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Determining the Entitlement End date for the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme 106-05010140

For Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme Smart Centre staff only

This document outlines how AIC Scheme Smart Centre Processing staff assess the entitlement end date for the AIC Scheme.

Determining entitlement end date for AIC




Student's circumstances + Read more ...

See the Resources page for examples and details of the AIC Term Instalment Periods.

Fortnightly and term instalment AIC payments are treated the same in regards to calculating the end dates.

An extension of the maximum age can only be granted where it is demonstrated that the student is continuing the same approved course of study they were undertaking just before reaching the maximum age. This needs to be verified by the relevant state or territory education authority. For home schooling students, AIC will not be payable if their enrolment and participation in their course of study is not verified by a state or territory education authority.

What is the student's circumstance?

  • If short-term boarder, go to Step 2
  • If PES primary or equivalent ungraded level student, go to Step 3
  • If primary or secondary student, go to Step 4
  • If tertiary student, go to Step 6
  • If student circumstances have changed:
    • and they do not qualify for an AIC allowance in the following term, go to Step 8
    • during vacation, to determine eligibility and adjust payments for a new allowance go to Step 9


Student is a short-term boarder + Read more ...

Student is eligible for AIC to the day they cease the short term board.

Update the AIC Living Arrangements (EILA) screen.

Go to Step 7.


Primary or equivalent ungraded level + Read more ...

Does the student receive a Disability Support Pension (DSP) or Parenting Payment single (PPS) and turn 21 years of age in the year of study?

  • Yes, the student is eligible to the day prior to their 21st birthday. Go to Step 7
  • No, the student is eligible for payment of AIC until the end of the year in which they turn 18 years of age. Note: the student can be paid until the end of the year in which they turn 19 years of age if their progress through school has been delayed by special circumstances (such as illness, English language difficulties, transfer from a different education system or periods of employment or training). Go to Step 4


Has the student ceased studying before the end of the final term or no longer meets an isolation condition (including the continuity of schooling criteria)? + Read more ...

For isolation conditions, see Isolation conditions for Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Scheme.

  • Yes: the student is eligible until the earliest of either:
    • the last day of attendance at the education institution
    • the day they met an isolation condition (including the continuity of schooling criteria), unless they discontinue on the last day of term 1, 2 or 3. Then, if the school's calendar term end date is:
      - on or before the relevant term instalment period end date, the end date is the last day of the instalment period for that term
      - after the relevant term instalment period end date, the end date is the last day of study
    • Go to Step 7.
  • No: Go to Step 5


Student attends same school or is still enrolled at the same distance education institution and has had no change in their term living arrangements + Read more ...

The applicant is eligible for a payment under the AIC Continuity of schooling concession when all 3 of the following apply:

  • the family has a new address (for the principal family home)
  • the student no longer meets one of the AIC isolation conditions
  • the student continues to attend the same school, or be enrolled at the same distance education institution

In these circumstances the student continues to be eligible for AIC until either:

  • 31 December of the year of study
  • for a student in Year 11, from the date of the change of circumstance until the end of the following year, provided they continue to Year 12

On the EIID screen code:

  • Event Date: date of change
  • Nearest Approp Govt school: the appropriate government school closest to the new home address
  • Distance from home to: the distance in kilometres from the new home address to the nearest appropriate government school
  • Deemed Isolation: COS Continuity of schooling
  • leave all other fields blank
  • select I (capital letter i) to insert new details

If Continuity of schooling (COS) will not continue after the current year then also code on the EIID screen:

  • Event Date: 01/01 of the following calendar year
  • Nearest Approp Govt school: appropriate government school closest the new home address
  • Distance from home to: distance in kilometres from the new home address to the nearest appropriate government school
  • Dist traveled via t'port:
  • Public t'port available:
  • Select I (capital letter i) to insert new details

Record the decision in a DOC. Procedure ends here


Tertiary student period of eligibility depends on the state or territory in which they live + Read more ...

Tertiary students are eligible for payment of AIC to the day they meet the minimum education and training participation requirement in their state or territory. See the Resources page for a link to a table with the minimum education participation age or qualification requirements for each state or territory that determine the end date for tertiary students.

Determine the appropriate end date for the student.

Code the end date in the Tertiary End Date: field on the Education Claim Details (EICD) screen.

Ensure the course level code ('S13') is entered in the Course Level: field on the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First and include the correct course level, name and code in the DOC. Procedure ends here.


Updating the record + Read more ...

Update the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First with their end date in the Student End Date: field.

Record the details of the decision on a DOC.

Procedure ends here.


Student’s circumstances have changed, and they do not qualify for an AIC allowance in the following term + Read more ...

Update the Customer Study Details (EDC) screen in Process Direct or Education Course Details (EDC) screen in Customer First with their end date in the Student End Date: field.

Is the student's last day of term (other than the final term) after the end of the Term instalment period?

  • Yes, the student is eligible for payment until the date they ceased full-time study
    • Update the End Date: field of the AIC Living Arrangements (EILA) screen with the date they ceased full-time study
    • Record the decision on a DOC and ensure payment does not continue after the date they ceased full-time study
    • Procedure ends here
  • No, the student is eligible for payment until the end date of the instalment period
    • Update the End Date: field of the AIC Living Arrangements (EILA) screen with the end date of the instalment period
    • Record the decision on a DOC and ensure payment does not continue after the end of the instalment period
    • Procedure ends here


Circumstances have changed during vacation + Read more ...

Has the student resumed study on or before the 14th day of the term?

  • Yes, go to Step 10
  • No, the student is only eligible from the date they have commenced study in that term. Go to Step 11 for coding


Ongoing eligibility for an AIC allowance + Read more ...

Is the student eligible for an AIC allowance in the new term?

  • Yes, the student is eligible for the new allowance from the beginning of the vacation period:
    • On the AIC Living Arrangements (EILA) screen, code:
      the current living arrangement end date as the last day of school of the previous term
      a new living arrangement from the beginning of the vacation period
    • Review the Payment Destination (PIPI) screen and make updates to Address and/or Payment destination if required. Procedure ends here
  • No, no changes are required. Procedure ends here


Study resumed after 14th day of term - code end date and new commencement date + Read more ...

Is the student's previous school term end date after the term instalment period?

  • Yes, on the AIC Living Arrangements (EILA) screen, code:
    • an end date of the previous school term end date
    • a new living arrangement from the date the student commenced studies in the new term
  • No, on the AIC Living Arrangements (EILA) screen, code:
    • an end date of the previous term instalment period
    • a new living arrangement from the date the student commenced studies in the new term

Procedure ends here.