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Transition Care Programme 065-13030000

This page contains information for Service Officers to check and process transition care extension forms and transition care monthly claims.

On this page:

Receiving the transition care extension information via My Aged Care’s email and the paper format

Processing a transition care monthly claim form

Register a transition care entry event in the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP)

Register a transition care departure event in the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP)

Receiving the transition care extension information via My Aged Care’s email and the paper format

Table 1




Contacting the aged care service + Read more ...

The Department of Health and Aged Care automatically sends the transition care extension information to Services Australia from 20 August 2022. This information displays in the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP).

There may be occasions when the transition care extension requests are still received in the following channel:

  • My Aged Care’s emails, or
  • the paper format (the Aged Care Application for an Extension of Transition Care (AC012) form)

When this occurs, contact the aged care service by:

  • phone, or
  • email

Advise the aged care service the following:

  • The AC012 form has been decommissioned and Services Australia no longer processes transition care extension requests
  • Transition care extension requests are automatically sent from the Department of Health and Aged Care to Services Australia
  • Transition care extension requests must be lodged using My Aged Care Provider Portal, and
  • The aged care service can use the My Aged Care - Provider Portal User Guide: Part 2 Team Leader and Staff Member Functions. A link is available on the Resources page for the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website for more information

Add a care recipient note in the ACSP detailing the action taken.

See the Using the Aged Care Staff Portal to manage care recipient notes (Care Recipient in Context (CRiC)) table for the process.

Add a comment in PaNDA detailing the action taken. See View, add and edit processing notes to a work item table.

Processing a transition care monthly claim form

Table 2




Channel option + Read more ...

All aged care services that provide transition care must submit a claim for each month. The transition care monthly claim form must include details of each care recipient the aged care service is claiming for in that month.

Regardless of how a claim is lodged, all transition care monthly claim forms are:

  • finalised in the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP) for online claims and the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) for manual claims
  • approved in either ACSP or Aged Care Management Payment System (ACMPS)

The transition care monthly claim forms can be lodged via 2 channels:

  • online via the ACPP
  • manual via PaNDA (email, fax or post)

Is this is a manual claim?


Checking the manual claim form for completion + Read more ...

Check the manual transition care monthly claim form for completion.

The required information includes:

  • Care recipient details
    • care recipient ID
    • surname
    • first name
    • gender
    • date of birth
    • Functional Capacity Score (MBI) on Entry
    • Functional Capacity Score (MBI) on Departure (if applicable)
    • care setting days
  • Declaration
    • name of person authorised to sign
    • signature of authorised person
    • date

Is the manual claim form complete?


Missing information + Read more ...

If any of the information in Step 2 is missing, the form must be returned to the transition care service.

Contact the transition care service via:

  • email
  • post

To contact via post, access the letter templates from the Operational Blueprint letters and electronic messaging:

  • under Medicare, select Provider and Third Party letters
  • select Aged Care
  • select Aged Care More information required to process application template

Record a note in PaNDA advising the action taken.

Repeat Step 1 of this table when the missing information is provided.


Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) + Read more ...

Note: all fields are optional unless marked with an asterisk.

  • Log on to the ACSP. The Welcome to the Aged Care Staff Portal home page (the home screen) screen displays
  • Select the Service Search tile from the All searches menu tab. The Service Search screen displays
  • Complete the Enter service details section
    • Select the relevant option in the Search by* field - defaults to NAPS ID. Service Officers can search for services by BP ID, NAPS ID, RACS ID or Service details
    • Complete the NAPS ID field - this is a mandatory field if the NAPS ID option has been selected in the Search by* field ID
    • Complete the BP ID field - this is a mandatory field if the BP ID option has been selected in the Search by* field ID
    • Complete the RACS ID - this is a mandatory field if the RACS ID option has been selected in the Search by* field ID
    • Complete the Service name field - all other fields are optional if this field is completed
  • Select the Search button. The search results will display
  • Select the relevant hyperlinked aged care service ID in the search results table. The ACSP landing page displays


Updating existing care recipients’ details + Read more ...

