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Return to sender (RTS) mail for Centrelink 102-10030010

This document outlines how to process correspondence returned to Centrelink 'whereabouts unknown'.

On this page:

Locating returned mail in Process Direct

Locating returned mail in Customer First

Processing Centrelink return to sender correspondence WUK

Deceased customers

Customers with unauthorised activity letter

Customers with a review in the Integrated Review System (IRS)

Customers with Youpla Resolution Payment letters

Locating returned mail in Process Direct

Table 1: this table describes the process to locate returned mail in Process Direct




Mail located + Read more ...

Has the returned mail already been located?

  • Yes, if the returned mail is:
    • a notification letter about fraudulent activity, go to Table 5
    • for a deceased customer, go to Table 4
    • about a Youpla Resolution Payment, go to Table 7
    • for all other mail, go to Table 3
  • No, go to Step 2


Find the Return to Sender DOC + Read more ...

  • On the Document List (DL) screen select the Notes button
  • Take note of the following, to search for the returned mail:
    • Unique Letter Id. The first 10 digits are needed, and
    • date

Note: staff may need to search a few days each side of the date. This is because the letter date on the DOC and the letter date on the system do not always align.


Check the History Summary (HS) screen + Read more ...

On the HS screen look for:

  • correspondence generated within the last 120 days
  • sent letters with status of Printed or Communication Sent

Note: staff can view correspondence more than 120 days old in the Archive Search Display tile. See Table 4 in Archive Search Display in Process Direct.

Is the letter listed?


Check the Correspondence (CORRO) screen + Read more ...

On the customer’s record go to the CORRO screen.

The Correspondence History table shows a list of correspondence created in the last 120 days.

Note: staff can view correspondence more than 120 days old in the Archive Search Display tile. See Table 4 in Archive Search Display in Process Direct.

Is the correspondence listed?

  • Yes,
    • select History ID next to the correspondence item to open a PDF copy
    • go to Table 3
  • No, go to Step 5


Letter is not listed + Read more ...

If the letter is not listed, it may be archived.

Correspondence created in the mainframe system is sent to the archive once the Print status shows as printed (PR).

To retrieve archived correspondence:

Once retrieved, letters show as PDF copies.

Is the letter listed?


Letter not listed in ACE system + Read more ...

If older letters are not stored in the ACE system, check the Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) system to retrieve archived correspondence:

  • CAR is an environment-based system
  • Search in other environments if the customer’s record shows they have moved states
  • Letters may take up to 24 hours to be retrieved from the CAR system
  • Letters are not formatted. When staff receive the retrieval is complete email, use the CARDOER tool to reformat

See Using the Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) system and microfiche requests for archived information.

Note: if the returned mail cannot be located send an email to the Customer Details helpdesk

Locating returned mail in Customer First

Table 2: this table describes the process to locate returned mail in Customer First.




Mail located + Read more ...

Has the returned mail already been located?

  • Yes, if the returned mail is:
    • a notification letter about fraudulent activity, go to Table 5
    • for a deceased customer, go to Table 4
    • about a Youpla Resolution Payment, go to Table 7
    • for all other mail, go to Table 3
  • No, go to Step 2


Check for Return to Sender DOC + Read more ...

On the Document List (DL) screen look for the Return to Sender DOC.

To search for returned mail check the DOC for the:

  • unique letter id
  • date of letter

Note: staff may need to search a few days each side of the date. This is because the letter date on the DOC and the letter date on the system do not always align.


Check the History Summary (HS) screen + Read more ...

On the History Summary (HS) screen:

  • View the list of recent correspondence (including correspondence nominee PDF copies) created in Customer First
  • Only letters with a status of PR have been sent

Is the letter listed?

  • Yes, to view letter:
    • open the twisty beside the letter
    • select View > Continue
    • go to Table 3
  • No, go to Step 4


Use the Search Outbound Correspondence tool + Read more ...

To search:

  • using the Search Outbound Correspondence tool:
    • from Workspace select Customer Communication > Search Outbound Correspondence
    • key the customer CRN (without spaces) in the Recipient CRN field
    • select Search
    • a list of correspondence created in SAP in the last 120 days will show
  • for correspondence more than 120 days old:
    • select the Archive Search option at the top left of the page > [Enter]
    • key the customer CRN in the CRN field
  • tracking details, select the LIR Number. To return to the search list, select Back at the top right of the page

Is the letter listed?


Check Communication History + Read more ...

Access the customer’s record in Customer First, and:

  • select CRN/BP next to the CRN field to open the Customer Details screen
  • select the Communication History tab
    • a list of correspondence created in SAP in the last 120 days will show
  • view correspondence more than 120 days old by selecting the Archive Communications option

Is the letter listed?


Letter is not listed + Read more ...

If the letter cannot be located, it may be archived.

