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Assuree makes a claim for an Assurance of Support (AoS) recoverable payment 005-03050020

This document outlines the actions that take place when an assuree makes a claim for an Assurance of Support (AoS) recoverable income support payment, including the interview process with the assuree and assurer when the claim is for an AoS recoverable payment.

On this page:

Claim for recoverable payment, conducting assuree interview and contacting assurer(s)

Conducting assurer(s) interview to determine if assuree is granted payment

Processing the claim when assuree can be granted payment

Processing the claim when assuree is to be rejected a payment

Claim for recoverable payment, conducting assuree interview and contacting assurer(s)

Table 1




Assuree lodges a claim for payment + Read more ...

A customer record with AoS data will already exist:

  • Conduct a national index search using the customer's surname, a question mark and their date of birth, for example, 'Getsios? 29/02/55'
  • An Assuree AoS record will show 'AOE' on the benefit status line

To determine if there is an AoS:

  • Select Customer Summary from the Process Direct landing page
  • Check the Assuree Arrival Details (AOAE) screen
  • Create a Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Generic > Claim or Update Escalation > Assurance of Support for the AoS processing team to action if:
    • there is no AoS start date on the AOAE screen and the status is AOE/ACC, or
    • the customer has a mandatory AoS visa subclass and/or indicates they have an AoS in place, but the customer record does not contain AoS data

To find out the assurer(s) details:

  • In Customer First, select:
    • CRN/BP link
    • Cases - Assurance of Support case (Status: Accepted or Current status) hyperlink
    • Parties Involved to view the assurers.
      Click on the assurer name to navigate to the assurer record(s)

Determine if the payment being claimed by the assuree is an AoS recoverable payment. See AoS recoverable payment.

Is the customer making a claim for an AoS recoverable payment?


Conduct interview with assuree + Read more ...

If the claim was lodged online, contact the assuree to conduct a phone interview. See Calling a customer or returning a customer's call for further information about the number of attempts to be made and using the pre call SMS service.

If contact cannot be made with the assuree, send the Q164 request to contact letter allowing 28 days for response.

If assuree does not make contact after 28 days, reject the assuree's claim for payment. Procedure ends here.

Contact made with the assuree

Check if the assuree has, or wants to have, a nominee represent them, see Nominees and Disclosing information to a nominee.

During the phone interview:

  • Discuss why they are no longer receiving support by the assurer(s). Advise that support could be in the form of money, accommodation, food or any other assistance
  • Advise if they are being paid an AoS recoverable payment, the assurer(s) will have an AoS debt raised
  • Advise contact will be made with the assurer to discuss the support provided, offer to invite assurer(s) to conversation (this should not be offered if the assuree advises they have concerns that contact with the assurer will put them in danger). See Table 2 for information to discuss with the assurer(s) if joint interview occurs

See Family and domestic violence and Identifying customer vulnerability and risk issues for more information.

Has the assuree advised that contacting the assurer(s) will endanger them?


Social worker determination + Read more ...

Has the social worker determined an increased risk of harm?

  • Yes, tell the assuree that the agency will contact the assurer(s) after the delay period (initially up to 3 months, but no longer than 6 months). The assuree must take steps to secure a safe environment within that time. Go to Step 4
  • No, see Table 2


Inhibit letter + Read more ...

For social workers

  • Create a Fast Note to the National AoS Processing team to inhibit any letters to the assurer(s). Select Auto Text, use Assurance of Support > Assurance of Support > SW recommends to delay contact with AOR

For Assurance of Support (AoS) Processing team only

  • Inhibit the advice to the assurer(s) as recommend by the social worker
    • In Process Direct, key AOIL in the Super Key to go to the Inhibiting AOS letters screen
    • Select the Add icon
    • Assurer: select the assurer from the dropdown menu about inhibition. Repeat if required to inhibit advice to joint assurer(s)
    • Reason: Dom - Domestic Violence
    • Date: defaults to today's date
    • Record details on a Note
  • Once the AoS letter has been inhibited, finalise the claim. See Step 1 in Table 3

Conducting assurer(s) interview to determine if assuree is granted payment

Table 2




Contact the assurer(s) + Read more ...

