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Billing at Source and Billing in Arrears for Centrepay businesses 103-09020030

This document outlines the steps required to add, update or remove Billing in Arrears, view or reissue a tax invoice sent to a Centrepay business as well as the process for a rejected invoice for a Billing in Arrears business.

On this Page:

Adding, updating or removing Billing in Arrears on a business record

Viewing or reissuing a tax invoice for a Centrepay business

Billing in Arrears tax invoice failed to generate

Centrepay business has not paid their Billing in Arrears tax invoice

Adding, updating or removing Billing in Arrears on a business record

Table 1:

For National Business Gateway - Business application staff and Third Party Programmes team staff only.




Billing in Arrears + Read more ...

Billing in Arrears allows a business to receive the full customer deduction amount and be periodically billed for the fees:

  • To add Billing in Arrears to the business record or to update the tax invoice contact details, go to Step 2
  • To change a business from Billing in Arrears to Billing at Source when the number of linked customers for the business decreases below 9 customers, go to Step 4


Adding or updating a contact for Billing in Arrears + Read more ...

Go to the Organisation Contact Summary (OSCD) screen in the business record to add or update a contact to whom the tax invoice should be sent:

  • Start date: today
  • Contact Name: 'Accounts Payable'
  • Position: 'Invoice'
  • Add the email address where the tax invoice should be sent. Where possible, the email address should not be an individual staff member, but should be a positional mailbox for the business. This will avoid issues when staff leave the business
  • Service Reasons: list all Centrepay service reasons which will have Billing in Arrears applied
  • Select 'Save' then 'Continue' to go to the next page where the contact phone number can be added. Adding the phone number is mandatory for the billing in Arrears Invoice contact
  • Finalise the activity

If only the contact details needed updating, procedure ends here.

If Billing in Arrears is to be added to the business record, go to Step 3.


Adding Billing in Arrears to a business record + Read more ...

The Organisation Service Billing Information (OSBI) screen should be updated as follows:

  • Billing Indicator: field 'Y'
  • Start date: field 'Today'
  • Billing Frequency: field 'Monthly'
  • Service Reasons: list all Centrepay service reasons which will have Billing in Arrears applied
  • Source: 'INT', DOR: 'Today', Action: 'Insert'

Finalise the activity and go to Step 5.


Changing a business from Billing in Arrears to Billing at Source + Read more ...

Update the OSBI screen as follows (this should be done first thing, the day after the business's last day as Billing in Arrears):

  • Billing Indicator: field 'N'
  • Start date: field 'Today'
  • Billing Frequency: and Service Reasons: fields, remove any information and leave blank
  • Source: 'INT', DOR: 'Today', Action: 'Insert'
  • Finalise the activity and go to Step 5


Update the Centrepay Contract Management Workflow and issue letter + Read more ...

Add the Billing in Arrears additional condition to the Centrepay Contract Management Workflow.

  • Run the Centrepay Contract Management Workflow.
  • Select the special condition page and tick Billing in Arrears
  • DOC the record with the updates made and issue a manual Additional Condition Applied letter. See Resources for more information on issuing letters. Procedure ends here

Remove the Billing in Arrears additional condition from the Centrepay Contract Management Workflow.

  • Run the Centrepay Contract Management Workflow
  • Select the special condition page and un-tick Billing in Arrears
  • DOC the record with the updates made and issue a manual Removal of Additional Condition letter. See Resources for more information on issuing letters. Go to Step 6


Removing the Billing in Arrears contact + Read more ...

The coding on the Organisation Contact Summary (OSCD) screen should be left the same until the last Billing in Arrears invoice has been sent. Tax invoices are automatically issued 10 business days from the end of the month. The invoice contact can then be end dated.

Go to the OSCD screen to remove the Invoice contact:

  • Select the radio button next to the Invoice contact
  • Press Modify Contact to go to the OSCD screen
  • End date: field 'Today'
  • Source: 'INT', DOR: 'Today', Action: 'Insert'
  • Finalise the activity

Viewing or reissuing a tax invoice for a Centrepay business

Table 2:

For National Business Gateway - Centrepay staff and Third Party Programmes team staff only.




Request to view or reissue a tax invoice for a Centrepay business + Read more ...

To view or reissue a tax invoice for a Centrepay business Billed at Source, go to Step 2

To reissue a tax invoice for a Centrepay business Billed in Arrears:

  • send an email request to the National Business Gateway - Centrepay
  • National Business Gateway - Centrepay should then request Financial Shared Services to reissue the invoice
  • procedure ends here


View or reissue a tax invoice for a Centrepay business receiving Billing at Source + Read more ...

To view and/or reissue a tax invoice for a Billing at Source business:

  • access the business record in Customer First, in Environment B
  • key 'PITS' in the Nxt: field and press [Enter]
  • if desired, use the Date Issued From: and Date Issued To: fields to limit the search
  • press [Enter]

Note: leaving the date range blank will default to all the tax invoices produced for that business. Dates cannot be in the future.

To view the tax invoice, go to Step 3.

To print and reissue the tax invoice, go to Step 4.

To reissue the tax invoice electronically via the Organisational Online Mail (OOM) system, go to Step 5.


Viewing the Centrepay business tax invoice + Read more ...

To view the tax invoice:

  • 's'elect the invoice to be viewed
  • press [Enter]
  • at the Payment Instructions Tax Invoice Details (PITD) screen, either:
    • scroll up and down using the [PF7] and [PF8] keys to view details, or
    • press [Enter] to return to the PITS screen

Procedure ends here.


