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Approved Activity Review Job Plan Contact 001-09100050

This document outlines the procedure for actioning Approved Activity Reviews (AAR).

Approved Activity Review

The Approved Activity Reviews are online tasks, work items or request to contact letters for job seekers who are not registered for self-service. The notification is issued 28 days prior to the expiry of the approved activity on the Activity and Exemptions Summary (AEX) screen.

Some of these online tasks must be actioned by a Service Officer before they can be finalised. Job seekers have the option of advising online if there has been a change in their circumstances if it relates to their recorded approved activity or exemption.

Online - AEX and Job Plan review work item

Service Officers who have been allocated the Online - AEX and Job Plan review work item (ZALL_JSK_PLN) may need to contact the job seeker and determine if an update needs to be made to their approved activity recorded on the Activity and Exemptions Summary (AEX) screen.

If the work item:

  • has been created because the job seeker has actioned their online task and indicated that they are continuing their current activity, Service Officers should:
    • update the AEX screen by extending the current activity for 363 days
    • create a new Job Plan for the job seeker to agree to online. Note: this process does not apply for Quarterly Participation Interview (QTI) and participants in Disability Employment Service (DES) Post Placement Support program
  • relates to a change in circumstance, Service Officers should determine what action is required in relation to mutual obligations from the notes provided by the job seeker

QTI job seekers will have an appointment automatically booked to update the AEX screen and Job Plan.

Participation Summary screen

An Action Item message will appear on the job seeker's Participation Summary screen.

Updating of approved activities from contact with job seekers will be done via the Activity and Exemptions Summary (AEX) screen. Other mandatory coding may also be required depending on the approved activity being recorded. For example, the Voluntary Work Organisation Details (VWDET) screen when Voluntary Work (VWK) or Voluntary and Paid Work (VPE) is being recorded on the AEX screen.

Job Plans

Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans

Community Development Program (CDP)