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Special Employment Advance (SEA) 103-05050030

This document explains Special Employment Advances (SEA). A SEA is a lump sum payment of between $50 and $500 advanced from a customer's future income support. It is not an additional payment.

On this page:

Assessing application for SEA

Assessing application for SEA due to return to work expenses

Assessing application for SEA due to unreceived income

Coding SEA using the Advance Payment workflow in Process Direct

Coding SEA using Manage Advances in Process Direct

Assessing application for SEA

Table 1




Customer wishes to apply for SEA + Read more ...

Issue customer with Application for Special Employment Advance (SU514).

Customers are able to print the form themselves from the Services Australia website.

See Resources for links to the form from the Intranet and from the Services Australia website.

Tell the customer they can:

  • lodge the SU514 and supporting documents using the Document Lodgement Service (DLS), or
  • they will need to attend a service centre to lodge their completed claim

Note: customers cannot use self service options to claim or repay a SEA advance.


Accept signed and completed claim form and conduct interview + Read more ...

If the customer is claiming a SEA advance due to:

Assessing application for SEA due to return to work expenses

Table 2




How much SEA can be paid + Read more ...

The total amount of SEA payment for a customer applying for SEA due to a definite offer of employment is the smallest of the following amounts:

  • $500
  • The amount of financial help that is needed for the customer to be able to take up the employment (essential expense)
  • If the customer has already been paid a SEA, the difference between the outstanding SEA amount and $500


  • excess liquid assets


Employment offer + Read more ...

Has the customer received a firm offer of employment where the work will last more than 6 weeks?

Firm offer means customer has a definite start date. If there is no documentation, and staff has any doubt about the validity of the information, contact should be made with the employer.


Can the customer take up the offer of employment without the SEA + Read more ...

In cases where a customer needs the SEA to take up a definite offer of employment it must be established that without the service or item, it would not be possible for the person to accept the offered employment.

Some examples may include:

  • work boots
  • registration of a car, where the job is not serviced by public transport
  • moving expenses
  • protective clothing, and
  • up-front childcare expenses

Note: it is not recommended that the SEA be made available to purchase a car.

Example: Sunglasses would not be considered essential for an outdoor job, unless wearing sunglasses has been designated as essential by the employer or workplace standards authority.

Can the customer start work without the item/service?


Is the customer self-employed? + Read more ...


Self-employed customer + Read more ...

In the case of return to work expenses, a SEA will only be paid to a self-employed customer where they can show the expense relates to a specific contract or job.

The customer must satisfy the requirement of a firm job offer of employment for 6 weeks. Customers who contract or sub-contract for services such as a labourer or builder may qualify for a return to work SEA as a distinct return to work contract can be verified.


Determining the income reduction + Read more ...

Will the unreceived income reduce the customer's maximum basic rate of payment by at least 50% taking into account any working credit or income bank? See Resources page for examples of how to calculate.


Financial hardship + Read more ...

Does the customer meet the test for severe financial hardship?

Note: this is the same test used in assessing whether to waive a waiting period.

  • Yes, customer is eligible for SEA
  • No, reject claim for SEA. For coding using:

Assessing application for SEA due to unreceived income

Table 3

Note: since 7 December 2020, customers report the gross employment income they are paid in an entitlement period as shown on their payslip. Due to this change it is unlikely that SEA would be granted due to unreceived income but as this criteria is still in the legislation it must be included in Operational Blueprint and any training material.




Claim cannot be lodged before the unreceived earnings affecting their payment + Read more ...

For example, a JobSeeker Payment (JSP) customer is due to report on 16 June and be paid their JSP on 17 June. The customer worked for the week 7-11 June and will not be paid until 22 June. The customer cannot apply for SEA until the end of payment period - 16 June.

Has the customer contacted before the end of the payment period?


When is the unreceived income due + Read more ...

Will the customer receive their income within 2 days of making the claim for SEA?


How much SEA can be paid? + Read more ...

The total amount of the SEA payable to a customer is the smallest of the following amounts:

  • the amount requested, or
  • the reduction in basic entitlement caused by the unreceived income in the relevant fortnight after taking into account any working credits or income bank which can offset the unreceived income, or
  • $500, or
  • if the customer already has a SEA, the difference between the outstanding SEA amount and $500

The amount of the advance paid cannot be more than the rate of payment the customer would receive that fortnight (including add-ons) before the income reduction.

For example, a customer receives $620.80 basic benefit and $20.00 rent assistance each fortnight. They earn $1,250 in a fortnight but have not received it yet. The $1,250 would prevent any payment for that fortnight. The customer applies for a SEA advance of $500. The maximum SEA payable is $500.00.


Determining the income reduction + Read more ...

Will the unreceived income reduce the customer's maximum basic rate of payment by at least 50% taking into account any working credit or income bank? See Resources page for examples of how to calculate.


Calculate the amount of SEA + Read more ...

The amount of the advance paid cannot be more than the rate of payment the customer would receive that fortnight (including add-ons) before the income reduction.

