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Aged care means assessment - residential care pre 1 July 2014 - assets assessment 065-19042305

This document outlines the process for completing an Aged Care assets assessment for care recipients assessed under pre 1 July 2014 assessment schemes.

On this page:

Preliminary checks for an assets assessment

Completing an assets assessment where entry to care was on or after 1 July 2005 (but prior to 20 March 2008)

Completing an assets assessment where entry to care was on or after 20 March 2008 (but prior to 1 July 2014)

Preliminary checks for an assets assessment

Table 1




Care recipient or authorised third party enquiring about an assets assessment + Read more ...

Service Officers must check entry Admission details to confirm that care recipient is grandfathered.

The entry details are located in:

  • Customer First:
    • the RCA Institution Summary (RIS) displays Grandfathered: Y for PRE2008 scheme, and
    • RCA Circumstance (RCIRC) screens display the assessment scheme
  • Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP)
    • Care recipient summary screen for entry details

Note: if a care recipient departed care prior to 1 July 2015, there will be no details in ACSP, go to Aged care System for the Payment of Aged Residential Care (SPARC) data requests to obtain details.

Where multiple admission dates exist the original admission date and any breaks in care will need to be confirmed in order to determine the correct action.

Was the care recipient’s first date of entry into care prior to 1 July 2014 with no break in care more than 28 days (excluding approved leave)?


Request for an assets assessment has been received following discharge from care + Read more ...

An assets assessment is set at date of entry into care and does not change when assets were correct at date of entry into care.

The original assets assessment must be applied where:

  • a correct and valid assets assessment existed at the date of entry to care. Legislation prohibits any further asset assessment

A previous assets assessment may be revoked and a new assessment can be completed where:

  • the assessment was completed prior to the date of entry into care but circumstances had changed after the assessment, but on or before the date of entry into care
  • evidence has been provided that shows the original assessment was completed for the date of entry into care was incorrect

A new assessment can be completed where:

  • a previous assets assessment was rejected, or
  • an assets assessment has not previously been requested:
    • In ACSP in CRiC view, select Means testing menu tab->select Total assets -> check Assets not supplied

Is there a correct and valid assets assessment effective for the date of entry into care?


Where a correct and valid assets assessment already exists + Read more ...

Where a correct and valid assets assessment for the date of entry into care already exists, the original assessment must apply. A new means assessment cannot be completed:

In Customer First:

Create a Fast Note including the following details:

  • a new assessment cannot be completed as a correct and valid asset assessment has already been completed, effective for the date of entry into care
  • Date of effect <DD/MM/YY> (date of entry into care)
  • any additional action completed

Go to RCAD and note the ‘TOTAL ASSETS’ amount that has previously been assessed and date of effect for the assets.

In Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP):

  • Care recipient summary screen for entry details
  • Confirm initial date of entry (including pre-entry leave)
  • To confirm pre-entry leave date:
    • From Care recipient tab, select Event summary
    • Locate the care recipient’s original entry into permanent residential care and click on the status of Accepted to view entry details
    • The first screen will display entry and pre-entry dates under Entry details

When did the care recipient first enter permanent residential care?

  • 1 July 2005 to 19 March 2008, pre 2008 care recipient, see Table 2
  • 20 March 2008 to 30 June 2014, post 2008 care recipient, see Table 3


Check for concessional status for care recipient who entered care prior to 20 March 2008 + Read more ...

Check for the presence of Concessional Supplement indicator in ACSP that matches the resident status from ‘TOTAL ASSETS’ amount in RCAD.

In Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP):

  • Care recipient summary screen for entry details
  • Confirm initial date of entry (including pre-entry leave)
  • To confirm pre-entry leave date:
    • From Care recipient tab, select Event summary
    • Locate the care recipient’s original entry into permanent residential care and click on the status of Accepted to view entry details
    • Select supplements and subsidies tab
    • Concessional supplement will appear in the Supplement/subsidy type table

Is the resident status displaying in ACSP for the applicable entry?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No,
    • Case will require escalation to have asset coding completed
    • Refer through Local Peer Support (LPS) who will escalate via mySupport
    • Procedure ends here


Check update asset amount for care recipient who entered care on or after 20 March 2008 + Read more ...

Note: if a care recipient departed care prior to 1 July 2015, there will be no details in ACSP, go to Aged care System for the Payment of Aged Residential Care (SPARC) data requests to obtain details.

