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Mutual obligation requirements exemptions during disasters 001-09120090

This document outlines the process for determining whether an exemption from compulsory mutual obligation requirements can be granted for job seekers who have been personally affected by a natural disaster or a declared emergency.

Mutual obligation requirement exemptions

Job seekers are expected to comply with reasonable mutual obligation requirements in return for receiving relevant income support payment.

Where a job seeker has been affected by a natural disaster or declared emergency, consideration should be given to the reasonableness of their requirements during the period that they are affected.

There are a range of mutual obligation exemptions that may be granted to job seekers who have been personally affected by a natural disaster or declared emergency.

The Resources page contains a link to the Disaster Assist website.

Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA)

Eligibility for AGDRP and NZ DRP

Exempting a job seeker from mutual obligation requirements due to special circumstances

Job seeker compliance for job seekers affected by a natural disaster, declared emergency or other significant event

New claim for Crisis Payment Other Extreme Circumstances

Social work services