Correspondence created in the mainframe system is sent to the archive once the Print status shows as printed (PR).

To retrieve archived correspondence:

Once retrieved, letters show as PDF copies.

Is the letter listed?


Letter not listed in (Archive Culling Engine) ACE system + Read more ...

If older letters are not stored in the ACE system, check the Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) system to retrieve archived correspondence:

  • CAR is an environment-based system
  • Search in other environments if the customer's record shows they have moved states
  • Letters may take up to 24 hours to be retrieved from the CAR system
  • Letters are not formatted. When staff receive the retrieval is complete email, use the CARDOER tool to reformat

See Using the Customer Archive Retrieval (CAR) system and microfiche requests for archived information.

Note: if the returned mail cannot be located send an email to the Customer Details helpdesk

Processing Centrelink return to sender correspondence WUK

Table 3: this table describes the steps required when correspondence is returned 'whereabouts unknown'(WUK).




Correspondence received by an unintended individual + Read more ...

For staff located in:

If a work item has come off hold after sending a Q999, go to Step 10.


Correspondence returned from customer's address + Read more ...

When mail is returned and scanned, the customer’s record will either:

  • be automatically suspended or cancelled Whereabouts Unknown (WUK), or
  • have a Work Item created if the customer requires follow up action. See Work item and keywords on the Resources page
    Note: staff must not cancel any work items for correspondence returns to Centrelink ‘Whereabouts unknown’

Automatic 'CAN'cellation or 'SUS'pension can occur if customers are not identified as vulnerable or requiring follow up action. Customers in these categories may require further intervention before updating the record. See Circumstances impacting job seeker compliance.

Payments are suspended or cancelled WUK and customer has contacted, go to Step 3.

Correspondence returned and work item created in Customer First, go to Step 4.


Customer contacts - payments suspended or cancelled WUK + Read more ...

Check the customer’s current address details on the Address Summary Screen (ADS).

If there is any reason to doubt the customer is living at the address they must provide evidence they are still living at the recorded address before the payment is restored.

Evidence may be required if:

  • mail has previously been returned from the address
  • there is a suspected marriage-like relationship
  • the customer cannot provide a satisfactory reason for returned mail
    Note: only issue a Rent Certificate (SU523HD) where a change to or verification of accommodation and rent details is required. It cannot be issued for the customer to use as evidence that they still live at their last recorded address. See Rent Assistance verification

Tell the customer the advantages of receiving correspondence using their myGov inbox through their Online Services and/or myGov Express Plus.

Update preference on Electronic Messaging Overview (EMO) screen if required.

If suitable, assist customer to register for myGov, see How users create a myGov account and link services.


Returned correspondence with a Work Item created in Customer First + Read more ...

  • If mail has been returned:
    • for a deceased customer, go to Table 4
    • from the correspondence nominee's address, go to Step 5
    • and it is a notification letter about unauthorised activity, go to Table 5
    • and is about a Youpla Resolution Payment, go to Table 7
  • If the customer:
  • If follow up action is needed, see Work item and keywords on the Resources page
  • If the address on the system is different to the one on the letter, go to Step 11


Correspondence returned from a Nominee's address + Read more ...

  • If there is an error in the address (for example, wrong suburb or street number), correct the address and reissue the returned mail
  • Service Officers must contact the customer before cancelling the nominee arrangement. At least 2 genuine attempts to contact must be made. For more details, see Making an unfavourable decision (CLK)
  • Record the details on a DOC

Procedure ends here.


Current Aged Care (RCA) customers + Read more ...

  • Check customer has a status of RCA/CUR
  • Check the RCA Institution Summary (RIS) screen in the RCA system for:
    • Care Type: Residential
    • Admission Date: date of entry
    • Confirm address of residential care provider using available online resources such as Google search
  • Check for a current correspondence nominee
    • Nominee details on the Nominee Relationship Summary (NOLS) screen
  • Check if letter has been returned from a postal address. If so, reissue to home address, go to Step 11
  • If the address on the system is different to the one on the letter, go to Step 11

Attempt to call the customer or their nominee on their last known telephone number.

Can the customer or nominee be contacted?


Changing address for Aged Care (RCA) customers in residential care + Read more ...

Delegation to change a Centrelink address based on data exchange information only is limited to staff at the APS4 level or above. If a customer’s address needs to be updated to a residential care address, Service Officers not APS4 level or above, must refer the address update to Aged Care (RCA) Technical Peer Support who will complete the address update.

Address updates in Customer First (CF) will flow to the Aged Care Staff Portal (ACSP) and Aged Care Management Payment System (ACMPS).

Is this customer currently in Residential Aged Care and in receipt of an ISP or a concession card?

