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Requesting and coding additional residence data for Norfolk Island claims 106-06010040

This page contains information, including requests and coding, to assist Service Officers to identify when additional residence information needs to be requested from the Department of Home Affairs for claims from Norfolk Island residents.

On this page:

Determining if information needs to be requested from the Department of Home Affairs for Norfolk Island residence data

Requesting additional residence data for Norfolk Island claims

Coding information received from the Department of Home Affairs

Determining if information needs to be requested from the Department of Home Affairs for Norfolk Island residence data

Table 1: this table provides information on how to determine if information needs to be requested from Department of Home Affairs.




Request the Immigration Datalink + Read more ...

Ensure a match with the Department of Home Affairs has been attempted through the Immigration Datalink on the Immigration Enquiry (RSIMME) screen. If successful, the Immigration Advised Movements (RSIM) screen will show arrivals or departures from Australia and/or the Legal Residence Details (RSLEG) screen will show visa details with an IMM channel.

If there is no PID on the Reference Number (NU) screen and no MFU with a keyword of DLINK, request the Immigration Datalink on the RSIMME screen:


Code the Country of Residence (CRES) screen + Read more ...

Accept periods the customer has stated they were residing on Norfolk Island without verification of movements into or from Norfolk Island unless the Service Officer has reason to require further verification of the customer's information. Code these on CRES.

The system will automatically assess periods residing on Norfolk Island as a period of Australian residence if the period is after 1 September 1994 and during the period the person is also recorded as an Australian citizen, permanent visa holder, or protected SCV holder (or a New Zealand citizen between 1 September 1994 and 25 February 2001 only).

Note: it is important to only code periods residing on Norfolk Island on the CRES screen prior to 1994 if the Service Officer is satisfied that the customer held Australian citizenship, a permanent visa (including official Norfolk Island Resident status) or New Zealand citizenship during that period.

Note: if the Service Officer needs to verify the dates the customer was on Norfolk Island or held Norfolk Island Resident status, to assess past periods of residence stated by the customer, see Table 2.


Determine if and why the claim is rejecting + Read more ...

Is the claim rejecting or 'assessed' due to the Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period (NARWP), or due to insufficient qualifying residence for Age, Disability Support Pension (DSP) or Parenting Payment (PP)?


Check NARWP or qualifying residence exemptions + Read more ...

If not already considered, check NARWP or qualifying residence exemptions for the relevant payment listed in the related links at Assessing if a customer is an Australian resident.

Does an exemption apply?


Check Immigration Limiting Date (ILD) + Read more ...

NARWP affected and PP claims

Only presence in Australia is automatically recorded using the Immigration Datalink. The Immigration Datalink does not provide details of presence on Norfolk Island before 1 July 2016.

Move the Immigration Limiting Date (ILD) on the RSIM screen back to the earliest arrival in Australia to ensure all presence in Australia is assessed.

Age or DSP claims

The qualifying residence period for Age or DSP does not have to be served while physically in Australia. The ILD does not need to be changed.

Is the claim still rejecting due to insufficient residence or rejecting/assessed due to NARWP and customer has previously lived on Norfolk Island for a period that is not being recognised by the system?

  • Yes, see Table 2
  • No, procedure ends here

Requesting additional residence data for Norfolk Island claims

Table 2: this table provides information about requesting additional residence data for Norfolk Island claims




Grant Norfolk Island status + Read more ...

Grant date of Norfolk Island Resident status under the Norfolk Island Immigration Act 1980 (if applicable)

This information is appropriate to be requested if:

  • verification of grant date is required for coding the CRES screen before 1994 for customers who were not Australian or New Zealand citizens during the period
  • claim is rejecting or 'assessed' due to NARWP or qualifying residence and
    • customer states in the claim that they held Norfolk Island Resident status or visa subclass 808 before 1 July 2016 and evidence of grant date has NOT previously been provided, or
    • 834 or 808 visa has been coded on the RSLEG screen with an ‘IMM’ channel


All available historical arrivals on and departures from Norfolk Island + Read more ...

Request all available Norfolk Island movement information if any of the following applies:

  • Oldest 834 or 808 visa was granted less than 4 years ago
  • Claiming an income support payment or Ex-Carer Allowance (child) Health Care Card and a New Zealand citizen has been assessed as NOT a protected SCV holder on RSLEG and lived on Norfolk Island during the relevant period
  • Claim is rejecting or 'assessed' due to NARWP or qualifying residence
  • Verification of historical Norfolk Island presence is required to assist with assessing past periods of residence

If customer's claim for a payment subject to NARWP or PP is rejecting or 'assessed' and the customer is not exempt, special processing is required if evidence supports that the customer has served the waiting period on Norfolk Island. Provide full details when making a service request to CIS.


