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Advance payments for Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) loans 065-22051321

Contact details

Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) National

Services Australia website

Home Equity Access Scheme (includes a link to the loan calculators)

Payment and Service Finder

Documents required for HEAS advance requests

Table 1



Advance request

To request a HEAS advance payment the HEAS customer must submit one of the following:

Current Scheme customers:

A Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) - review SA498 form must be completed when the following applies:

  • The customer has requested a HEAS advance payment request by:
    • Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) online service or
    • Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) variation SA497 form
  • it has been 13 weeks or greater since the customer received a
    • HEAS fortnightly (LON) payment, or
    • HEAS Advance (LONA) payment

The Complex Assessment Officer must send a Request for Information (RFI) which includes a Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) - review SA498 form.

New applicants:


Written consent for advance requests must be provided by:

  • the partner, if the customer is a member of a couple
  • the customer, if the request is submitted by their nominee. If the customer is partnered, the partner must also provide consent to the nominee request

See Home Equity Access Scheme consent for more details.

If the advance request is submitted online, an online task creates for the customer and/or partner to provide their consent. If consent is not provided within 21 days:

  • the advance request automatically cancels unless it has already been allocated to a staff member for processing.
  • and the request has already been allocated to a staff member, or the request for consent was issued manually (for example, via the Request for Information letter), the advance request will reject
    • Home Equity Access Scheme National team must code ineligible reason = AVW on the Home Equity Access Scheme Advance (HEASADV) screen

Calculation examples

This table provides examples of how HEAS advance payments are calculated, and the impact (if any) on fortnightly loan payments.

The examples are based on the maximum pension rates applicable as at 1 July 2022. These amounts may not be current.

See Rates and thresholds, for current rates.

Table 2



Key definitions and formula

Maximum Pension Rate (MPR)

The maximum pension rate used for HEAS advance payments is the sum per annum (p/a) of the:

  • Maximum basic rate
  • Pension Supplement components
  • Energy Supplement, and
  • Rent Assistance (if the customer gets RA)

The customer's marital status is used to determine the applicable MPR.

The customer's MPR can be viewed on the Pension Rate Calculation (PRC) screen.

Actual Rate

The customer's Actual Rate is the amount of pension payable per fortnight (p/f) after application of the income and asset tests.

The customer's actual rate can be viewed on the Pension Rate Calculation (PRC) screen.

Maximum available advance amount

The available advance payment amount is calculated by:

  • dividing the customer's annual Maximum Pension Rate (MPR) by 2 (that is, to work out 50% of the MPR), then
  • deduct the sum of all advance payment amounts received in the last 26 fortnights (including and prior to the calculation date)

The customer's available advance amount can be viewed on the Home Equity Access Scheme Advance (HEASADV) screen in Process Direct.

Maximum rate for fortnightly loan payments (max HEAS rate)

The most a customer can receive as a fortnightly loan payment is calculated as follows:

  • 150% of the MPR p/f (that is, 1.5 times the Maximum Pension Rate per fortnight), minus any of the following:
    • direct deduction income
    • advance payment deductions

Impact of advance payment on fortnightly loan rate

The amount of advance paid to a customer will reduce the maximum fortnightly loan rate. The reduction is calculated by:

  • dividing the advance payment amount by 26, and
  • deducting the amount from the maximum available fortnightly amount

The reduction:

  • will not cause a customer's maximum fortnightly loan amount to go below their maximum pension rate. This allows customers to use the loan to top-up to their maximum pension rate
  • to the maximum fortnightly loan rate may not impact the customer's actual fortnightly loan rate
  • is calculated and displayed on the HEASADV screen when the requested advance amount is coded

Customer 1, single:

  • reduced pension rate requests the maximum advance
  • elects 150% of MPR
  • has requested maximum advance which is 50% of MPR
  • advance payment $12,838.80
  • fortnightly payment: $987.60
  • Age Pension $800
  • LON $187.60

  • Age Pension Maximum Pension Rate (MPR) = $987.60 per fortnight (p/f)
  • Age Pension actual rate (after the application of the income and assets (I&A) tests) = $800
  • Maximum loan rate p/f = $1,481.40 (MPR x 1.5)
  • Maximum Advance amount $12,838.80 (MPR x 26 x 50%)
  • Fortnightly deduction from Max HEAS rate for advance paid $493.80 (advance paid / 26)
  • Fortnightly LON component (max) = $187.60 (Max HEAS rate - actual rate - fortnightly deduction for advance) ($1,481.80 - $800 - $493.80)

Customer 2, single:

  • with maximum pension payment requests the maximum advance
  • elects 150% of MPR
  • has requested maximum advance which is 50% of MPR
  • advance payment $12,838.80
  • fortnightly payment: $987.60
  • Age Pension $987.60
  • LON $0

