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Restoring payment where a payment suspension (participation) has been imposed for Community Development Program (CDP) participants 001-10080020

For Participation Solutions Team (PST)-skilled Service Officers (PFDEC/WNPPD) only.

This document outlines when a Community Development Program (CDP) participant's payment will be restored after it has been suspended for not attending a compulsory appointment that is managed under the Job Seeker Compliance Framework or a compulsory requirement included in their Job Plan, for example job search efforts.

On this page:

Payment restoration following receipt of a suspension failure

Finalising a NAR following unsuccessful contact by the participant with their provider

Payment restoration following receipt of a suspension failure

Table 1




Payment suspended following generation of a suspension failure + Read more ...

For restoration of an ANR suspension following receipt of a Non-Attendance Report (NAR), see Step 1 in Table 2.

For restoration of an APA suspension:

  • If the compliance action is invalidated prior to CDP participant contact, then the suspension may be removed without re-engaging the CDP participant unless there is another suspension failure outstanding

Has the suspension failure been invalidated prior to CDP participant contact?

  • Yes, and:
    • this is the only outstanding compliance action, go to Step 6
    • there is another valid suspension failure outstanding, then suspension will continue until re-engagement has been discussed and agreed for the other failures. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 2


Maintain suspension + Read more ...

Maintain APA suspension until re-engagement is accepted/occurs, re-engagement is not required or payment cancels.

The suspension will continue until the CDP participant contacts Services Australia, and:

  • accepts a reconnection requirement/further reconnection requirement by agreeing to re-engage
  • Service Officer with a PFDEC or WNPPD security resource confirms they have re-engaged, or
  • a Service Officer with a PFDEC or WNPPD security resource determines re-engagement is not required

Do not restore if re-engagement has not been discussed because the CDP participant terminates the call or the call is disconnected.

For further details on re-engaging CDP participants, see Re-engaging to a Community Development Program (CDP) provider.

If the CDP participant transfers to another participation payment, the suspension will be applied to the new participation payment.

Has the CDP participant refused to re-engage?


Refuses to re-engage + Read more ...

Where a CDP participant is required to re-engage but refuses to do so, the CDP participant will be notified of a reconnection requirement or further reconnection requirement. Payment will remain suspended. For further information, see Using participation suspensions to engage Community Development Program (CDP) participants with their requirements.

Has the CDP participant subsequently re-engaged, or accepted a reconnection requirement within 29 days?


Re-engages within 29 days + Read more ...

If the CDP participant has self re-engaged, or accepted a reconnection requirement within 29 days of first being asked to do so, then an outcome date should be recorded to finalise the re-engagement requirement.

For provider re-engagement appointments booked in the Online Diary the system will, in most cases, automatically record an outcome date for the re-engagement requirement.

For provider appointments where the system has not updated the re-engagement requirement, the outcome will need to be coded manually.

Does the outcome date need to be coded manually?


Finalise manually + Read more ...

The following action should be taken to manually finalise a reconnection or further reconnection requirement if the CDP participant has self re-engaged:

  • go to the Participation Compliance Hub (BIPCW), review the list of completed compliance actions and select the relevant failure
  • on the Re-engagement screen in the Compliance Investigation workflow, indicate the CDP participant is no longer required to re-engage by changing the re-engagement outcome to the appropriate 'no re-engagement' code

See Re-engaging to a Community Development Program (CDP) provider for the Re-engagement codes.

When the outcome date is recorded, the re-engagement requirements for the previous failures in the same sequence will be updated automatically and a Manual Follow Up (MFU) activity will appear on the record to prompt the restoration of payment.

Go to Step 6.


Action MFU and restore payment + Read more ...

The following MFU will appear on the CDP participant 's record to prompt restoration of the payment:

  • 'Job seeker's payment is to be restored as they have met the outstanding requirement or their payment is no longer suitable for suspension of this reason.'

Navigate to the Benefit Action (BA) screen to restore the CDP participant 's payment:

  • The date of event for this restoration is generally the date the CDP participant accepted the re-engagement requirement as this is the trigger for the restoration
  • Where the restoration has occurred for an event other than the CDP participant accepting a re-engagement requirement (for example, where a failure is rejected as invalid without customer contact and payment is restored), then the date of event is the date the decision maker decides to lift the suspension
  • The date of effect is the date the restoration will first affect the CDP participant 's entitlement

Complete the MFU and record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here.


Does not engage in 29 days + Read more ...

If the CDP participant fails to re-engage in 29 days, their payment will be cancelled. Cancellation will occur 29 to 43 days after the CDP participant was first asked to re-engage. When cancellation occurs the payment cannot be restored. To recommence payment the CDP participant will need to lodge a claim.

For further information, see Finalising Community Development Program (CDP) re-engagement requirements.

Record details on a DOC.

Finalising a NAR following unsuccessful contact by the participant with their provider

Table 2




Establish the participant's reason why NAR was unable to be finalised by provider + Read more ...

This process should only be completed in limited circumstances where the participant has attempted to contact and/or re-engage with their CDP provider, and was unable to do so due to circumstances outside their control.

  • If the participant advises they have not attempted to contact the provider, advise the participant to contact the provider within standard operating hours and DOC the record. Procedure ends here
  • If the participant advises they were unsuccessful in contacting their provider, go to Step 2
  • If the participant advises the contact attempt was successful but the provider was unable to action the NAR, for example, due to connectivity, systems or access issues, go to Step 4


Establish when and how the participant attempted to contact the provider + Read more ...

Clarify with the participant the approximate time of day, and the method used (for example phone, SMS, email) when they attempted to contact their provider.

Did the participant make a genuine attempt to contact the provider?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, advise the participant to contact the provider within standard operating hours and DOC the record. Procedure ends here


Determine whether contact with the provider is possible + Read more ...

Based on the operating hours, should the provider be available for contact at this time?


Contact the provider + Read more ...

Is the provider contact successful?

  • Yes, and:
    • The provider is able to resolve the issue while the participant is on the phone. Procedure ends here
    • The provider confirms they are unable to finalise the NAR due to connectivity, systems or access issues, go to Step 5
  • No, go to Step 5


Manually finalise the NAR + Read more ...

Take the following action to manually finalise the NAR:

  • go to the Participation Compliance Hub (BIPCW), review the list of completed compliance actions and select the relevant failure
  • on the Re-engagement screen in the Compliance Investigation workflow, indicate the CDP participant is no longer required to re-engage by changing the re-engagement outcome to 'Unable to attend recon appointment or contact provider'

See Re-engaging to a Community Development Program (CDP) provider for the Re-engagement codes.

Record details of the decision in the following Fast Note:

  • Location: Customer First > Workspace > Documents and Correspondence > Fast Note
  • Service Reason: (payment type)
  • Channel: PHO-Telephone
  • Source: PHO - Phone Call
  • Select Auto text, use Jobseeker > Job Seeker Compliance Model > Manual NAR finalisation
  • Select Confirm once the text in the Fast Note drops into the text box
  • Complete the template with the information required

Go to Step 6.


Advise the Portfolio Operations YEE team of the manual finalisation action + Read more ...

Send an email to the Job Seeker Portfolio positional mailbox with 'NAR Manually Finalised' in the subject line and include the following details:

  • Participant CRN
  • Provider name
  • Reasons why the participant was unable to contact the provider or why the provider was unable to finalise the NAR

Escalation of these details enables the Job Seeker Compliance Team to notify the National Indigenous Australia's Agency (NIAA) of the provider's temporary closure or circumstances resulting in inability to finalise NAR.