Contact the assurer(s) by phone to conduct the interview.

If contact cannot be made with the assurer(s), go to Step 2.

Does the assurer(s) want to discuss their AoS obligations?


Unable to contact or assurer(s) decline discussion + Read more ...

Issue an Assurance of Support (MOD AR).

The assurer(s) has 14 days to respond to the request from the date of receipt of the notice.

  • On the assurer’s record, issue the MOD AR:
    • In Process Direct select More Options icon > Request Documents > MOD AR
    • In Customer First use Workspace > Mail Forms > Search Forms > Claim > MOD AR
  • Record a DOC or Note on the assure and assurer record. Hold the claim with reason Third Party to Provide Information for 21 days for the return of the MOD AR

If the 21 days expires and the MOD AR is:

  • returned or an interview has been arranged. Process the claim. See Step 1 in Table 3
  • not returned and the assurer(s) has not contacted, process the claim. DOC that the assurer(s) is not willing to provide support due to failure to respond. See Table 4


Assurer(s) interview + Read more ...

Tell the assurer(s):

  • the assuree(s) have made a claim for an AoS recoverable payment
  • that any AoS recoverable payment paid to the assuree will become a debt. This debt is legally required to be paid in full to the Australian Government
  • the debt will be raised approximately every 12 months
  • where the AoS has a bank guarantee secured by a term deposit, Services Australia will first recover AoS debts from the term deposit. If there is no bank guarantee secured by a term deposit, or this has been depleted, the assurer(s) are required to repay any outstanding debt amount
  • where there are joint assurers, the debt will not be split between each assurer
  • if the assuree is granted a recoverable payment, both assurer(s)are required to submit a review form every 3 months. See Assurance of Support (AoS) reviews for AoS review forms
  • If there is more than one assurer, an interview must be completed with each assurer


Providing adequate support + Read more ...

Ask the assurer(s) if they are willing and able to provide adequate support to the assuree.

Note: even if the assurer(s) states that they are willing to support the assuree, they may not be able to provide adequate support. Examine the circumstances thoroughly.

Is the assurer(s) willing and able to provide adequate support to the assuree?


Record outcome of the interview + Read more ...

Record a DOC advising outcome of AoS interview and details of information provided to assurer(s) and assuree about implications of granting an AoS recoverable payment to the assuree.

To complete claim processing see Step 1 in Table 3.


Assuree refusing the assurer's support + Read more ...

Is the assuree refusing the assurers support?

  • Yes, go to Step 7
  • No, reject the assuree's claim for payment. Procedure ends here


Reasonable reason to refuse support + Read more ...

Some instances where it would be reasonable for the assuree to refuse support are where (but not limited to):

  • an assuree has not been provided with a room that they can access as required on a continuing or indefinite basis
  • the assuree cannot rely on a reasonable regular pattern of support, or
  • a social worker interview may be required to investigate allegations of abuse

If the Service Officer is unsure, clearly DOC the record with information on the support the assurer(s) has said they provide and discuss with your SSO before making a decision. See Resources page for scenarios.

Is it reasonable for the assuree to refuse support?

  • Yes, to complete claim processing see Step 1 in Table 3
  • No, reject the claim. Procedure ends here

Processing the claim when assuree can be granted payment

Table 3




Eligibility for payment + Read more ...

A customer can be granted a payment providing all other eligibility conditions are met.

If the assuree is claiming an AoS recoverable payment, determine if the assurer(s) is unable to provide support for the assuree. AoS interviews must be conducted with both the assuree and the assurer(s). See Table 1 and Table 2.

Note: for arrangements where there are joint-assurers, interviews must be conducted with all assurers. Do not delay the assuree's claim if contact with an assurer(s) cannot be made.

Record information about the AoS interviews and decision on a DOC.


Processing a claim for an AoS recoverable payment + Read more ...