  • Age Pension MPR = $987.60
  • Age Pension actual rate = $987.60
  • Max HEAS rate = $1,481.40 (MPR x 1.5)
  • Max Advance amount $12,838.80 (MPR x 26 x 50%)
  • Fortnightly deduction from Max HEAS rate for advance paid $493.80 (advance paid / 26)
  • Fortnightly LON component (max) = $0 (Max HEAS rate - actual rate - fortnightly deduction for advance) ($1,481.80 - $987.60 - $493.80)

Customer 3, single:

  • no pension payable (HEAS only customer) requests the maximum advance and a fortnightly HEAS loan of $800
  • requested maximum advance which is 50% of MPR
  • advance payment $12,838.80
  • fortnightly loan payment requested: $80
  • maximum loan payment available $987.60
  • Age Pension $0
  • LON $800

  • Age Pension MPR = $987.60
  • Age Pension actual rate (after I&A tests) = $0
  • Max HEAS rate = $1,481.40 (MPR x 1.5)
  • Max Advance amount $12,838.80 (MPR x 26 x 50%)
  • Fortnightly deduction from Max HEAS rate for advance paid $493.80 (advance paid / 26)
  • Fortnightly LON component (max) = $987.60 (Max HEAS rate - actual rate - fortnightly deduction for advance) ($1,481.80 - $0.00 - $493.80)
  • Note: customer will get $800 per fortnight of LON only, as this is less than the maximum fortnightly loan available of $987.60

Customer 4, partnered:

  • with a reduced pension payment rate (I&A test)
  • elects 150% of MPR

  • Age Pension MPR = $744.40
  • Age Pension actual rate (after I&A tests) = $400
  • Max HEAS rate = $1,116.60 (MPR x 1.5)
Fortnightly LON component (max) = $716.60 (Max HEAS rate - actual rate) ($1,116.60 - $400)

Customer 5, partnered:

  • with a reduced pension payment rate (I&A test) requests the maximum advance
  • elects 150% of MPR
  • has requested maximum advance which is 50% of MPR
  • advance payment $9,677.20
  • fortnightly payment: $744.40
  • Age Pension $400
  • LON $344.40

  • Age Pension MPR = $744.40
  • Age Pension actual rate (after I&A tests) = $400
  • Max HEAS rate = $1,116.60 (MPR x 1.5)
  • Advance amount paid $9,677.20 (MPR x 26 x 50%)
  • Fortnightly deduction from Max HEAS rate for advance paid $372.20 (advance paid / 26)
  • Fortnightly LON component (max) = $344.40 (Max HEAS rate - actual rate - fortnightly deduction for advance - actual pension payment) ($1,116.60 - $400 - $372.20)

Customer 6, partnered:

  • with a maximum pension payment rate requests the maximum advance
  • elects 150% of MPR
  • has requested maximum advance which is 50% of MPR
  • advance payment $9677.20
  • fortnightly payment: $744.40
  • Age Pension $744.40
  • LON $0

  • Age Pension MPR = $744.40
  • Age Pension actual rate = $744.40
  • Max HEAS rate = $1,116.60 (MPR x 1.5)
  • Advance amount paid = $9,677.20 (MPR x 26 x 50%)
  • Fortnightly deduction from Max HEAS rate for advance paid $372.20 (advance paid / 26)
  • Fortnightly LON component (max) = $0 (Max HEAS rate - actual rate - fortnightly deduction for advance) ($1,116.60 - $744.40 - $372.20)

Customer 7, partnered:

  • with no pension payable (HEAS only customer) requests the maximum advance
  • elects fixed HEAS rate of $400
  • requested maximum advance which is 50% of MPR
  • advance payment $9677.20
  • fortnightly payment: $400
  • Age Pension $0
  • LON $400

  • Age Pension MPR = $744.40
  • Age Pension actual rate = $0
  • Max HEAS rate = $1,116.60 (MPR x 1.5)
  • Advance amount paid $9,677.20 (MPR x 26 x 50%)
  • Fortnightly deduction from Max HEAS rate for advance paid $372.20 (advance paid / 26)
  • Fortnightly LON component (max) = $744.40 (Max HEAS rate - actual rate - fortnightly deduction for advance) ($1,116.60 - $0 - $372.20)
  • Note: customer will get $400 per fortnight of LON only, as this is less than the maximum fortnightly loan available of $744.40.