  • Yes:
    • Do not suspend payments
    • See Table 3 in Change of address to an aged care home
    • Staff at APS3 level and below are to refer the address update to Aged Care (RCA) Technical Peer Support. (The Resources page has a link to the Office Locator and contact details)
    • Once the address has been updated, go to Step 11
  • No:
    • Customer is currently in home care
    • Mail has been returned from their home address
    • go to Step 8


Customer contact is required or customer is receiving Disability Support Pension (DSP), is identified as a vulnerable customer, has a Restricted Access record + Read more ...

If the customer:

  • is no longer current, go to Step 10
  • has a new claim activity and there is:
    • a new address in the claim, go to Step 11
    • no new address, try to contact them
  • is current on a payment and the address has not changed, continue with this step to contact the customer

Note: it may be necessary to view the claim to check the address they have provided.

Try to call the customer or their nominee on their last known telephone number:

  • at least 2 genuine attempts to contact should be made over a 2 day period for vulnerable customers, see Work item and keywords on the Resources page
  • if the customer or nominee does not have a telephone, send a Q999 letter using the appropriate free text, see the Resources page
  • if a customer is overseas no calls should be attempted. Send a Q999 letter using the appropriate free text to the last recorded address, see the Resources page

Note: all payments must stay current while trying to contact the customer/nominee.

Can the customer or nominee be contacted?

  • Yes, go to Step 9
  • No,
    • Send a Q999 using the appropriate free text, see the Resources page for text
      Note: where a customer has no fixed address or mailing address and a Q999 cannot be sent, end date all address types from today's date and annotate the return to sender DOC before completing the activity. Go to Step 12
    • Place the work item on hold and allow 14 days (28 days if overseas) for the customer to respond to this notification
    • Annotate the Return to Sender DOC with findings and actions taken


Successful customer contact + Read more ...

Advise of returned correspondence and discuss reasons for return. Consider the reasons for the returned correspondence, such as:

  • The customer’s medical conditions, for example, acute psychiatric disability or Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
  • Other circumstances, for example, hospitalisation or remoteness
  • Depending on the reasons for returned correspondence, other arrangements for receiving mail may be more appropriate, for example, having a correspondence nominee receive their correspondence or using myGov inbox

Tell the customer the advantages of receiving correspondence using their myGov inbox through their Online Services and/or myGov Express Plus.

Update preference on Electronic Messaging Overview (EMO) screen if required.

If suitable, assist customer to register for myGov, see How users create a myGov account and link services.

Check the customer’s current address information on the Address Summary (ADS) screen.

Has the customer’s address changed?

  • No:
    • If there is any reason to doubt the customer is still living at the address, they must provide evidence that they still live at the recorded address. When verified, resend correspondence
    • No reason to doubt they are still living at the address, resend correspondence
    • On the Return to Sender DOC record all details including findings and action taken
    • Complete the activity, go to Step 12
  • Yes:
    • Update the record with the new address and rental details. See Changing address (CLK)
    • Resend correspondence to the new address
    • On the Return to Sender DOC record all details including findings and action taken
    • Complete the activity, go to Step 12


Follow up action required or work item has come off hold + Read more ...

Select from the below options

Address has been updated + Read more ...

Address has not been updated + Read more ...

Annotate the Return to Sender DOC with findings and complete activity if:

  • Customer no longer current
  • Information on the letter is no longer relevant

Where none of the above apply, or if the customer has not responded to the Q999:

  • end date all address types from today’s date. This will automatically suspend or cancel payment for the reason 'WUK'
  • annotate Return to Sender DOC with findings and actions taken, and complete.

To complete the activity, go to Step 12.


Customer has a new address or address has been verified + Read more ...

Issue a covering manual free text Q062 letter in Customer First with appropriate free text (see the Resources page)

Note: print the Q062 locally and attach the original correspondence

Resend correspondence to the new address

Annotate the Return to Sender DOC with findings and actions taken and complete.


Complete activities + Read more ...

To complete the work item/activity in Customer First:

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen in the customer’s record
  • Select (S) the activity:
    • Select Continue
    • Select Complete

Note: staff must not cancel the Return to Sender Processing work item.

Deceased customers

Table 4: This table describes the returned mail process for deceased customers.




Information on letter still relevant + Read more ...

Escalate via email to the Customer Details Helpdesk if:

  • mail was returned more than 12 months after it was issued
  • there is suspected fraud or suspicious activity

Is the information on the letter still relevant? For example, the customer has an outstanding debt:


Is the letter related to an outstanding debt or debt recovery? + Read more ...

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No,
    • create a Display on Access (DOA) DOC on the record. Include the following text:
      Mail was returned from (Insert Address here). Do not send further mail to this address prior to confirming that this is the correct address with the Executor or next of kin
    • Note: if the address is updated with contact from Executor or next of kin, see Step 11 in Table 3
    • Complete activity, go to Step 4


Annotate the DOC + Read more ...

