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Expense Management Summary Screen 103-01050040

This page contains processing information relating to actions performed via the Expense Management Summary screen.

On this page:

Account information viewed via the Expense Management Summary screen

Expenses information viewed via the Expense Management Summary screen

Historical information viewed via the Expense Management Summary screen

Account information viewed via the Expense Management Summary screen

Table 1: This table outlines account information that can be actioned via the Expense Management Summary screen.




Available Balance

Available balance is based on the customer's credits and debits over the next 13 days. This includes today + 13 days. It will always appear as the lowest balance during the period. See the Resources page for an example.

The available balance will appear as zero if at any time it will be in the negative in the period.

If a Service Officer attempts to make an expense payment that exceeds the available balance (using the Expense Management Summary screen) an edit will appear which will prevent the Service Officer coding the expense.

To view all of the credits and debits in the period (that affect the available balance) go to the Fortnight (14-days) Balance Details section.


Current Balance

This is the customer's Income Management balance as at today's date. It will not take into account any regular expenses that will be coming out of the Income Management funds.

This section can be used to assess whether one of the regular expenses needs to be varied or suspended, to allow a customer to be paid a one off payment (when there is not enough in the available balance).

If the customer does wish to suspend or vary their allocations, the Service Officer must have a discussion with the customer and make them aware of any implications this may cause to current allocations.

Available as at: field shows today's date


Fortnight (14-days) Balance Details twisty

Expand twisty to show the following information:

  • Date of Effect: displays the date that the payment becomes available for expenses. This is the earliest date that regular expenses can be scheduled
  • Delivery Date: This is the date for a payment or expense to be delivered
  • System: The host system for the credits or debits
  • TPO Name: The Third Party Organisation who receives the Income Management payment
  • Expense Category: The IM service reason the expense is paid for. This will be blank for BasicsCard expenses
  • Debit: Outgoing expenses
  • Credit: Incoming funds of customers benefit payments or returned funds
  • Balance: The balance is updated each time when there is a credit or a debit in the fortnight


Fortnightly Rate Calculation as at: (today's date) twisty

Expand twisty to show the gross amount of benefit before deduction, for all payments the customer receives. Income managed amount shown separately.

For each benefit system information displayed:

  • Benefit Type: Benefit system code. Note: part payments of an income support payment will not display as these are identified as 'one-off' payments by the system
  • Next EPED: Entitlement Period End Date
  • Next Delivery Date: Date benefit to be paid

Note: payments to BasicsCard are delivered directly following completion of the GPY payment strip. For more information, see Payment delivery strip times. Therefore, BasicsCard funds are available for customers the same night as the date of effect.

  • Gross entitlement: Gross amount of benefit
  • Compulsory Deductions: Any amounts being deducted for recovery of Advance payments and Centrelink debts, payment of financial supplement loans, Child Support liabilities and tax deductions (including voluntary tax deductions)
  • Net entitlement: Net amount of benefit
  • Income Managed: Amount and percentage of income support payment that is to be income managed
  • Discretionary funds: Gross amount of discretionary funds
  • Voluntary Deductions: displays any voluntary deductions to be deducted from a customer's payment. These deductions will be taken from any discretionary payments received by the customer
  • Residual Discretionary funds: Total funds paid to the customer after payment of any voluntary deductions

Expenses information viewed via the Expense Management Summary screen

Table 2: This table outlines expenses information that can be actioned via the Expense Management Summary screen.




Compulsory Deductions + Read more ...

Expand twisty to show Compulsory Deductions table which displays payments to the Commonwealth, including:

  • Advance repayments
  • Centrelink overpayments and FTB debts
  • Child Support Debt or Child Support Liability
  • Voluntary Tax Payments, and
  • Housing Deductions

Compulsory deductions are deducted from the gross balance, prior to Income Management being applied.


Voluntary Deductions for All Benefits + Read more ...

Expand the twisty to show the Voluntary Deductions table, which displays details of all Centrepay and Rent Deduction Schemes (RDS) deductions that have been, or will be paid, from the customer's gross discretionary funds. See Table 1, Item 4.


Regular Expenses + Read more ...

Expand the twisty to show details of the current Regular Expenses table, which displays details of all regular deductions that will be paid from Income Managed funds.