For example, a customer receives $320 basic benefit and $60.00 rent assistance each fortnight. They earn $1000 in a fortnight but have not received it yet. The $1000 would prevent any payment for that fortnight. The customer applies for a SEA advance of $500. As the total payment is $380, the maximum SEA payable is $380.


Is the customer self-employed? + Read more ...


Self-employed customers + Read more ...

Self-employed customers must also have their employment details verified.

Customers who are setting up a new business will generally not qualify for SEA because they will find it difficult to demonstrate what their earnings are going to be in the future.

Self-employment and income averaging

If the customer is declaring income from the same source as already assessed, the method of assessing income that normally applies to the customer's self-employment should be used to determine the impact of earnings on the customer's Maximum Basic Rate (MBR) of entitlement. If the income is averaged out over a period longer than a fortnight, then this figure is used to determine their MBR.

For example, the customer who is a contract cleaner has averaged income from self-employment of $150 per fortnight. The customer has not been paid for a $400 contract. The customer's income would be assessed as $150 for the fortnight and not $400, and as this would not cause the necessary rate reduction, the customer would not be eligible for SEA. The method of assessing the customer's income must not be altered specifically to qualify for the SEA.


Financial hardship + Read more ...

Does the customer meet the test for severe financial hardship?

Note: this is the same test used in assessing whether to waive a waiting period.

  • Yes, customer is eligible for SEA
  • No, reject claim for SEA
  • For coding using:

Coding SEA using the Advance Payment workflow in Process Direct

Table 4




Go to Advance Payment workflow + Read more ...

For all SEA claims

  • Key START in the Super Key, select Enter
  • Select Advance Payments from the Task Selector
  • On Advance Payments overview screen:
    • Select the advance payment type field, select Special Employment Advance
    • Select Next
  • On the Special employment advance screen
    • Via which contact channel is the customer requesting this Advance? Select the appropriate option

Does a warning message appear advising the automatic rejection of the SEA Advance?


Automatic rejection of SEA + Read more ...

A warning message displays advising the customer’s circumstances have been checked and the following automatic rejection reasons has been identified. The customer may not be eligible for an advance due to: Person has overpayment or debt

Override rejection? Select Yes or No

  • If Yes is selected, complete the following fields:
    • Override rejection reason? Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate option
    • Which of these statements best explains your situation? Select the appropriate option
    • Details about the employer: complete all fields with employer details
    • Reject/Withdraw claim? Automatically defaults to Person has overpayment or debt. Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate option if necessary
    • Select Next to continue, go to Step 4
  • If No is selected, complete the following fields:
    • Details about the employer: Fields can be left blank
    • Reject/Withdraw claim? Automatically defaults to Person has overpayment or debt
    • Select Next
    • The Advance payment application result page will display
    • Advise the customer the outcome of the Advance
    • Select Next
    • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings on the Errors (SWE) screen
    • Select Assess
    • Select Finish
    • Record details of the update
    • Select Finalise
    • Procedure ends here


Determine type of SEA + Read more ...

On the Special employment advance screen, complete the following fields:

  • Which of these statements best suits your circumstance? select the appropriate option:
    • You are returning to work but need help with tools or equipment to start
    • You are short of money because you (or your partner) have worked but haven’t been paid and the earnings will significantly reduce your payment
  • Details about the employer:
    • Business name
    • Address
    • Contact name
    • Contact phone number
    • Type of work indicated
    • Select Next

Go to Step 4.


Record employment /essential item details + Read more ...

A different question set will display depending on the type of SEA advance selected.

Details about the employment 

  • On what date is the job expected to commence? key in the relevant date
  • Is this a firm offer of employment? If:
    • No is selected claim will automatically reject Claim withdrawn, go to Step 5
  • Yes selected:
  • Is the employment likely to last for more than 6 weeks? If:
    • No claim will automatically reject Job will not last six weeks, go to Step 5
  • Yes selected:
  • What is the amount (before tax) you expect to earn each week? key the amount in the text field

Details of the essential item needed to start work

  • What items/services do you need the money for? select the appropriate option
  • What is the expected cost of these items/services you require to start work? Enter the amount in the text field
  • If you are not able to pay for these items/services are you still able to start work? Select Yes or No. If:
    • Yes is selected, claim will automatically reject Cannot confirm expense for job go to Step 5
  • No is selected:
  • Will this amount reduce the customer’s Centrelink Payment by at least 50%? Select Yes or No. If:
    • No is selected, claim will automatically reject Earnings will not reduce rate by 50% or more, go to Step 5
    • Yes is selected, go to Step 6


Claim automatically rejects + Read more ...

  • A warning message displays advising SEA claim will be rejected
  • Reject/Withdraw Claim: Automatically defaults to with the reason
  • Select Next
  • The Advance payment application result page displays
  • Select Next
  • Select Assess and address any errors/warnings in the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish. Record details of the update
  • Select Finalise
  • Discuss with the customer why their SEA claim is rejected

Procedure ends here


Financial situation + Read more ...

