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Actioning automatic activities of a current Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) referral 001-02320070

This document outlines a summary of Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) automatic activities, including their purpose and action required by staff.

Automatic activities - Processes for the ESAt

This table describes details of automatic activities for the ESAt process.




Identifying customers who require an ESAt referral + Read more ...

A JSR/UPD activity with a keyword of 'ESAREFRQ' indicates an ESAt is required. It is created when a Job Seeker Snapshot has been run for a customer and identifies the need for an ESAt.

Note: an ESAt is not required in all cases, including:

  • where a current and valid assessment of the customer's work capacity can be reapplied
  • the requirement for an ESAt has been withdrawn, because the customer does not have significant barriers to employment, or
  • the ESAt flag was raised incorrectly because the customer's original Job Seeker Snapshot responses did not reflect their circumstances and have now been clarified



Activity code:


Activity text:

'Go to Online Diary to book ESAt appt after obtaining medical evidence.'

What triggers the activity:

Job Seeker Snapshot has identified the need for an ESAt

Action required by staff:

Reapply current and valid assessment of customer's work capacity or withdraw the request if appropriate.

Service Officers must not book an ESAt. Assessment Services will book an ESAt via Online Diary if required.

Activities should be managed according to Actioning a pending Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) activity.


Customer provides medical evidence for deferred ESAt + Read more ...

A JSR/UPD activity with a keyword of 'PNDMEDEV', indicates an ESAt is required. It is created when medical evidence is provided for a deferred ESAt referral.



Activity code:


Activity text:

'Go to Online Diary to book ESAt appt after medical evidence received.'


'If no new evidence, check if ESAt can be done with existing evidence.'

What triggers the activity:

ESAt deferred referral review will become active when medical evidence is scanned into eMIFE or when the review date is reached.

Action required by staff:

Service Officers must not book an ESAt.

Assessment Services will contact the customer and book an ESAt appointment where medical evidence has been provided. The requirement for an ESAt may also be withdrawn in some circumstances. Activities should be managed according to Actioning a pending Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) activity.

Note: if no new medical evidence is provided, Assessment Services will check if an ESAt can be conducted using existing evidence.


Customer failed to attend an ESAt appointment + Read more ...

There are several different types of activities created for customers with mutual obligation requirements, whose payments may be suspended if they fail to attend an appointment with their Assessor.

A JSR/UPD activity with a keyword of 'ESATATT' is created for all customers:

  • experiencing vulnerability with mutual obligation requirements, and
  • whose payment is suspended with reason:
    • 'ES1' (failed to attend first cycle ESAt appointment), or
    • 'ES2' (failed to attend second cycle ESAt appointment)

This activity acts as a flag on the customer record, to ensure that customers experiencing vulnerability are offered appropriate support to re-engage with their Assessor. It should not be cancelled, but may be held pending contact from the customer.

A Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity (also with keyword of 'ESATATT') is created to notify the agency that the customer's payment can be immediately restored, where the customer has:

  • arranged a new appointment with their Assessor (by contacting their Assessor or Employment Services Provider directly, rather than through the agency), or
  • attended their appointment with the Assessor

A small number of these MFU activities have a keyword of 'JCAP1' (instead of 'ESATATT'), when the customer has arranged a new appointment with their Assessor. The action required on these activities is the same (payment can be immediately restored).

Scenario 1



Activity code:


Activity Text:

'Vulnerable customer's payment suspended as did not attend ESAt, may need more support. In Process Direct, select ESAt Attendance Workflow to book new appt.'

What triggers the activity:

The activity is triggered when customers experiencing vulnerability who are on payments with mutual obligation requirements, have been suspended because they failed to attend an appointment with their Assessor. Customer has been sent a letter advising that payments are suspended and requesting them to contact the agency to arrange a new appointment with their Assessor.

Action required by staff:

This customer has been identified as potentially vulnerable, and likely to require additional support to re-engage with their Assessor.

Contact the customer to ensure that they are offered appropriate support. For example, a customer with a suspected mental illness may have limited insight into why they were referred for an assessment. Consider other options such as 'walk-ins' for customers who may have difficulty attending a booked appointment.

Action via Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) Attendance workflow. See Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) and Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) appointments.

Scenario 2


ESATATT (some activities have keyword JCAP1 instead)

Activity code:


Activity text:

This customer's payments can be restored as their ESAt appointment has been rescheduled by their provider.

What triggers the activity:

The ESAt appointment has either been rescheduled by their Employment Service Provider/Assessor or they have attended the appointment.

Action required by staff:

Restore the customer's payments from date of suspension by selecting the Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) Attendance workflow from the Task Selector in Process Direct.

Ensure full arrears are paid where applicable.

See Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) and Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) appointments.


Customer with a Payment Nominee or with a medical condition of LIQ - IQ less than 70 failed to attend an ESAt appointment + Read more ...

There are several different types of activities created for customers with mutual obligation requirements, whose payments may be suspended if they fail to attend an appointment with their Assessor.

A JSR/UPD activity with a keyword of 'JSAATT' is created for all customers with:

  • a Payment Nominee, or
  • a medical condition of LIQ - IQ less than 70, and
  • who failed to attend a JCA appointment, and
  • need to make a new appointment

This activity acts as a flag on the customer record, to ensure that customers experiencing vulnerability are offered appropriate support to re-engage with their Assessor. It should not be cancelled, but may be held pending contact from the customer.

A Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity (also with keyword of 'JSAATT') is created to notify the agency that the customer's payment can be immediately restored, where the customer has:

  • arranged a new appointment with their Assessor, (by contacting their Assessor or Employment Services Provider directly, rather than through the agency), or
  • attended their appointment with the Assessor

A small number of these MFU activities have a keyword of 'JCAP1' (instead of 'JSAATT'), when the customer has arranged a new appointment with their Assessor. The action required on these activities is the same (payment can be immediately restored).

Scenario 1



Activity code:


Activity text:

'Payment suspended for customer with a Nominee or with a medical condition of LIQ- IQ less than 70 as they did not attend ESAt, may need more support. Go to ESAt Attendance Workflow to book new appt.'

What triggers the activity:

Payments for a customer with a Nominee or with a medical condition of LIQ- IQ less than 70 have been suspended because they failed to attend an appointment with their Assessor. Customer has been sent a letter advising that payments are suspended and requesting them to contact the agency to arrange a new appointment with their Assessor.

Action required by staff:

This customer has been identified as potentially vulnerable, and likely to require additional support to re-engage with their Assessor.

Contact the customer to ensure that they are offered appropriate support. For example, a customer with a suspected mental illness may have limited insight into why they were referred for an assessment. Consider other options such as 'walk-ins' for customers who may have difficulty attending a booked appointment.

Action via Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) Attendance workflow. See Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) and Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) appointments.

Scenario 2


JSAATT (Some activities have keyword JCAP1 instead)

Activity code:


Activity text:

This customer's payments can be restored as their ESAt appointment has been rescheduled by their provider.

What triggers the activity:

The ESAt appointment has either been rescheduled by their Employment Service Provider/Assessor or they have attended the appointment.

Action required by staff:

Restore the customer's payments from date of suspension (either via Benefit Action (BA) screen or Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) Attendance workflow via Task Selector in Process Direct).

Ensure full arrears are paid where applicable.

See Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) and Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) appointments.


ESA report returned, awaiting action by Services Australia + Read more ...

A NSS/JCA activity with keyword of 'REPORT', 'VOLNTR' or 'REFER' is created when the Assessor submits the ESAt report, and is awaiting action by the agency to accept or return (reject) the report.

The keywords 'REPORT' and 'VOLNTR' both indicate that the report is submitted by the Assessor, awaiting acceptance by the agency. The two different keywords indicate whether the ESAt referral was initiated by the agency ('REPORT') or an Employment Services Provider ('VOLNTR'), however action by the agency is the same for both activities. Note: the keyword 'VOLNTR' does not indicate that the customer has voluntary participation requirements.

The keyword 'REFER' indicates that the Assessor has reopened the report after submitting it and some information may be changed. Action is still required by the agency to accept the submitted report, as for 'REPORT' and 'VOLNTR'.

These activities all have a common keyword of 'TT122', which is also shared with referrals finalised as 'unable to complete'.

Scenario 1



Activity code:


Activity text:

'ESAt Report has been returned. Select activity to view and accept/reject report, then finalise activity to accept data.'

What triggers the activity:

Report submitted by Assessor awaiting acceptance by the agency (where the agency initiated the ESAt referral).

Action required by staff:

'S'elect 'NSS/JCA' activity.

View submitted ESAt report.

Accept or return (reject) report.

See Checking and actioning an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report.

Scenario 2



Activity code:


Activity text:

'ESAt Report has been returned. Select activity to view and action as required. Select activity to view and accept/reject report, then finalise activity to accept data.'

What triggers the activity:

Report submitted by Assessor awaiting acceptance by the agency (where an Employment Services Provider initiated the ESAt referral).

Action required by staff:

'S'elect 'NSS/JCA' activity.

View submitted ESAt report.

Accept or return (reject) report.

See Checking and actioning an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report.

Services Australia procedures for reviewing and accepting an ESAt report are the same, regardless of whether the ESAt referral was initiated by the agency or an Employment Services Provider.

Scenario 3



Activity code:


Activity text:

'ESAt Report has been returned. Select activity to view the report as some referral information has changed.'

What triggers the activity:

Report reopened and (re)submitted by Assessor, awaiting acceptance by the agency.

Action required by staff:

'S'elect 'NSS/JCA' activity.

View submitted ESAt report.

Accept or return (reject) report.

See Checking and actioning an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) report.

Staff reviewing and accepting the report should focus on information in the report that has been updated by the Assessor.


ESAt referral finalised as 'unable to complete' + Read more ...

A NSS/JCA activity with keywords of 'TT122' and 'UNA' is created when a referral is finalised by the Assessor as 'unable to complete'. This means that there is no report to be accepted or returned, and the only system action required by the agency is to select the activity so that it can be finalised. However:


TT122, UNA

Activity code:


Activity text:

'Select to view Unable to Complete ESAt report.'

What triggers the activity:

ESAt referral finalised by Assessor as 'unable to complete'

Action required by staff:

'S'elect 'NSS/JCA' activity (this action is required to finalise the activity).

Further action will depend on the customer's payment type and reason for referral.