  • TPO Name: The Third Party Organisation who receives the Income Management payment
  • Expense Category: The IM Service reason the expense is paid for. This will be blank for BasicsCard expenses
  • Benefit Type: Payment type is IM (Income Management)
  • Delivery Date: Date next expense is to be paid
  • Start Date: Date the expense commenced
  • End Date: Date the expense is to end
  • Frequency: The frequency of the expense
  • Amount: Amount of the expense
  • Target Amount: Maximum amount as set by the customer to be paid to the TPO
  • Target Balance: Outstanding target amount to be paid to the TPO
  • Request ID: The reference used to distinguish between different Expense Requests. Request IDs cannot be changed and will remain the same for a particular Expense Request
  • AMR: Activity Management Reference of the activity that set up the request details


Fortnightly IM funds Unallocated and % of IM funds Unallocated + Read more ...

These fields display the amount and percentage of Income Management funds in the fortnight that has not been allocated for any expenses.

It is expected that at least 75% of IM funds should be allocated in the fortnight.


New Expenses + Read more ...

This field displays the options for adding various kinds of expenses as requested by the customer as follows:

  • add regular expense
  • add one off expense
  • add BasicsCard regular expense
  • add BasicsCard immediate expense
  • add regular customer reimbursement
  • add one off unrestricted cash payment
  • add restricted direct payment


Priority Needs + Read more ...

Priority Needs Discussion Result

This screen is used to capture the outcome of a priority needs discussion with the customer, recording how each of the customer's priority needs are met. Once the customer's responses have been coded and the workflow finalised, the responses are protected and form a historical record.

Note: if the customer is being income managed under the Child Protection measure, the screen will display any Child Protection Authority priority needs recorded for the customer.

Priority Needs Discussion History

This screen displays a list of all historical priority needs discussions held with the customer. The outcome of those discussions can be viewed by selecting the relevant date.


SMP Child Expenses + Read more ...

This heading will only be available to view if the customer has, or has had, allocations to the School Meals Program (SMP).

Expand twisty to show details of children in the customer's care eligible to participate in the School Meals Program.

  • First Name: First name of child identified as eligible for SMP
  • Surname: Surname of the child identified as eligible for SMP
  • Rlship: The relationship the customer has with the child:
    • CHI: Non-FTB child of the customer
    • CUS: Customer within IMS eligible age range
    • EFG: Extended Family
    • FTB: Receiving FTB for the Child
    • PCH: Child linked to partner not customer
    • PTR: Partner qualifies for an IMS expense
  • School: The school where the child receives their School Meals Program meals
  • Age: The age of the child
  • TPO: The Third Party Organisation which provides the SMP service for the child
  • Start Date: The date SMP was first deducted. If the child is not on SMP, today's date will be displayed
  • Frequency: The frequency the SMP expense is paid
  • Amount: The amount paid by the customer for SMP
  • SUS: Details of any suspension from SMP
  • Reason: The reason SMP is not in place for a child. Data only displays if the Amount: field has a non-standard or zero amount. One of the following reasons will appear:
    • AFD Customer affordability
    • AGE No longer school age
    • AMS Attends multiple schools
    • CRD In credit with provider
    • DTH Child deceased
    • EDC Child changed schools
    • END TP svc ended for school
    • GSN Meals supplied at home
    • LCC Child no longer in care
    • NAS Child not at school
    • NFS Not receiving all meals
    • PBO Paid by another
    • PPF Paid from personal funds
    • PPO Part paid by another
    • REF Chooses not to pay
    • SHR Shared care arrangement
    • SNP Paid through Centrepay
    • TAS Temporary absence

Historical information viewed via the Expense Management Summary screen

Table 3: This table outlines historical information that can be performed via the Expense Management Summary screen.




Expense Request History + Read more ...

Select the link to show the customers historical expense requests on the Expense Request History page.

  • Request ID: This number is automatically assigned
  • Start Date: Date the expense commenced
  • End Date: Date the expense ended or is to end
  • TPO CRN: Customer Reference Number of organisation
  • Name: The Third Party Organisation who was paid the expense
  • Expense Category: The Service reason the expense was paid for. This will be blank for BasicsCard expenses
  • Frequency: The frequency of the expense
  • Amount: Amount of the expense
  • Target Amount: Maximum amount as set by the customer to be paid to the TPO
  • Status: Status of the manual expense (Active, Ceased, or Ended)

To view the full history details of an expense, select the radio button corresponding to the Request ID. This will present the request history for the selected expense. To view all expense notes associated with the request, select the View Notes for this request link.


Regular Expense History + Read more ...

Select the link to show the customer's regular expenses paid by direct deduction on the Regular Expense History page.