Customer 8, partnered:

  • with no pension payable (HEAS only customer) requests the maximum advance
  • elects 120% rate of fortnightly payment
  • has requested maximum advance which is 50% of MPR
  • advance payment $9677.20
  • fortnightly payment: 120% of MPR = $893.28
  • Age Pension $0
  • LON $744.40

  • Age Pension MPR = $744.40
  • Age Pension actual rate = $0
  • Max HEAS rate = $1,116.60 (MPR x 1.5)
  • Advance paid $9,677.20 (MPR x 26 x 50%)
  • Fortnightly deduction from Max HEAS rate for advance paid $372.20 (advance / 26)
  • Fortnightly LON component (max) = $744.40 (Max HEAS rate - actual rate - fortnightly deduction for advance) ($1,116.60 - $0 - $372.20)
  • Note: customer will get $744.40 per fortnight of LON only, as this is the maximum fortnightly loan available of $744.40. That is, once the deduction of $372.20 for the advance payment is included.

Customer 9, partnered:

  • no pension payable (HEAS only customer) requests partial advance
  • elects 120% rate of fortnightly payment
  • has requested advance but as they would like to retain fortnightly payment of 120% of MPR, customer would be entitled to 30% of MPR as an advance
  • advance payment (30% of MPR) $5806.32
  • fortnightly payment: 120% of MPR = $893.28
  • Age Pension $0
  • LON $893.28

  • Age Pension MPR = $744.40
  • Age Pension actual rate = $0
  • Max HEAS rate = $1,116.60 (MPR x 1.5)
  • Advance amount $5,806.32 (MPR x 26 x 30%)
  • Fortnightly deduction from Max HEAS rate for advance paid $223.32 (advance paid / 26)
  • Fortnightly LON component (max) = $893.28 (Max HEAS rate - actual rate - fortnightly deduction for advance) ($1,116.60 - $0 - $223.32)
  • Note: customer will get $893.28 per fortnight of LON only as requested.

Advance request where customer nominated a Maximum loan amount (MLA) less than the system generated MLA

  • The customer is partnered
    • maximum Advance Payment that can be requested is $10,747.10
  • Customer advised a Maximum Loan Amount of $20,000
  • Current balance is $12,000
  • Customer will have $8,000 available to request as an Advance Payment

HEAS advance payment via online services - Date of effect examples

Table 3: this table contains examples of a HEAS customer completing an Online Service request for a HEAS advance payment.




1 January 2024

  • Customer Action: 1 January 2024, HEAS customer uses their HEAS Online Service to request a HEAS advance payment
  • HEAS Online Service: Determines the customer's request for a HEAS advance payment needs an assessment by a Complex Assessment Officer (CAO) and straight through processing is not likely
  • Workload Management: Creates and prioritises a work item and is automatically transferred to the CAO workload management queue


5 January 2024

CAO: Selects prioritised HEAS advance payment work item to determine the HEAS assessment needed, including:

  • A Request further information (RFI) from the customer
  • Approve advance payment, or
  • Reject advance payment


5 January 2024

CAO: determines more information is needed:

  • sends RFI to customer
  • places work item on hold until 20 January 2024


19 January 2024

Customer: HEAS customer returned RFI and is digitally scanned to the HEAS customers Document Tools in Customer First.


20 January 2024

  • CAO:
    • selects the held work item
    • selects the RFI in the customer's Document Tools
    • assesses the requested HEAS advance information
  • Records the outcome in the HEAS Advance screens in:
    • Process Direct (HEASADV), or
    • Customer First (HEAA), and
    • Corrects the Date of Event (DOE) to 20 January 2024, the day the activity is completed

HEAS advance payment via SA497 form - Date of effect examples

Table 4: this table contains examples of a HEAS customer completing a Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) - variation (SA497) form to their local service centre for a request for a HEAS advance payment.




1 January 2024

  • Customer: 1 January 2024, HEAS customer returns Home Equity Access Scheme (HEAS) variation (SA497) form to their local service centre to request a HEAS advance payment
  • Service Officer: digitally scans SA497 to the customers record
  • Workload Management: Creates and prioritises a work item and is automatically transferred to the CAO workload management queue


5 January 2024

Complex Assessment Officer (CAO): Selects prioritised HEAS advance payment work item to determine the HEAS assessment required including:

  • A Request further information (RFI) from the customer
  • Approve advance payment, or
  • Reject advance payment


5 January 2024

CAO: determines more information is needed:

  • sends RFI to customer
  • places work item on hold until 20 January 2024


19 January 2024

Customer: HEAS customer returned RFI and is digitally scanned to the HEAS customers Document Tools in Customer First.


20 January 2024

  • CAO:
    • selects the held work item
    • selects the RFI in the customer's Document Tools
    • assesses the requested HEAS advance information
  • Records the outcome in the HEAS Advance screens in:
    • Process Direct (HEASADV), or
    • Customer First (HEAA), and
    • Corrects the Date of Event (DOE) to 20 January 2024, the day the activity is completed