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When to notify the Child Protection Authority case worker under Child Protection Income Management (CPIM) 103-01160040

For Income Management Contact Officers (IMCOs) only.

This page contains information for the Income Management Contact Officer (IMCO) on the process of notifying the Child Protection Authority case worker of a review.

Instructions for IMCO to notify case worker




Customer failed to attend interview + Read more ...

\\INTERNAL.DEPT.LOCAL\Shared\NAT\SERDELEXCEL\WORKPRODIMP\Operation Blueprint Migration\RDT Release Icons\32w\icon-face-to-face.png If customer fails to attend a scheduled appointment while being income managed, an attempt to contact the customer at least three times within a 2 week period must occur.

Record each attempt on a DOC on the customer's record. Transfer an open DOC to the IMCO if there is no contact after the third attempt.

The IMCO must then contact the Child Protection Authority case worker to notify them that the customer has failed to attend their scheduled appointment.

The case worker will advise the IMCO if any further action is to be taken, for example, the case worker may choose to revoke Income Management at any time if they decide that it is no longer in the best interest of the customer. Note: take no action on the customer's record unless an Income Management Revocation of Notice form is received through the Business Hub.


Arrange review with case worker + Read more ...

Send meeting invite to the Child Protection Authority case worker via Outlook.

Arrange the review as close as possible to the customer's next contact interview.

How to arrange meeting:

  • Open Outlook (positional mailbox if available)
  • Click on New then select Meeting Request from the drop down menu

On the Appointment tab:

  • type contact person's email address in the To field
  • in the Subject field type the following:
    • 'Income Management Mid-point review'
  • in the Location field type 'phone hook-up'
  • in the Start time enter the date and start time of the meeting
  • in the End time field enter the same date and end time of the meeting
  • in the body of the meeting invite type the following:
    • 'Review (state which review e.g. mid- point or prior to exit) of Income Management. This meeting will be conducted via phone and I will call you on (number). Kind Regards'
  • select Send

Note: customer details are not to be disclosed in emails or meeting invites.


Prepare review with case worker + Read more ...

Prior to the meeting with the Child Protection Authority case worker, check the customer's record for the following information to give the case worker during the review meeting.

Check the history of customer's:

  • attendance of scheduled appointments
  • attendance at financial counselling (if available)
  • regular changing of allocation amounts or destinations
  • requests for urgent payments or advance payments since being on Income Management
  • requests for welfare referrals for food etc.

Create a DOC with the above information and resubmit

DOC for the date of the meeting with the case worker.


Undertake review with case worker + Read more ...

Contact case worker and discuss the customer's individual circumstances.

What decision has been made following this review? Note: case worker may not make a decision at this contact.

Possible outcomes:

  • continue income management
  • early exit (notification from the Child Protection Authority required)
  • Income Management end date reached
  • extend Income Management from original end date (notification from the Child Protection Authority required)
  • case worker recommends customer be offered an Unrestricted Cash Payment (UCP) (equivalent to 20% of their total payment) (notification from the Child Protection Authority required)

Actions to take as follows:

  • annotate DOC advising of outcome and finalise DOC
  • take appropriate action if required, for example:
    • consider option of UCP and discuss with customer
    • extend Income Management, or
    • exit Income Management early

Note: IMCO to make updates to customer record.