Print and reissue the Centrepay tax invoice + Read more ...

To print the tax invoice:

  • key 'R' in the selection field to reissue the relevant tax invoice
  • Confirm Print: field, key 'Y'
  • Printer: field, key the relevant printer ID and press [Enter]
  • Send invoice to the business

Note: the printer ID can be coded as EMAILME to receive an electronic copy via email.

Procedure ends here.


Reissue the Centrepay tax invoice electronically via Organisational Online Mail (OOM) system + Read more ...

  • Key 'E' in the selection field to electronically reissue the relevant tax invoice
  • Confirm Elec Transfer: field, enter 'Y' in the field and press [Enter]

Procedure ends here.

Billing in Arrears tax invoice failed to generate

Table 3:

For National Business Gateway - Centrepay staff and Third Party Programmes team staff only.




Notification of Centrepay tax invoices that have failed to generate + Read more ...

For National Business Gateway - Centrepay staff only

An automatic report, advising of Centrepay tax invoices which have failed to generate is sent to the National Business Gateway - Centrepay prior to the fourth working day in the new billing period.

Note: if the business changes to Billing at Source, the Billing in Arrears status is to be removed, however, the contact on the Org Service Contact Details (OSCD) screen must remain, with the position of 'invoice' until the last Billing in Arrears invoice has been issued.

See the Adding, updating or removing Billing in Arrears on a business record table.


Investigate all businesses with a rejected Billing in Arrears tax invoice + Read more ...

For National Business Gateway - Centrepay staff only

Checking to see why the tax invoices have failed to generate will need to be done during the 'parked period', that is between the fourth and eighth business day of the new month.

Go to the Organisation Billing Data Summary (OBDS) screen, and key 'REJ' in the Status field, and 'CPY' in the Service owner field.

Investigate any records that display.

Does the business's record have a DOC indicating a recovery or assisted recovery occurred for the month in question?

  • Yes, refer to National Business Gateway Recoveries Team. Procedure ends here
    • For the action performed by the Recoveries Team, see Steps 4 and 5
  • No, go to Step 3


Investigate the Centrepay business records with a rejected Billing in Arrears tax invoice + Read more ...

For National Business Gateway - Centrepay and Third Party Programmes Team staff only

Check the following:

  • A contact is recorded with the word 'invoice' in the Position field
  • The email address recorded is valid and all active Centrepay service reasons are coded against that contact
  • The start date for the contact has been coded from the start of the month

If any of the above is missing or incorrect, an email is to be sent to the business Application Processing staff to correct.

Note: updates must be made within 5 business days.

Procedure ends here.


Flagging a business for invoice adjustments + Read more ...

For National Business Gateway Recoveries staff only

This is to be done on the first business day of the next month. If the first business day falls on the third, this should be actioned on the last day of the month.

  • Access the business record in Env 'B'
  • Go to the Organisation Service Billing Information (OSBI) screen and change the start day to today
  • Total all deductions to be reduced and annotate relevant month with text 'amend invoice from period dd/mm/yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy'
  • Complete the activity with:
    • Source: internal
    • Date: today
    • Action: insert


Adjusting the Billing in Arrears invoice + Read more ...

For National Business Gateway Recoveries staff only

On the seventh business day of the month (no later than the eighth business day), the Billing in Arrears adjustment must be done to generate invoices. Invoices cannot be adjusted unless already flagged.

  • In Env 'B', go to the OBDS screen. Complete the following fields:
    • Status: 'PND'
    • Service Owner: 'CPY'
    • Billing Period: first day of the Billing in Arrears month to the last day of the Billing in Arrears month, press [Enter]
  • All businesses for that Billing in Arrears period should be listed
  • Select the business, adjust the transaction count (separate as per service reason) and press [Enter]
  • In Comments for invoice field write: 'adjust transaction count x # due to incorrect coding'

Procedure ends here.

Repeat the above steps for all relevant Businesses.

Centrepay business has not paid their Billing in Arrears tax invoice

Table 4:




Billing in Arrears tax invoice is 95 days old + Read more ...

Billing in Arrears tax invoices that are 95 days old will be referred to Deduction and Confirmation Branch - Centrepay.

Deduction and Confirmation Branch - Centrepay will refer the business to the Third Party Programmes Team for follow-up with recommended actions.

This may include:

  • Recommendation to remove the Billing in Arrears additional condition if accounts are not finalised
  • Instant removal of the Billing in Arrears additional condition. See the Adding, updating or removing Billing in Arrears on a business record table
  • Recommendation to partially suspend the businesses approval to use Centrepay until accounts are finalised
  • Instant partial suspension until all accounts are finalised


Third Party Programmes (TPP) Team follow up + Read more ...

TPP should action any recommendations and follow-up with the business within 5 business days

5 business days after the follow-up action with the business TPP should confirm with Financial Shared Services if payment has been received.


  • Accounting Operations confirm payment has been received, procedure ends here
  • Accounting Operations advise payment has not been received, TPP should refer the business to Deduction and Confirmation Branch - Centrepay


Deduction and Confirmation Branch - Centrepay decision + Read more ...

The Billing in Arrears invoice is now over 100 days old. Deduction and Confirmation Branch - Centrepay will decide the required actions, which may include:

  • Removal of the Billing in Arrears additional condition
  • Partial suspension of the businesses approval to use Centrepay
  • Full suspension of the businesses approval to use Centrepay