks of class due to circumstances beyond their control are treated the same as those who did commence study within the first 3 weeks.

The student is eligible for Living Allowance or ABSTUDY PES when they provide evidence and an:

  • ABSTUDY claim lodged by the relevant ABSTUDY closing date, or
  • ABSTUDY PES claim by the closing dates for PES the student is eligible for Living

Staff should use:

  • 1 January if the student has not had a break in full time (or concessional study load) study of greater than one semester, or
  • the course start date if the student has had a break in full time (or concessional study load) study of greater than one semester


Record decision + Read more ...

  • For ABSTUDY and ABSTUDY PES, record the details of the decision to approve or not approve backdating of payments in a DOC
  • For YA and Austudy, backdating does not apply unless a vulnerable circumstance impacts their claim lodgement

Include the outcome of any amended start date decision in the claim or activity DOC.