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Compliance action initiated by Community Development Program (CDP) providers 001-10030000

Questions and answers for processing NARs




Question: What is the preferred terminology to use with customers - 'Non-Attendance Report' or 'NAR'? + Read more ...

Answer: When talking to customers they should always be referred to as a Non-Attendance Report.


Question: Can CDP participants complete a NAR online using self service? + Read more ...

Answer: No. There are no self service arrangements for compliance events.


Question: What messages will CDP participants receive online or via IVR when there is a NAR/ANR suspension outstanding? + Read more ...

Answer: If the only outstanding compliance event is a NAR (with 'Non-Attendance Report Received' (ANR) suspension reason), CDP participants will receive a message directing them to contact their provider.

If there are other compliance investigations outstanding prior to the NAR being submitted, CDP participants will be advised of the need to contact Centrelink first.


Question: Can NARs attract a financial penalty? + Read more ...

Answer: No


Question: Can a provider withdraw a NAR? + Read more ...

Answer: There should be no need for a provider to withdraw a NAR. Providers are able to finalise a NAR by recording an appropriate re-engagement reason, including where a reconnection appointment is no longer required.


Question: Will there be any indication on the 'Front of House' iPAD that the CDP participant is subject to a NAR? + Read more ...

Answer: They only indication that will be visible on the 'Front of house' iPAD will be a benefit status of 'SUS/ANR'.

Where a NAR is outstanding, but the record is suspended for another reason, a DOA DOC will be created to alert Service Officers.


Question: Why doesn't it display on the 'Customer Issues' page? + Read more ...

Answer: Finalisation of a NAR is a provider's responsibility, that is, Services Australia staff are not required to discuss NARs with CDP participants as providers have responsibility for these.

Where a NAR is outstanding, but the record is suspended for another reason, a DOA DOC will be created to alert Service Officers.


Question: If the NAR is invalid does that make the CAN/CDR invalid, and will this only be decided by the review process? + Read more ...

Answer: This does not automatically follow.

The validity of the NAR is not relevant to a cancellation for not complying with a reconnection notice.

It is only if a subsequent review found the reconnection notice was not valid, the cancellation may be called into question.


Question: What happens if the CDP participant contacts their provider on a Thursday or Friday, but a reconnection appointment is not available until after the weekend and the CDP participant is in hardship? + Read more ...

Answer: The CDP participant will need to discuss the reconnection appointment with their provider.

Where possible, a re-engagement appointment should be conducted within two working days. The availability of re-engagement appointments is a provider responsibility, and they will also retain responsibility for booking these appointments.


Question: What happens if there is a public holiday (including national and state based public holidays) + Read more ...

Answer: CDP participants will not be asked to attend appointments with their provider on a National or State public holiday that applies to their locality.

Operational Messages provide guidance for how to manage CDP participants who have an outstanding NAR but are unable to contact their provider and attend a re-engagement appointment due to a public holiday.


Question: What happens if a CDP participant has been unable to contact their provider to discuss the NAR? + Read more ...

Answer: Providers are responsible for re-engaging the CDP participant and finalising the NAR. If the CDP participant contacts Services Australia to advise they are unable to contact their provider, see Restoring payment where a payment suspension (participation) has been imposed for Community Development Program (CDP) participants.


Question: What happens where a re-engagement appointment has been booked and there is a provider shutdown due to contingency arrangements or a DEWR systems outage? + Read more ...

Answer: The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) and National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) have contingencies in place for scenarios such as this. The contingency arrangement will be based on the circumstances that caused the provider to shut down.

Where a contingency arrangement is activated, an Operational Message will provide guidelines regarding the handling of participant queries and compliance actions for impacted regions.

Where a significant systems outage has occurred, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations liaises with Services Australia to advise of interim actions required pending resolution. This advice is communicated to staff via an NNU or Operational Message.


Question: What happens if there is a breakdown in the communication/relationship between the provider and the customer? + Read more ...

Answer: Services Australia's role has not changed. The CDP participant will need to contact the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to discuss their situation.


Question: What should I do if a CDP participant contacts to query why their payment is being suspended due to a NAR? + Read more ...

Answer: If a CDP participant contacts Services Australia to question why their payment is suspended due to a Non-Attendance Report (NAR), staff should explain how a NAR works and encourage the CDP participant to contact their provider to resolve any outstanding issues so that payment can be restored as quickly as possible.

If the CDP participant has requested an explanation or applied for a formal review of a decision to suspend or cancel payment as a result of a NAR, the PST-skilled staff must start the action immediately. The CDP participant should also be told to contact their provider to have their payment restored as quickly as possible.


Question: What happens if a CDP Provider is unable to finalise a NAR as the CDP participant has changed address and is now linked with a new provider? + Read more ...

Answer: In some limited circumstances, PST-skilled staff with WNPPD or PFDEC security resources are able to manually finalise the NAR. See Restoring payment where a payment suspension (participation) has been imposed for Community Development Program (CDP) participants for more information.

Contact details

Department of Employment and Workplace Relations