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Payment to under 18 year old customers for Youth Allowance (YA) 103-04010040

This document outlines circumstances where Youth Allowance customers under the age of 18 can have payments made directly to them.

Payment to parent/guardian

Youth Allowance is usually paid to a Youth Allowance (YA) customer's parent/guardian where the customer is aged under 18 years of age. In certain circumstances, payment of YA can be made directly to an under 18 year old customer.

YA payments for under 18 year old customers are paid to the customer’s parent/guardian unless:

  • the customer is independent, or
  • the parent requests the payment to be directed to the customer (no explanation or reason for this decision is needed)

Note: where the parent has requested that payments be made to their under 18 year old child they can also request that payments revert back to their own account - no explanation or reason is needed.

Payment to customer

YA can also be paid directly to the customer if the Service Officer decides this is appropriate. This would be where the customer:

  • is not benefiting from the payments (i.e. the parent(s) is/are using the money for another purpose)
  • is unable to access the payments when their parent(s) is/are temporarily absent overseas, or
  • is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander who has been ceremonially admitted as an adult member of their community

Payment to the young person should also be considered if the young person is claiming independence on the grounds of it being Unreasonable to Live At Home (UTLAH). For further information see Unreasonable to live at home (UTLAH) initial contact for Youth Allowance (YA), Disability Support Pension (DSP), Special Benefit (SpB) or Tertiary Access Payment (TAP). Whilst a claim for UTLAH is being considered, the young person can continue to be paid YA on the basis of the parental means test. If a young person is claiming UTLAH this may be an indicator that the payment is not being used for the customer's benefit, especially where the young person is considered to be at risk.

Payment recipient decision

The assessment or recommendation of whether the YA payment should be directed to the young person is often made by the social worker but it can be made by the Service Officer.

If in any doubt a Service Officer should consult with a social worker. However the YA payment should not continue to be paid to the parent if the Service Officer is satisfied that the payment is not being used for the customer's benefit. The Service Officer does not have to wait for the determination of UTLAH to make this decision.

It is not acceptable to suspend or cancel a payment while making a decision about UTLAH or payment determination. A payment should only be suspended/cancelled if the Service Officer is satisfied that the person is not qualified for YA or the payment is not payable.

Related links

Payments for students under 18 years paid to student, parent or a third party

Changing payment destination

The social work service