  • Complete the following:
  • How much money do you have? (This includes cash, money in bank account/s or shares) Key the amount in the text box field
  • Thinking about your current fortnightly income and your expenses; how much money will you have left to repay your advance at the end of every fortnight?, Key the amount in the text box field

Note: A warning message displays advising the customer how much they are eligible to apply for. Discuss with the customer.

Is the claim to be manually rejected?


Manually reject the SEA claim + Read more ...

To manually reject the SEA advance, select

  • Reject/Withdraw claim
  • Manual rejection reasons are:
  • WDR - Withdrawn
  • OTH - Other
  • The Advance payment application result page displays
  • Advise the customer the outcome of the Advance
  • Select Next
  • Address any errors/warnings
  • Select Assess
  • Select Finish
  • Add additional notes if required
  • Select Finalise

Go to Step 9.


Finalise the advance + Read more ...

  • How much money do you need to help meet these work related expenses? Key the amount in the text box field
  • This will be on-going until the advance amount is fully repaid: Select the box to confirm the customer Understood
  • If your payment stops before you have repaid the Advance, you will still have to repay the amount of the Advance Payment still owing Select the box to confirm the customer Understood
  • The Advance payment application result page displays
  • Advise the customer the outcome of the Advance
  • Select Next
  • Address any errors/warnings 0n the Errors (SWE) screen
  • Select Assess
  • On the Entitlements (ELD) screen :
    • Go to the Payment Summary (PS) screen
    • Select Execute to view and confirm the Advance payment will be paid
  • Select Finish
  • Add additional notes if required.
  • Select Finalise


Tell the customer + Read more ...

  • If the SEA is to be paid:
    • The advance will be recovered from their payment each fortnight until it is fully repaid
    • The new fortnightly rate of payment they will receive. This amount may change as their earnings are reported
    • If their payment is cancelled, the balance of the advance will become a debt and will still need to be repaid

Cancelled payments

If the customer's payment has been cancelled, a Special Employment Advance debt is created automatically.

Coding SEA using Manage Advances in Process Direct

Table 5:




Coding a SEA application using Manage Advances + Read more ...

  • Run the Manage Advances action in Process Direct
  • Select > Manage Advances

Under the Claims tab:

  • Select Apply for Advance
  • From drop down list, select advance type

The Advance Details screen will automatically display.

Is customer eligible for an advance payment?


Advance Details + Read more ...

On the Advance Details screen, complete the following information:

  • Advance type: (this will populate from advance type selected on the previous screen)
  • Contact Method: (select from the drop down list)
  • Which of these statements best suits your circumstance?: select the option for why the customer is applying
    • You are returning to work but need help with tools or equipment to start
    • You are short of money because you or your partner have worked but haven't been paid and the earnings will significantly reduce your payment
  • Employer details: business name, address, contact name, phone number, type of work


Details about the employment + Read more ...

A different question set will display depending on the type of SEA advance selected.

Returned to work

  • When do you expect to start work?: choose the date
  • Is this a firm offer of employment?: Yes/No (If 'no' is selected, the claim will be rejected)
  • Do you expect the work to last for more than 6 weeks?: Yes/No
  • What is the amount (before tax) you expect to earn each week?
  • Details of the essential item needed to start work: (free text)
  • What items/services do you need the money for? Choose from:
    • Clothes/uniforms
    • Living expenses
    • Tools/equipment
    • Transport/vehicle
  • How much do you think this will cost?
  • If you cannot get this item, can you start work? Yes/No

Income not received/Earnings

  • What are the dates for which you (or your partner) have not been paid?
  • What is the amount (before tax) of the earnings not received?
  • What is the amount your payment will be reduced by the earnings?
  • When do you expect to be paid?
  • Will this amount reduce your Centrelink payment by at least 50%?: Yes/No


Financial Situation + Read more ...

These questions need to be completed for any SEA claim.

  • How much money do you have? (This includes cash, money deposited with a bank or other financial institution or shares)
  • Thinking about your current fortnightly income and your expenses, such as rent, food, transport, medication, how much money do you have left at the end of every fortnight?
  • How much money do you need from Centrelink to help meet these work related expenses? (amount must be between $50 and $500)
  • Receiving this advance means your basic payment rate will be deducted by 14 percent each payment until it is paid off. Do you understand?
  • Submit


SEA Rejected + Read more ...

Process the rejection using Manage Advances in Process Direct. The workflow will automatically record a Note.

To manually reject a SEA advance, under the Financial Situation question set

  • Reject/Withdraw claim - Manual rejection reasons are
    • WDR - Withdrawn
    • OTH - Other


At the end of the interview, tell the customer + Read more ...

  • The advance will be recovered from their payment each fortnight until it is fully repaid
  • The new fortnightly rate of payment they will receive. This amount may change as their earnings are reported
  • If their payment is cancelled, the balance of the advance will become a debt and will still need to be repaid

Cancelled payments

If the customer's payment has been cancelled, a Special Employment Advance debt is created automatically.