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Changing address or rent details 102-03000000

This document outlines information regarding the processes to follow when customers have a change of address or rent details.

Government Intent - Requirement to notify

Centrelink customers are required to notify of any changes to their address details to ensure that Centrelink have complete and correct contact information, and that customers are receiving correct entitlements and communications.

Confirm customer details

Every customer's address (including postal address) and telephone details (including mobile phone numbers) must be checked at every contact, and updated if required.


  • check the address details are correct even if the customer has authenticated themselves via IVR, to ensure accuracy (not for Proof of Record Ownership (PoRO))
  • check the record for any Return to Sender DOC where customer may have missed correspondence. For more information, see Return to sender (RTS) mail for Centrelink

Changing address (CLK)

Inter-environment change of address (ICoA)

Recording accommodation details