In the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP):

  • Care recipient summary screen for entry details
  • Confirm initial date of entry (including pre-entry leave)
  • To confirm pre-entry leave date:
    • From Care recipient tab, select Event summary
    • Locate the care recipient’s original entry into permanent residential care and select the status of Accepted to view entry details
    • Select Next until information found

Are assets displaying in ACSP for the applicable entry?

  • Yes, procedure ends here
  • No,
    • Case will require escalation to have asset coding completed
    • Refer through Local Peer Support (LPS) who will escalate via mySupport
    • Procedure ends here


Determine whether there is sufficient information to complete an assets assessment + Read more ...

Confirm all details in the form have been completed correctly. Confirm that the form has been signed by care recipient or an authorised third party. See Aged care means assessment for more information.

Confirm that this care recipient has a current status of RCA/CUR from completing an income assessment. See Aged care means assessment - residential care pre 1 July 2014 - income assessment.

When care recipient has transferred providers and previous assessment was completed by provider (entry prior to 1 July 2005), an assets assessment is required. The date of effect to use is the date of entering care with the new provider.

Confirm that this care recipient is requesting an assets assessment by:

  • checking the care recipient’s record for any previous contacts
  • contacting the person requesting the assessment to confirm an assets assessment is required

Ensure that all relevant information has been provided as at the asset assessment date of effect. Contact the care recipient or authorised third party to obtain any further information that is required.

If the care recipient was in receipt of an income support payment at the date of effect:

  • confirm any details using assets previously recorded in Customer First
  • contact DVA and advise they need to complete an assets assessment for the cost of care assessment if in receipt of a DVA income support payment. See Aged Care DVA Referral Process.

Is there further information required before assets assessment can be completed?


Further information is required to complete an assets assessment + Read more ...

Attempt to obtain any additional information required verbally where possible.

If not, request any outstanding documentation via an ‘Aged Care Request for Further Information’ letter:

  • Issue an aged care RFI letter, see Aged care letters - creating manual letters
  • Use Fast Note - select Auto text, use Aged Care > Assessment > Progress of Aged Care Assessment to record documents that have been requested
  • Place claim on hold for 21 days plus an allowance for the letter to be received for the care recipient to respond to the request

Was the required information obtained?

  • Yes, go to Step 8
  • No,
    • Assets assessment will not be able to be completed
    • Update Progress of Claim document with outcome
    • Issue care recipient/nominee with an advice stating the outcome. No advice is issued to the service provider
    • Procedure ends here


Pre 2008 or post 2008 assets assessment required + Read more ...

To locate entry details see the Using the Aged Care Staff Portal to search for a care recipient – (Care Recipient in Context (CRiC)) table.

Note: where a care recipient originally entered care prior to 1 July 2005, a new asset assessment (Calculation of cost of care) is required. This is effective from the date they have changed providers. Provider assessments do not transfer over to a new provider when a care recipient changes providers.

When did the care recipient first enter permanent residential care?

  • 1 July 2005 to 19 March 2008, see Table 2
  • 20 March 2008 to 30 June 2014, see Table 3

Completing an assets assessment where entry to care was on or after 1 July 2005 (but prior to 20 March 2008)

Table 2




Care recipient was in receipt of an income support payment + Read more ...

An assets assessment determines if a pre-2008 resident is:

  • Concessional
  • Assisted, or
  • Neither

Pre-2008 care recipients also have to meet additional criteria to be considered concessional or assisted residents.

On their initial date of entry into care, was the care recipient in receipt of an income support payment from Services Australia or DVA?


Assessment of home ownership + Read more ...

Determine if the care recipient is considered to be a non-homeowner or an exempt homeowner on their date of entry into care. An exempt homeowner is a care recipient who owns a home as at their date of entry, but it is occupied by a protected person. See Aged care means assessment - protected person.

A non-homeowner is a care recipient who has, as at their date of entry:

  • not owned a home in the last 2 years, or
  • a home that has a net value less than the asset cut off amount
  • sold their home within the last 2 years and the value of the home at the date of sale was:
    • less than 2.5 times the basic rate of Age Pension not including the GST supplement, or
  • currently owns their home and the net assessable value of their interest in their home at the assessment's date of effect was:
    • less than the Concessional resident or Assisted resident asset cut off amounts
  • lived in a retirement village and the refundable balance of their entry contribution was:
    • less than the Concessional resident or Assisted resident asset cut off amounts
  • see Archive Residential Care Fees and Charges to access historical asset limits

Is this care recipient considered to be a non-homeowner or an exempt homeowner as at their date of entry into care?