Send a service request to Centrelink International Services (CIS) + Read more ...

Create a Fast Note. Select Auto text use Centrelink International Services > Residence > Norfolk Island residence enquiry.

The Service Officer should confirm that they have checked possible exemptions from the NARWP or qualifying residence requirements (depending on the payment claimed) and that none apply.

Note: the Fast Note is to be created even if the system has generated a Norfolk Island residence related MFU.


CIS Helpdesk referral + Read more ...

CIS staff only

Complete a Technical Support Request to the CIS helpdesk to liaise with TRIPS for the following information:

  • Grant date of Norfolk Island Resident status under the Norfolk Island Immigration Act 1980 (if applicable)
  • All available historical Norfolk Island movements before 01 July 2016

Ensure to include the relevant legislative authority for this request:

  • Sections 192 and 196 of the Social Security (administration) act 1999, or
  • Sections 154 and 158 of the Family Assistance (administration) act 1999

Confirm any other legislative authority being used for this request if different from above.

Coding information received from the Department of Home Affairs

Table 3: this table provides instructions for coding of information received from the Department of Home Affairs by Centrelink International Services staff.

CIS staff only




Norfolk Island Resident grant date (if applicable) + Read more ...

Norfolk Island Resident status was obtained or granted through the Norfolk Island government prior to 1 July 2016 and under the reforms it is considered equivalent to an Australian permanent visa. Non-Australian citizens who held this status were transitioned to an 808 visa subclass on 1 July 2016.

Where a claim is rejecting due to insufficient period of residence where the customer is an 808 visa holder and has lived on Norfolk Island for a total of 5 years or more before 1 July 2015, a Manual Follow-up (MFU) will generate for CIS.

Code visa subclass 808 from the date Norfolk Island Resident status was granted, as advised by the Department of Home Affairs.

Go to Step 2.


Protected SCV holder determination (if applicable) + Read more ...

When determining whether a person is a protected SCV holder, Australia is taken at all relevant times to have included Norfolk Island. A New Zealand citizen is taken to have held an SCV during the relevant period on Norfolk Island.

The system will only automatically assess a New Zealand citizen's status as protected based on presence in Australia. This may result in a status of not protected being automatically recorded.

An MFU will be generated when it is identified that the customer is a New Zealand citizen who lived on Norfolk Island for a period including 26 February 2001 or for 364 days in total between 25 February 1999 and 26 February 2001. The MFU will be produced if the customer has automatically been assessed as not protected or their status is blank and the customer is not a permanent visa holder or Australian citizen. These MFUs will prevent the claim from being finalised.

If the MFU is presented, CIS staff will need to request verification of presence on Norfolk Island from the Department of Home Affairs.

Protected SCV status should also be assessed for New Zealand citizens if an MFU is not produced but historical arrivals on and departures from Norfolk Island confirm the customer meets requirements.

The New Zealand status field on the RSLEG screen should be recorded as GRF if evidence indicates the customer was a New Zealand citizen and physically on Norfolk Island or in Australia:

  • on 26 February 2001, or
  • for at least 12 months in the 2 years immediately prior to 26 February 2001

Note: periods physically present either in Australia or Norfolk Island should be counted.

Is claim for PP or a NARWP affected payment?


Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period or qualifying residence requirements using presence on Norfolk Island + Read more ...

Double-check the customer is not otherwise exempt from the NARWP or PP qualifying residence requirements. For information, refer to the relevant residence assessment procedure.

Is the customer exempt or do they meet NARWP or PP qualifying residence requirements without using presence on Norfolk Island?

  • Yes, claim should not reject due to qualifying residence or NARWP requirements - notify the Service Officer that special coding is not required. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 4


Assessing physical presence on Norfolk Island + Read more ...

Compare historical movements for Norfolk Island with periods the customer was living on Norfolk Island or living in Australia.

Note: for income support payments, only periods present on Norfolk Island while residing there as an Australian citizen, permanent visa holder or protected SCV holder can be counted. These periods can be combined with presence in Australia as an Australian resident before or after 1 July 2016.

For CSHC and LIC, periods physically present on Norfolk Island while living there or in Australia as a non-protected SCV holder should be counted.

Has the customer met NARWP or PP requirements by including relevant periods physically present on Norfolk Island?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, document the record with the total period before 1 July 2016 that can be counted. Notify the Service Officer that special coding is not appropriate at this time


NARWP or PP requirements met using periods physically present on Norfolk Island + Read more ...

For NARWP payments or PP, code FME in the 'Family member of a refugee' field on the Residence Savings (RSS) screen.