  • Check the benefit status is AOE/CUR or AOE/ACC
  • Review the claim and supporting documents to ensure the customer meets qualification and payability conditions
  • On the Transaction Summary (TS) screen, select Process

The AoS Checklist (AOCL) screen must be completed if:

  • the assurer(s) is unwilling or unable to support the assuree, or
  • if it is reasonable for the assuree to refuse the support offered by the assurer(s)

To update the AOCL screen:

  • On the Errors (SWE) screen an error SA46AO - AoS Checklist (AOCL) screen required will be presented
  • Select AOCL task from the Task Selector and complete the following fields:
    • Has the Assurer(s) been interviewed regarding this new claim?
    • Has the Assuree been interviewed regarding this new claim?
    • Is the Assurer(s) willing and able to support the Assuree?
    • Is it reasonable for the Assuree to accept the support?
  • Select Save

Does the Entitlements (ELD) screen display Status REJ, Reason AOS-AOS IN FORCE FOR CUSTOMER?

  • Yes, do not finalise claim. Go to Step 3
  • No, if it is the expected outcome finalise the claim. Procedure ends here


Update the AOCL screen + Read more ...

If the system is still rejecting with reason AOS after the AOCL screen is completed, check:

  • if any answers to the questions on the AOCL screen require an override. Do not use the Override Reason Not Recoverable. The Override Reason field can be updated with:
    • Assurer not located
    • Social Worker Assessment
  • the Date of claim on the AOCL screen is the same as start date of payment

Reviews are required every 3 months to reassess the assurer(s) and assuree(s) circumstances. See Assurance of Support (AoS) Reviews to action a review.

Go to Step 5.


Processing a claim for a non-recoverable payment + Read more ...

If the assuree is claiming a non recoverable payment (that is a payment not listed as an AoS recovered payment), process as normal as no debt will occur to the assurer(s).

If the status is AOE/ACC and a start date has not been recorded, submit a request via Fast Note. Select Auto Text, use Generic > Claim or Update Escalation > Assurance of Support to request the AoS Team to update the AoS start date.


Considerations when granting new claim - Letter to assurer(s) and assuree + Read more ...

When an AoS recoverable payment is granted on the AoS record, an auto letter will be sent to advise the assurer(s) and assuree about the grant and their AoS liability.

Note: if the social worker has recommended that contact with the assurer(s) be delayed, make sure the National AoS Team has inhibited the automatic advice.


At end of AoS period + Read more ...

When the AoS period expires the National AoS Team follows up any debt to be raised and contacts the assurer(s) about the AoS bank guarantee and term deposit.

Processing the claim when assuree is to be rejected a payment

Table 4




Not eligible for payment + Read more ...

The customer's payment must be rejected where:

  • the assurer(s) is willing and able to provide support and
  • there is insufficient reason why the assuree should not accept the support being provided

The AoS interviews still need to be conducted with both the assuree and the assurer(s).

Note: for arrangements where they are joint assurers, interviews must be conducted with all assurers. However, the assuree's claim should not be delayed if contact with an assurer cannot be made. See Table 2.

Record information about the AoS interviews and decision on a DOC.


Streamline Rejection for an AoS recoverable payment in Process Direct + Read more ...

An AoS start date must be coded on the Assuree Details (AOAE) screen on the assuree's record before the NCL can be coded.

To automatically reject AoS in Process Direct:

  • Select Assess
  • The Entitlements (ELD) screen displays REJ, Reason AOS-AOS IN FORCE FOR CUSTOMER
  • Do not finalise claim


Update the AOCL screen + Read more ...

The AOCL screen must be updated if:

  • the assurer(s) is willing and able to support the assuree, or
  • if it is reasonable for the assuree to accept the support offered by the assurer(s)

Complete the following fields:

  • Has the Assurer(s) been interviewed regarding this new claim? Yes
  • Has the Assuree been interviewed regarding this new claim? Yes
  • Is the Assurer(s) willing and able to support the Assuree? Yes
  • Is it reasonable for the Assuree to accept the support? Yes

The Date of claim on the AOCL screen must be the same as the start date of payment.


Consideration when rejecting new claim - letter to assurer(s) and assuree + Read more ...

When payment is rejected on the AoS record, an auto letter will be sent to advise the assurer(s) and assuree about the rejection and their AoS liability.