Assets other than the principal home + Read more ...

Calculate the total value of all other assets owned by the care recipient as at the date of entry, see:

Note: for the purpose of a means assessment the value of each member of a couple's assets are 50% of the total combined assets owned by each partner. This is no matter which partner's name the asset is held in. There is 1 exception to this rule; when both members of a couple have paid an accommodation bond.


Asset reduction amounts + Read more ...

Assessable assets can be reduced by the amount of outstanding debts as at the date of entry including:

  • mortgages
  • loans
  • credit cards
  • Prisoner of War (POW) compensation amounts
  • Home Equity Access Scheme - see the Loan Details (PLS/HEAS) screen for details

In most cases, care recipients will have the paperwork to verify the amount outstanding for a debt and verification should be sought in all instances. Normally a debt will not be accepted unless some form of verification can be provided.

In some situations, such as loans between family members, documentation may not be available and statutory declarations may be acceptable. This is especially if some other form of supporting evidence can be provided. For example, a bank statement showing the withdrawal of funds by the family member at the time the loan to the customer was made).

Has this care recipient been coded as deceased in Customer First?


Assets assessment - care recipient deceased in Customer First + Read more ...

Once a care recipient has been coded as deceased in Customer First, an RCA/ATH activity cannot be completed.

Index and complete the assets assessment RCA/ATH activity manually:

  • complete details in the relevant Pre 2008 Manual Assessment Worksheet located in the Resources page
  • upload a copy of the calculations onto the Customer First record in PDF format via Document Tools using the Form Type of UNS005-Financial, see Attaching electronic documents to a Centrelink customer's record using Document Tools in Customer First
  • upload a copy of the worksheet onto the Customer First record in PDF format via Document Tools using the Form Type of UNS005-Financial
  • Create a Fast Note including the following details:
    • an asset assessment was completed under Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 (section 44-10) effective for <DD/MM/YY> (date of entry into care)
    • care recipient’s Resident Status
    • all asset types totals
    • the date effective from
    • any debts
    • the total Net Assets amount calculated
    • any additional action taken

There are existing system limitations that prevent assets being updated for deceased residential care recipients with pre-1 July 2014 asset assessments.

  • These cases require escalation to have asset coding completed
  • Refer to Local Peer Support (LPS) who will escalate via mySupport

Has the care recipient been assessed as having a concessional or assisted resident status?


Assets assessment - care recipient not deceased in Customer First + Read more ...

Code all assets as at the date of entry by indexing an RCA/ATH activity and coding manually.

In Customer First:

  • Index an assets assessment activity:
    • Service Reason: RCA
    • Activity: ATH
    • Source: LIA
    • DOR: Date of receipt of assessment

Complete coding of RCAA screen. For pre 2008 care recipients, if a loan was taken out to pay an entry contribution for a retirement village, the outstanding amount should be deducted from the total asset amount coded in the RV Entry Contribution Balance $: field.

Further updates are required for Pre 2008 care recipients under ATH Asset Reduction Amounts section:

  • Personal Loan: total value of any personal loans
  • Other debts: total value of any other debts
  • North Korean POW Payment: if the care recipient has stated that they have received this payment check if it has already been coded on Prisoner of War (POW) screen. If not coded update this field with amount of $25000. See Exempt lump sums for information on the POW payments

Confirm the following details are correct prior to finalising:

  • the entry event information on RCIRC
  • assets are updated and correct on RCAD
  • date of effect equals the date of entry into care

Create a Fast Note including the following details:

  • an asset assessment was completed under Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 (section 44-10) effective for <DD/MM/YY> (date of entry into care)
  • care recipient’s Resident Status
  • all asset types totals
  • the date effective from
  • any debts
  • the total Net Assets amount calculated
  • any additional action taken
  • complete the assessment
  • issue manual letters stating the outcome of the assessment

See Archive Residential Care Fees and Charges to access historical asset limits. Has the care recipient been assessed as having a concessional or assisted resident status?