Update existing care recipients’ details via 2 methods:


Search for the individual care recipient’s profile + Read more ...

To search for an individual care recipient’s profile:

  • go to the Care recipients’ details screen via the Main Menu dropdown menu
  • key in the relevant care recipient’s details in the Search field
  • select the relevant hyperlinked care recipient profile in the search results table
  • the individual care recipient’s profile displays
  • select the Care recipient tab - select the Event summary option
  • the Event summary screen displays

Go to Step 8.


The Current claim screen + Read more ...

Update existing care recipients’ details in the Current claim screen:

  • go to the Current claim screen via the Main Menu dropdown menu
  • key in the relevant care recipient’s details in the Search field
  • select the relevant hyperlinked care recipient profile in the search results table
  • the individual care recipient’s profile displays
  • select the Circumstances tab - select the Event summary option
  • the Event summary screen displays

Go to Step 8.


Registering and updating events + Read more ...

In the Event summary screen, Service Officers can register new events or update existing events for existing care recipients.

Register new events

See Step 1 of the Registering events in the Aged Care Staff Portal (Service in Context).

Update existing events

See Step 19 of the Registering events in the Aged Care Staff Portal (Service in Context)Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP).


Register events for new care recipients + Read more ...


Finalising the current claim + Read more ...

Finalise the transition care monthly claim form in the Staff Portal.

See Step 8 of the Using the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) at the service level (Service in Context) table.


Approving the current claim + Read more ...

The transition care monthly claim form can be approved via:

Register a transition care entry event in the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP)

Table 3




Register a transition care entry event in the ACPP + Read more ...


  • If the event has been submitted successfully, a successful receipt message will display
  • All fields are optional unless marked with an asterisk

To register a transition care entry event, ‘A users’ will need to be in an individual care recipient profile.

In the individual care recipient’s profile:

  • select the Circumstances tab
  • select Entry
    • the Entry summary screen will display
  • select the Register entry button
    • the Register entry screen will display

On the Register entry screen, complete:

  • the Type of care* field - select Transition care
  • the Hospital admission date* field
  • the Entry date* field
  • the Functional capacity score (MBI) on entry* field

Does the ‘A user’ want to complete the Register entry event process?

  • Yes, select Submit
  • No, select either:
    • Back to go back to the Entry summary screen, or
    • Cancel to cancel the entry event

Register a transition care departure event in the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP)

Table 4




Register individual departure events in the ACPP + Read more ...


  • Registering departure events can be completed via 2 methods (that is, at an individual care recipient’s level or as bulk events)
  • This step applies at an individual care recipient’s level
  • To register Bulk care setting days, see Step 3 in the Registering bulk events in the ACPP table
  • The Functional capacity score (MBI) on entry field will display for flexible care services
  • If the Cancel button is selected, the Cancel message will display asking the ‘A user’ to select Yes or No to cancel the event
  • If the event has been submitted successfully, a successful receipt message will display
  • When adding the departure date, ‘A users’ can only select a date that is less than 2 years before (or equal to) the current date
  • The departure event will be rejected if the date is greater than the 2 years
  • ‘A users’ will need to send an email request and supporting evidence to the Aged Care Payments Team
  • See the 2 year variation rule in the Aged Care Provider Portal for the process

All fields are optional unless marked with an asterisk.

In the individual care recipient’s profile:

  • select the Circumstances tab
  • select Departure
    • the Departure summary screen will display
  • select Register departure button
    • the Register departure screen will display
  • complete the Departure date* field
  • select an option from the Departure reason drop down list
  • complete the Functional capacity score (MBI) on departure field
  • select the Submit button

Does the ‘A user’ want to complete the Register departure event process?

  • Yes,
    • Select Submit to complete the Register departure event process
    • Procedure ends here
  • No,
    • Select Cancel to cancel the Register departure event
    • The Cancel message will display asking the ‘A user’ to select Yes or No to cancel the event
    • Procedure ends here