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Approved mutual obligation requirements for mature age customers 001-09070140

This document outlines approved activities that satisfy the mutual obligation requirements for jobseekers who are in receipt of JobSeeker Payment (JSP), Parenting Payment Single (PPS) with mutual obligation requirements and Special Benefit (SpB) Nominated Visa Holders (NVH - TPP category only) who are aged 55 years or over.

Mutual obligation requirements

JSP jobseekers who are aged 55 years or over have the same standard job search requirements as other JSP job seekers. However, there is provision for these job seekers to undertake particular kinds of voluntary work, suitable paid part-time work, self-employment or a combination of these activities to fully meet their mutual obligation requirements.

From 1 July 2024, providers can approve these activities for job seekers fully meeting their mutual obligations. The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) will either suspend or exit the job seeker from employment services and they will become Centrelink managed and require a Centrelink Job Plan to be negotiated. Disability Employment Services (DES) participants in Post Placement Support are excluded from this.

Note: if the job seeker is required to attend a 'base' or like place and is participating in a work-like requirement for the duration of their time on call, these hours may count towards their voluntary work hours.

If the job seeker is going about their daily life, without participating in any work-like requirement while on call, these hours cannot be counted towards their voluntary work hours.

Job seekers aged 55-59

A person who has reached 55 to 59 years (inclusive) and is within the first 12 months of receipt of their current income support payment (including suspension periods of up to 3 months) fully meets their mutual obligation requirements if they satisfy one of the following:

  • undertaking sufficient work for at least 30 hours per fortnight where income is equal to or more than the national minimum wage
  • undertaking self-employment for at least 30 hours per fortnight with net business income equal to or more than the national minimum wage
  • engaged for at least 30 hours per fortnight in:
    • paid work, including self-employment
    • a combination of paid work and approved voluntary work, at least 15 hours of which must be paid work

After receiving their current income support payment for a 12 month period, eligible job seekers aged 55-59 may fully satisfy their requirements by undertaking 30 hours or more per fortnight of any combination of approved unpaid voluntary work and suitable paid work/self-employment, including solely through approved unpaid voluntary work.

Job seekers aged 60+

A person who has reached 60+ years fully meets their mutual obligation requirements if they satisfy one of the following:

  • engaged in approved unpaid voluntary work with an approved organisation for at least 30 hours per fortnight
  • engaged for at least 30 hours per fortnight in a combination of:
    • approved unpaid voluntary work for an approved organisation, and
    • paid work, including self-employment
  • undertaking sufficient work for at least 30 hours per fortnight where income is equal to or more than the national minimum wage
  • undertaking self-employment for at least 30 hours per fortnight with net business income equal to or more than the national minimum wage

Job seekers who are principal carers or have been assessed as having a partial capacity to work and are 55 or over, are also able to meet their mutual obligation requirements if they are meeting the suitable part-time work/voluntary work requirements.

Workforce Australia and Community Development Program (CDP)

JSP and PP job seekers aged 55 or over will be required to be registered as Fully Eligible Participants (FEP) and be referred to a Workforce Australia or Community Development Program (CDP). If they are satisfying their mutual obligation requirements by doing part-time work or approved voluntary work or a combination of approved voluntary work/paid work for at least 30 hours per fortnight and are Centrelink managed, they will remain connected with their provider (that is, not exited) but will not have any job search requirements.

However, after their initial appointment, these job seekers are not required to attend appointments with their provider, unless the appointment is specifically in relation to an offer of suitable employment.

These job seekers will be suspended (not exited) from Employment Provider Services whilst they are fully meeting their requirements and be Centrelink managed job seekers.

JSP and PP job seekers aged 55 or over must accept suitable offers of employment (either full time or an increase in hours) and all referrals to job interviews, even where they are fully meeting their mutual obligation requirements through approved voluntary work.

Mutual obligation requirements for Community Development Program (CDP) job seekers aged 55 years or over

For all CDP job seekers who are provider-managed, including job seekers aged 55 years and over:

  • CDP providers consider each job seeker's assessed capacity and individual circumstances when negotiating Job Plans
  • minimum hourly requirements do not apply, and
  • there are no specific requirements for CDP job seekers according to their age group or job seeker category

See Community Development Program (CDP) for information on mutual obligation requirements for job seekers in CDP.

Customer does not satisfy the mutual obligation requirements

During a reporting period, where a mature aged job seeker over 55 does not satisfy their mutual obligation requirements by undertaking at least 30 hours of paid work or voluntary work (or a combination of paid/voluntary work), they will be asked to select a reasonable excuse from a list of options (first and second consecutive reporting period). If the excuse is 'other' or 'no longer undertaking activity', the reporting will not be finalised until contact is made with a Service Officer.

If they do not have a reasonable excuse or on the third consecutive reporting period of not meeting requirements, they will immediately be referred to a Service Officer for further discussion.

If they do not restore their hours within these 2 further consecutive fortnights, they will be considered to be no longer fully meeting their requirements. They will then be referred to an appropriate provider.

Where a job seeker is a Centrelink managed job seeker they will be interviewed by a Service Officer and required to negotiate a new Job Plan.

Examples of reasonable excuse

Reasonable excuse could include such reasons as a sick child/ren, a cancelled shift, or a short term reduction in hours due to public holidays (for example, Christmas), pupil-free days/school holiday, no longer undertaking activity or other, with an expectation that working hours will return to normal in the next fortnight. Also note that reasonable excuse could be applied to someone who does ongoing volunteer work for a community organisation which closes down for the Christmas/New Year period.

The concession would not apply to someone whose voluntary work ceases or reduces below 30 hours per fortnight for the foreseeable future. It is also not intended to give someone time to find some other voluntary work to make up the hours.

Coding approved mutual obligation requirements

Where the job seeker meets the criteria to undertake approved voluntary work, part-time work or self-employment (or a combination of these requirements) to fully meet their mutual obligation requirements, should be Centrelink managed, Service Officers can:

  • code details on the Activity and Exemption Summary (AEX) screen and
  • negotiate the Job Plan

See Voluntary work as an approved activity if required.

The Resources page contains links to information on Job Plans and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) website and a Restart Programme Fact Sheet.

Applying mutual obligation requirements

Approved mutual obligation requirements for customers assessed as having a temporary reduced work capacity (TRWC)

Approved mutual obligation requirements for customers assessed as having a partial capacity to work (PCW)

Job Plans

Mutual obligation requirement exemptions

Selection or allocation of a Workforce Australia Employment Services Provider

Voluntary work as an approved activity