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Changes in circumstances and the effect on participation for the principal carer of a dependent child 102-17010050

This page contains information on varying a Job Plan for principal carers when they advise of a change in their circumstances.

Participation requirements of principal carers after change of circumstances

Table 1




Principal carer change of circumstances + Read more ...

The principal carer of a dependent child under 6 advises a change in their circumstances.

  • Record details of any change on the job seeker's record
  • If needed, issue appropriate forms, invite claim for another payment, book new claim interview
  • Advise the job seeker of any change to their rate of payment and entitlement to other payments/concessions and services
  • If the parent is participating in ParentsNext, they may no longer be eligible for this programme


Job seeker transferring to another payment + Read more ...

Is the job seeker transferring to another payment that is subject to mutual obligation requirements?


Change in care + Read more ...

Is this a change in care details for a child?


Care of child related changes + Read more ...

  • If the job seeker's youngest child leaves their care, and there are no other children under six, they will be subject to mutual obligation requirements
  • If the job seeker gives birth, or a young child comes into their care, participation is no longer compulsory while they have a dependent child under six in their care

Recording these child updates will automatically update details of the job seeker's participation category (compulsory/voluntary) for Services Australia staff to view on the Participation Summary and Job Plan Status screen.

Note: Principal carers on JobSeeker Payment (JSP)/Youth Allowance (job seeker) must meet their mutual obligation requirements, regardless of the age of their youngest dependent child.

Job seekers whose participation has become voluntary are not bound by their Job Plan, as they no longer have compulsory mutual obligation requirements. The job seeker may require a new Job Plan to be negotiated, removing all the old compulsory activities (including any provider coded activities) and including new appropriate activities.

Job seekers who have become subject to mutual obligation requirements must have a new Job Plan with at least one compulsory activity included to continue to qualify for payment. See the Completing a Job Plan table in Negotiating Centrelink Managed Job Plans.

Is the Job Seeker eligible for an Exemption from their mutual obligation requirements due to a change in their circumstances?


Exemption from mutual obligation requirements + Read more ...

Does the job seeker qualify for an exemption from their mutual obligation requirements?

For help, see Mutual obligation requirements exemptions.

There are some exemptions that apply only to principal carers. See Exempting a job seeker from mutual obligation requirements due to special circumstances.

  • Yes, code exemption and advise the job seeker. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 6


Arranging appointment + Read more ...

Offer the job seeker an appointment to:

  • discuss changes to entitlement to payments or services that may affect participation
  • seek advice or referral for assistance to overcome a challenge to participation
  • negotiate changes to their Job Plan for of Centrelink managed job seekers