Update care recipient’s entry with concessional status for pre 2008 care recipient + Read more ...

When assets assessment has been coded and completed in Customer First, asset details will be transmitted to ACSP. Care recipient’s status will be updated to concessional resident and can be viewed on:

  • Care recipient summary under Current circumstances
  • Means testing – Circumstances
  • Asset amount will also be displayed in Means testing tab

Once asset amount has been transmitted to ACSP, any accommodation supplement will be adjusted to the limiting date of 1 July 2015. Go to Step 8

For care period prior to the limiting date of 1 July 2015, a manual adjustment will need to be calculated and coded.

  • Refer to Local Peer Support (LPS) who will escalate via mySupport
  • Create a Fast Note using Auto text > Aged Care > Enquiry > Aged Care Manual Adjustment Request
  • Procedure ends here


Notifications required for deceased care recipients + Read more ...

Issue letter to executor of the estate:

Manually issue a letter stating the outcome of the assets assessment.

No advice is issued to the service provider as the executor is advised to show them a copy of their letter. Updating information in ACSP will also calculate and pay any supplements that are owed to the service provider.

Procedure ends here.


Care recipient is not concessional or assisted resident + Read more ...

Contact the person requesting the assessment:

  • advise that an assets assessment has determined that care recipient is neither a concessional or an assisted resident
  • the full rate of accommodation charge would apply
  • if requested, they can be manually issued with a letter to confirm this result

Procedure ends here.

Completing an assets assessment where entry to care was on or after 20 March 2008 (but prior to 1 July 2014)

Table 3




Post 2008 assets assessment required + Read more ...

An assets assessment determines if a post 2008 resident is:

  • Fully Supported
  • Partially Supported, or
  • Not Supported

Resident status is determined based on the value of the care recipient’s assessable assets as at their date of entry into care. If a care recipient has changed providers and remains grandfathered as pre 1 July 2014, a new assets assessment may be requested using the date of effect from their new entry.


Assessment of the principal home + Read more ...

The care recipient will have home ownership assessed as at their date of entry into care.

At the date of entry into care, was this care recipient a:


Homeowner - valuation of principal home required + Read more ...

For aged care asset test purposes, a care recipient can be considered to be a homeowner if they (and/or their partner) either:

See Archive Residential Care Fees and Charges to access historical asset limits for Post 2008 care recipients.

Is the value of the care recipient’s share of their principal home, as at their date of entry:

  • less any mortgages, more than the Asset Cut-off level for a partially supported resident?
  • Yes, care recipient is a not supported resident, go to Step 12
  • No, go to Step 5


Exempt homeowner + Read more ...

An exempt homeowner is a care recipient who has owns a home as at their date of entry, but it is occupied by a protected person. See Aged Care means assessment - Protected person.

A care recipient’s former home cannot become exempt for the first time under the carer or the close relation exemption reasons as a result of the care recipient transferring from 1 aged care service to another and having a new assets assessment.

By contrast, the partner and the dependent child exemption rules can be gained if the care recipient transfers from 1 aged care service to another.

Is this care recipient an exempt homeowner?


Assets other than the principal home + Read more ...

Calculate the total value of all other assets owned by the care recipient as at the date of entry, see:

Note: for the purpose of a means assessment the value of each member of a couple's assets are 50% of the total combined assets owned by each partner no matter which partner's name the asset is held in. There is 1 exception to this rule; when both members of a couple have paid an accommodation bond.


Asset reduction amounts + Read more ...

Assessable assets can be reduced by the amount of outstanding debts as at the date of entry including:

  • mortgages - assessed even when home is exempt
  • loans
  • credit cards
  • Prisoner of War (POW) compensation amounts
  • Home Equity Access Scheme - see the Loan Details (PLS/HEAS) screen for details

In most cases, care recipient will have the paperwork to verify the amount outstanding for a debt and verification should be sought in all instances. Normally a debt will not be accepted unless some form of verification can be provided.

In some situations, such as loans between family members, documentation may not be available and statutory declarations may be acceptable. This is especially if some other form of supporting evidence can be provided. For example, a bank statement showing the withdrawal of funds by the family member at the time the loan to the customer was made.

Has this care recipient been coded as deceased in Customer First?


Assets assessment - care recipient deceased in Customer First + Read more ...

