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Re-claiming a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) (including verbal re-claims) after a portability cancellation 065-06010020

This document outlines what to do when a customer's CSHC is cancelled due to leaving Australia for a temporary period greater than their maximum portability period.

Circumstances when a verbal claim can be accepted




Departure and return dates + Read more ...

Has the customer departed and returned to Australia and had their CSHC cancelled with a reason O19 (temporary absence overseas exceeding the 19 week portability period)?


Customer contact when card has been cancelled + Read more ...

Has the customer contacted within 13 weeks of their CSHC card being cancelled?


Changes to account based income streams + Read more ...

Does the customer (and partner) own account-based income streams which have not been coded on the Pension/Annuities Summary (SUPS) screen?


Further income details required for the verbal re-claim + Read more ...

Customers re-claiming CSHC verbally via Assisted Customer Claim (ACC) must have previously lodged income details from either of the previous 2 financial years.

For example, if the customer was re-claiming in the financial year 2018-19, they must have provided income details from their Tax Notice of Assessment for the:

  • 2016-17 financial year, or
  • 2017-18 financial year

Income details provided previously can be checked on the SHC Income Details (SHID) screen. Customers who are partnered must have provided income details for both themselves and their partner for the same financial year.

Has the customer and partner (if relevant) provided income details from their Tax Notice of Assessment from either of the 2 previous financial years or is the customer and partner (if relevant) not required to lodge a tax return?

Note: where the customer is not required to lodge a tax return and this has not previously been recorded on the SHID screen, this must be updated within the verbal reclaim.