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Accessible letters for customers with vision loss 008-01030100

Customised Fast Notes

Table 1: for Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team only.

Extra details field

Body of Fast Note

Accessible Letters BRAILLE

Letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY reformatted to Braille. Sent to Vision Australia on DDMMYYYY.

Accessible Letters CD

Letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY reformatted to CD and forwarded to Customer.

Accessible Letters LARGE FONT

Letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY reformatted to Large Font and forwarded to Customer.

Accessible Letters TELEPHONE

Phoned Customer on <NUMBER> DDMMYYYY at HH:MM and read letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY. Original letter forwarded to home address.

Accessible Letters FAIL2CONT

1st Unsuccessful contact to <NUMBER> on DDMMYYYY at HH:MM to read letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY.

*Left msg will call back later or customer can call 132-XXX

*2nd Unsuccessful contact DDMMYYYY at HH:MM (next day) to read letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY, original letter forwarded to residential address.

Accessible LET–Phone-Deceased

Called contact who notified of deceased as letter <FORMCODE> dated DDMMYYYY. Unable to be forwarded to Executor address as none provided. Letter will be securely destroyed.

Accessible Let-Deceased Estate

Form <FORMCODE> dated DDMMYYYY unable to be forwarded to Executor address as none provided. Letter will be securely destroyed.

Digital copies will be held by the Accessible Letters Team. If you require this document, can you send an email to the OPH.MAILPROCESSING mailbox

Accessible Let-Sent2Executor

Letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY. Customers is deceased and an executor is on record. Documents will be sent to the executor.

Original documents sent to the executor via normal Australia post.

Envelope addressed to - (insert executors name and address)



Customers is deceased. Unable to be forwarded to Executor address as none provided. Letter will be securely destroyed.

A digital copy of the letter can be located on the HS screen – History ID <A123456789>

A digital copy of the letter will be stored by OPH.MAILPROCESSING

If you require this document, can you send an email to the OPH.MAILPROCESSING mailbox

Accessible Form Forwarded

Form <FORMCODE> dated DDMMYYYY forwarded to customer DDMMYYYY

Accessible CC Forwarded

CC with expiry date DDMMYYYY has been forwarded to Customer’s home address on DDMMYYYY. CCIS Updated so future cards posted to home address.

Accessible CC Re-Issued

CC with expiry date DDMMYYYY has been re-issued to Customer’s home address on DDMMYYYY. CCIS Updated so future cards posted to home address.

Accessible Letter – RTS

DD/MM/YYYY OPH.MAILPROCESSING received documents from Decipha that were marked RTS.

Documents Received: Letter <LETTER CODE> dated DDMMYYYY and Reformatted copy of same letter.

Customer address is the same as on the returned mail document so it has not been resent. Original and Reformatted Letter will be securely destroyed.

A digital copy of the letter can be located on the HS screen – History ID <A123456789>

Accessible Letters service

Accessible Letters service, see Office Locator > Canberra Smart Centre > Notes for postal and email details

Contact details

Electronic Document Classification (EDC) team for fillable forms only

Services Australia website


Phone us, see:

  • Centrelink Older Australians Line, and
  • Disability, Sickness and Carers Line

    Email and Letter Templates

    Table 2: templates for letters and emails.

    Communication category

    Template/ Example

    Fillable forms email template

    BODY OF EMAIL: Fill out the email body with the details below - make sure to change ‘XXXX’ to the Customers first name and surname.

    Dear XXXX

    Thank you for contacting the Agency to obtain an accessible version of the Review of Mobility Allowance form.

    Please find attached the Review of Mobility Allowance form for you to complete using your assistive technology.

    This review form cannot be saved. Please print, sign and post the completed form back to the Agency using the envelope supplied with your paper version of this form. You will not be able to email this form back to us.

    If you no longer have this envelope, please post the form to the address below or bring it to your local Service Centre within 14 days of receipt of this email.

    Services Australia

    Disability Services

    Reply Paid 7806


    Please contact the Agency’s Disability and Carers number 132 717, if you have any questions.

    Thank you

    Mobility Allowance Assistive Technology Form Team

    Services Australia

    Braille letters email template

    Subject line:

    • XX Accessible Letters to be formatted to braille ddmmyyyy
    • Change the XX at the beginning to the number of letters being sent
    • Change the ddmmyyyy to the date being sent

    Email Body:

    • Good morning

    Please find attached letters to be converted to braille. We have sent the XX original copies via express post today. Tracking Number/s for original letters and unsealed envelopes:




    Accessible Letter Team

    Services Australia


    • XX – change to the number of letters being sent
    • xxxxxxxxxxxx – Change to the tracking number from the express post envelope


    • Attach the reformatted letters to the email


    Letter example

    LB 7834 Canberra BC ACT 2610

    Reference: XXX XXX XXX





    Your Age Pension

    During the last financial year you were in receipt of a payment from Centrelink. The details of your payments are

    Age Pension (Blind) from DATE to DATE

    You may be entitled to a Medicare Levy exemption or partial reduction in the levy for the above period.