  • TPO: Third Party Organisation who was paid the expense
  • Category: The service reason the expense was paid for. This will be blank for BasicsCard expenses
  • Start Date: Date the expense commenced
  • End Date: Date the expense ended
  • Frequency: The frequency of the expense
  • Amount: Amount of the expense
  • AMR: Activity Management Reference of the activity that set up the expense details


One off Expense History + Read more ...

Select the link to show the customers one off expenses paid on the One off Expense History page.

  • Date: Date the one off expense was made
  • TPO: Name of the Third Party Organisation paid the one off expense
  • Category: The IM Service reason the expense was paid for. This will be blank for BasicsCard expenses
  • Method: How the one off expense was made (for example, direct deduction, credit card etc.)
  • Amount: Amount of the one off expense
  • AMR: Activity Management Reference of the activity that set up the consent details


Store Card History + Read more ...

Income managed customers may have been issued with a stored value card (prior to June 2011) to meet their priority needs.

Select the link to show the stored value cards issued to the customer on the Store Card History screen.

  • Date issued: Date the Store Card was issued
  • Card Type: The type of Store Card issued (for example, Coles, Woolworths etc.)
  • Location Issued: Which Centrelink Service Centre issued the Store Card
  • Card Amount: The value of the Store Card issued


Adjustment History + Read more ...

Select the link to show adjustments made to the customer's Income Management Account on the Account Adjustment History page.

  • Date: Date adjustment occurred
  • Adjustment Type: The reason for the adjustment:
    • 2nd person debt
    • administrative error
    • compensation payment
    • no 2nd person debt
    • return of funds from TPO
    • stale/stopped cheque
  • Journal reference: When available, the appropriate journal number recorded against the adjustment
  • Reference Details: When available, the appropriate reference number recorded against the adjustment, which include:
    • Debt Identification Numbers
    • Compensation Reference Numbers
    • BasicsCard number
    • Cheque number/Pseudo Account reference
  • User ID: The logon of the staff member who made the adjustment
  • Third Party Organisation name: The trading name of the TPO recorded for the adjustment (if applicable)
  • Amount: Amount of the adjustment - this can be positive or negative
  • Notes: a preview of the notes recorded with the adjustment. The 'More' hyperlink will open a dialogue box which will display all notes recorded with the adjustment

Select Continue to exit out of the page.


School Meals Program History + Read more ...

Select the link to show historical School Meals Program (SMP) payments on the School Meals Program History page.

Only children where an SMP expense has been incurred for the customer will be listed. Expand the twisty of the relevant child to show a history of SMP payments.

  • Rlship: The relationship the customer has with the child:
    • CHI: Non-FTB child of the customer
    • CUS: Customer within IMS eligible age range
    • EFG: Extended Family
    • FTB: Receiving FTB for the Child
    • PCH: child linked to partner not customer
    • PTR: Partner qualifies for an IMS expense
  • School: The school where the child received their School Meals Program meals
  • Age: The age of the child
  • TPO: The Third Party Organisation which provided the SMP service for the child
  • Start Date: The date SMP was first deducted
  • End Date: The date the SMP expense ended
  • Frequency: The frequency the SMP expense was paid
  • Amount: The amount paid by the customer for SMP
  • SUS: Details of any suspension from SMP
  • Reason: The reason SMP was paid at a non-standard rate. One of the following reasons will appear:
    • AFD Customer affordability
    • AGE No longer school age
    • AMS Attends multiple schools
    • CRD In credit with provider
    • DTH Child deceased
    • EDC Child changed schools
    • END TP svc ended for school
    • GSN Meals supplied at home
    • LCC Child no longer in care
    • NAS Child not at school
    • NFS Not receiving all meals
    • PBO Paid by another
    • PPF Paid from personal funds
    • PPO Part paid by another
    • REF Chooses not to pay
    • SHR Shared care arrangement
    • SNP Paid through Centrepay
    • TAS Temporary absence
  • AMR: Activity Management Reference of the activity that set up the consent details

Select Continue to exit out of the page.


One off expenses + Read more ...

Expand twisty to show details of all one off expense payments to Third Party Organisations that have been paid recently, or will be paid from income managed funds. This includes payment via Scheduled Transfer, BPAY and credit cards.

  • Date: Date the one off expense was made
  • TPO: Name of the Third Party Organisation the one off expense was made to
  • Category: The IM Service reason the expense was paid for
  • Method: How the one off expense was made (for example, direct deduction, Scheduled Transfer etc.)
  • Amount: Amount of the one off expense
  • AMR: Activity Management Reference of the activity that set up the consent details

See, Payment of income managed funds to Third Party Organisations (TPOs).