Find the DOC the debt letter relates to and annotate it with:

  • mail has been returned
  • the address it was returned from

Complete activity. Go to Step 4


Complete activities + Read more ...

To complete the activity/work item in Customer First:

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen in the customer’s record
  • Select (S) the activity:
    • Select continue
    • Select Complete

Note: staff must not cancel the Return to Sender Processing work item.

Customers with unauthorised activity letter

Table 5: This table describes the returned mail process for customers who have been sent letters about unauthorised activity on their Centrelink online account.




Check if the customer on a current payment + Read more ...

If they are, go to Step 2

If not:

  • Check if the customer subscribes to online letters. On the Electronic Messaging and Online Letters (EMOL) screen in Process Direct it will show if they received the letter online. If they:
    • did, annotate the Return to Sender DOC with findings and actions taken and complete
    • did not, complete the rest of this step
  • Place the work item on hold for 14 days
  • Annotate the return to sender DOC that this has been escalated
  • Email the Customer Details Helpdesk for processing advice


Has the customer's address changed? + Read more ...


Customer contact required + Read more ...

Attempt to call the customer or their nominee on their last known telephone number.

  • At least 2 genuine attempts to contact should be made over a 2 day period
  • If the customer or nominee does not have a telephone, email the Customer Details Helpdesk for processing advice
  • If a customer is overseas no calls should be attempted, email the Customer Details Helpdesk for processing advice

Note: all payments are to remain current whilst attempting to contact customer/nominee.

Can the customer or nominee be contacted?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No:
    • Check if the customer subscribes to online letters. On the EMOL screen in Process Direct it will show if they received the letter online. If they did, annotate the Return to Sender DOC with findings and actions taken and complete. If no electronic letter, complete the rest of this step
    • Place the work item on hold for 14 days
    • Annotate the return to sender DOC that this has been escalated
    • Email the Customer Details Helpdesk for processing advice


Successful customer contact + Read more ...

Advise of returned correspondence and discuss reasons for return.

Tell the customer the advantages of receiving correspondence using their myGov inbox through their Online Services and/or myGov Express Plus.

Update preference on Electronic Messaging Overview (EMO) screen if required.

If suitable, assist customer to register for myGov, see How users create a myGov account and link services.

Check the customer’s current address information on the Address Summary (ADS) screen.

Has the customer’s address changed?

  • Yes:
    • Update the record with the new address and rental details. See Changing address (CLK)
    • Record the details on the Return to Sender DOC
    • Resend correspondence to the new address, go to Step 5
  • No:
    • If there is any reason to doubt the customer is still living at the address, they must provide evidence that they still live at the recorded address. When verified, resend correspondence
    • No reason to doubt they are still living at the address
    • On the Return to Sender DOC record all details including findings and action taken
    • Resend correspondence
    • Complete the activity, go to Step 6


Customer has a new address or address has been verified + Read more ...

Issue a covering manual free text Q062 letter with appropriate free text (see the Resources page)

Note: print the Q062 locally and attach the original correspondence

Resend correspondence to the new address

Annotate the Return to Sender DOC with findings and action taken, and complete.

Go to Step 6


Complete activities + Read more ...

To complete the work item/activity in Customer First:

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen in the customer’s record
  • Select (S) the activity:
    • Select Continue
    • Select Complete

Note: staff must not cancel the Return to Sender Processing work item.

Customers with a review in the Integrated Review System (IRS)

Table 6: This table describes the returned mail process for customers with outstanding IRS reviews.




Letter is regarding a review + Read more ...

Is the information on the letter regarding an outstanding IRS review?


Annotate the DOC + Read more ...

Find the review DOC the letter relates to and annotate it with:

  • mail has been returned
  • the address it was returned from

Annotate the Return to Sender DOC with findings and action taken, and complete. Go to Step 3


Complete activities + Read more ...

To complete the work item/activity in Customer First:

  • Go to the Activity List (AL) screen in the customer’s record
  • Select (S) the activity:
    • Select Continue
    • Select Complete

Note: staff must not cancel the Return to Sender Processing work item.

Customers with Youpla Resolution Payment letters

Table 7: This table describes the actions to take when a customer receives a letter about Youpla Resolution Payment.




Youpla Resolution Payment letter + Read more ...

Is the information in the letter about Youpla Resolution Payment?


How to process the Return to Sender work item + Read more ...

Specialised staff in the Youpla Support Team project process all Return to Sender processing work items.

For staff not in this team:

  • Do not complete or cancel the activity
  • Annotate the Return to Sender DOC so it details the Youpla Support team project will assess the returned mail
  • Place the work item on hold for 14 days
  • Send an email to Youpla Support Team - complaint management. In the:
    • Subject line include Return to Sender YSP
    • email body include the CRN