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Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) overview 001-02330000

Before starting this process, staff must read the Operational Message.

Case studies

This table contains a case study relating to the assistance available to customers when a request for an ESAt is made.


Case study


Scott suffered a back injury doing heavy work as a teenager and was worried about the future

Scott moved to Australia as a child and did not go to high school, as both parents needed Scott to stay at home and look after the younger siblings. As a teenager, Scott had a back injury doing heavy work. Scott worked as a cleaner for a while but had to stop because the physical demand of the job exacerbated the previous back injury. Scott lodged a medical certificate identifying the impacts of his back condition and his inability to return to his previous employment role.

At the ESAt, Scott revealed that he was worried about the future. This uncertainty caused great distress. Scott was relieved to be able to talk to someone about the current situation. Most importantly, Scott was grateful to be given a possible solution.

The Assessor determined that Scott needed help to learn to manage the back injury and to assist in finding more suitable types of work. The Assessor recommended that Scott be referred to Disability Employment Services (DES) - Disability Management Services (DMA) and arranged an appointment for Scott with a DES provider.

Support services

See Assessment Services and Smart Centre Coordination Branch Intranet page.

Service Officers should refer to their Service Zone Level 1 policy support staff for JCA/ESAt issues. See Actioning a pending Job Seeker Snapshot initiated Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) activity.

Identifying customer vulnerability and risk issues