Once a care recipient has been coded as deceased in Customer First, an RCA/ATH activity cannot be completed.

Complete the RCA/ATH assessment manually:

  • complete details in the relevant Pre 2008 Manual Assessment Worksheet located in the Resources page
  • upload a copy of the calculations onto the Customer First record in PDF format via Document Tools using the Form Type of UNS005-Financial, see Attaching electronic documents to a Centrelink customer's record using Document Tools in Customer First
  • upload a copy of the worksheet onto the Customer First record in PDF format via Document Tools using the Form Type of UNS005-Financial
  • Create a Fast Note including the following details:
    • an asset assessment was completed under Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 (section 44-10) effective for <DD/MM/YY> (date of entry into care)
    • care recipient’s Resident Status
    • all asset types totals
    • the date effective from
    • any debts
    • the total Net Assets amount calculated
    • any additional action taken

There are existing system limitations that prevent assets being updated for deceased residential care recipients with pre-1 July 2014 asset assessments.

  • These cases require escalation to have asset coding completed
  • Refer to Local Peer Support (LPS) who will escalate via mySupport

See Archive Residential Care Fees and Charges to access historical asset limits. Has the care recipient been assessed as having a concessional or assisted resident status?


Assets assessment - care recipient not deceased in Customer First + Read more ...

Code all assets as at the date of entry by indexing an RCA/ATH activity and by coding manually.

In Customer First:

  • Index an assets assessment activity:
    • Service Reason: RCA
    • Activity: ATH
    • Source: LIA
    • DOR: Date of receipt of assessment

Complete coding of RCAA screen. For post 2008 care recipients, if a loan was taken out to pay an entry contribution for a retirement village, the outstanding amount should be coded as an ‘other debt’.

Further updates are required for post 2008 care recipients under ATH Asset Reduction Amounts section:

  • Personal Loan: total value of any personal loans
  • Other debts: total value of any other debts
  • North Korean POW Payment: if the care recipient has stated that they have received this payment check if it has already been coded on Prisoner of War (POW) screen. If not coded update this field with amount of $25,000. See Exempt lump sums for information on the POW payments
  • Complete manual coding of income and assets
  • Manually issue a letter with outcome of assets assessment


Confirm result of assets assessment + Read more ...

Confirm the following details are correct prior to finalising:

  • the entry event information on RCIRC
  • assets are updated and correct on RCAD
  • RCAD shows the means assessment date of effect is displayed in the ATH DOE: field
  • date of effect equals the date of entry into care

Create a Fast Note including the following details:

  • an asset assessment was completed under Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 (section 44-10) effective for <DD/MM/YY> (date of entry into care)
  • care recipient’s Resident Status
  • all asset types totals
  • the date effective from
  • the valid until date
  • any debts
  • the total Net Assets amount calculated
  • any additional action taken

See Archive Residential Care Fees and Charges to access historical asset limits. Has the care recipient been assessed as having fully or partially supported resident status?


Update care recipient’s entry with asset amount for post 2008 care recipient + Read more ...

When assets assessment has been coded and completed in Customer First, asset details will be transmitted to ACSP. Care recipient’s status will be updated to concessional resident and can be viewed on:

  • Care recipient summary under Current circumstances
  • Means testing – Circumstances
  • Asset amount will also be displayed in Means testing tab

Once asset amount has been transmitted to ACSP, any accommodation supplement will be adjusted to the limiting date of 1 July 2015. Go to Step 11

For care period prior to the limiting date of 1 July 2015, a manual adjustment will need to be coded.

  • Refer to Local Peer Support (LPS) who will escalate via mySupport
  • Create a Fast Note using Auto text > Aged Care > Enquiry > Aged Care Manual Adjustment Request
  • Procedure ends here


Notifications required for deceased care recipients + Read more ...

Issue letter to executor of the estate:

Manually issue a letter stating the outcome of the assets assessment.

No advice is issued to the service provider as the executor is advised to show them a copy of their letter. Updating information in ACSP will also calculate and pay any supplements that are owed to the service provider.

Procedure ends here.


Care recipient is Not Supported resident + Read more ...

Contact the person requesting the assessment:

  • advise that an assets assessment has determined that care recipient is not a supported resident
  • the full rate of accommodation charge would apply
  • and advice of this assessment will be issued in Customer First