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Disability Support Pension (DSP) Service Offer Interview (SOI) 008-20013032

This document explains how to conduct the Service Offer Interview (SOI) for Disability Support Pension (DSP) claims in Process Direct and Customer First.

Process Direct

Conduct SOI in Process Direct

Table 1: this table outlines how to conduct an SOI in Process Direct.




Assessors attempt SOI where outcome is to reject due to Insufficient Medical Evidence (IME) + Read more ...

Where an Assessor determines there is insufficient medical evidence to assess a customer’s medical eligibility for DSP, they:

  • attempt to contact the customer to deliver the SOI (as outlined in the Customer First tab)
  • if contact is unsuccessful, the Assessor:
    • holds the MAT Referral and attempts to contact the customer again at a different time, for example, later on the same day, or the next day
    • annotates the DSP Claim Progress DOC: attempt to contact customer due to insufficient medical evidence supplied for DSP claim, Assessor will try and contact again
  • records the SOI outcome using the relevant SOI Fast Notes in Customer First:
    • DSP NCL SOI Successful - Assessor successfully completed SOI
    • DSP NCL SOI Unsuccessful - Assessor SOI attempt was unsuccessful
    • DSP NCL SOI Not Required - SOI not required (for example, the customer is deceased or no contact details)

In certain circumstances, the Assessor can give the customer an extra 5 days to provide further medical evidence to support their DSP claim. If 5 days is given, the Assessor:

  • records the contact through AssessServ Contact Fast Note, and
  • holds the MAT Referral

After 5 days, if medical evidence from the customer:

  • is not received, the Assessor:
    • submits an SA479 recommending DSP rejection for reason IME, and
    • records the SOI Successful Fast Note
  • is received and there is no change from the MAT recommendation to reject reason IME:
    • the Assessor submits an SA479 as reject IME
    • attempts an SOI, and
    • records the outcome through relevant SOI Fast Note
  • is received and the MAT recommendation changes to another rejection reason (for example, NDT):
    • the Assessor does not record an SOI outcome
    • Disability Processing Service Officers must follow usual process to action claim and conduct SOI

Does MAT/SA479 recommend rejecting the DSP claim for reason IME?

  • Yes, no further action is required:
    • reject the DSP claim but do not run the SOI Workflow in Process Direct
    • procedure ends here
  • No,


Check if an SOI is required + Read more ...

An SOI is required if the DSP claim:

  • has been rejected including rejection reasons OTH, IME, FRC, FME, GCD and DIA
  • was granted and:
    • the customer or their partner has earnings unless the customer and/or partner meet either the Pension Monthly Exception Rule or the 1WE or 2WE exception. See Table 4, Step 7 in Recording and correcting employment income details
    • an update to their Family Tax Benefit is required, or
    • customer, or their correspondence nominee, has requested contact about the claim outcome

Check customer circumstances:

In limited circumstances, an SOI is not required. This includes where either:

  • the customer:
    • is deceased
    • is in prison
    • is in psychiatric confinement
    • has no contact number on record
    • has service channel restrictions preventing telephone contact under a current Managed Service Plan (MSP)
  • an SOI is identified as not appropriate. For example, customer is overseas
  • the MAT has attempted an SOI for an Insufficient Medical Evidence (IME) outcome, even if the attempt has not been successful

Note: if a customer has an MSP, contact must first be made with the One Main Contact (OMC), Back up Contact or Personalised Services Service Officer (PSSO) if assigned, to discuss how to best approach the SOI.

See Managed Service Plan (MSP) - Customer service delivered through a One Main Contact (OMC).

In the above circumstances, where a correspondence nominee or Executor arrangement exists, an SOI attempt must be made.

Is an SOI required?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, from the Correspondence screen, select Next to go to the Service Offer Interview Summary:
    • if there is only one DSP claim outcome, the claim number defaults to the appropriate claim ID. If the customer has had multiple claim IDs, select the relevant Claim ID from the DSP Claim Number dropdown box
    • Outcome, select Not required
    • Outcome Reason, use dropdown to select from available options
    • key any further details in the free text section, and select Next
    • if an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) is required, go to Step 15
    • if an ESAt is not required, go to Step 18


SOI for claims selected for QMA + Read more ...

If the claim has been selected for Quality Management Application (QMA), the Quality Management Officer (QMO) must complete the SOI. Exceptions to this are where the:

  • Service Officer who submitted the claim is undertaking consolidation of their training
  • Customer Critical Response Team (CCRT) is managing the claim. In this instance, the Service Officer who submitted the claim will attempt the SOI (see below), or
  • claim outcome is rejection for reason Insufficient Medical Evidence (IME). In this instance, the MAT Assessor attempts the SOI

Note: Service Officers undertaking consolidation must add 'As part of DSP consolidation, the SOI will be actioned by the Service Officer that submitted the claim.' to the claim finalisation notes. This will allow the QMO to easily identify these claims.

QMO responsibilities:

  • complete the QMA check
  • find and fix any errors
  • complete the work item
  • give feedback to the submitting Service Officer
  • carefully check the claim finalisation notes to determine if the Service Officer who submitted the claim is to conduct the SOI themselves. Check there is an indication the Service Officer is in the consolidation phase of their DSP learning, or the claim is managed by the CCRT
  • action all SOI contacts through the Service Offer Interview workflow in Process Direct, as required in all other instances
  • complete any post SOI actions. For example:
    • Release of DSP medical eligibility assessments
    • Request for SME Quality Check

Customer Critical Response Team (CCRT):

  • SOIs for DSP claims finalised by CCRT are not to be actioned by the QMO when the claim is selected for QMA
  • CCRT staff action the SOI before finalising the claim and record SOI details in the Grant/Rejection DOC
  • QMO must carefully check the customers record to determine if the claim has been finalised by CCRT
  • claims are identified by a CCRT DOA (Display on Access) DOC. The outcome of SOI contact is to documented in the Grant/Rejection DOC
  • QMO must complete QMA per normal process
  • all follow-up actions, including the SOI Workflow, is completed by CCRT
  • CCRT monitor the claim and action the SOI Workflow when claim is finalised. QMO does not need to advise CCRT when the QMA check has been completed

Service Officers must regularly check the QMA Feedback tile in Process Direct for their QMA results and feedback.


SOI on overtime

SOI exceptions during overtime + Read more ...

For all claims actioned during overtime (weeknights, weekends and public holidays) where there is no indication Social Work assistance is required, Service Officers must review the customer record and determine if an SOI should be attempted outside of normal business hours before finalising the claim.

Examples of exceptions where an SOI may not be appropriate:

  • manifest eligibility (for example, terminal, nursing home level care etc.)
  • it would adversely impact the customer’s wellbeing
  • bereavement cases
  • clearly documented CRU complaints
  • likely to result in an escalation such as media interest
  • if it is clear from the customer record, they require an interpreter for Services Australia interactions
  • conflicting time zones - non-appropriate local time zone for customer contact to be attempted

If it is not appropriate to conduct an SOI on overtime, the DSP claim is not to be finalised, refer to either:

Claim finalisation SOIs during overtime (no exception applies): + Read more ...

When a DSP claim is finalised during overtime and an SOI is required, a Disability Service Officer must make one genuine attempt to contact the customer.

One genuine contact attempt includes:

  • being mindful of the customer’s local time zone
  • issuing a pre-call SMS, if the customer is registered
  • trying every number the customer has recorded (for example, home and mobile)
  • contacting a correspondence nominee if unable to contact the customer (if applicable)

Contact is Successful: + Read more ...

  • introduce yourself
  • inform the customer, or correspondence nominee, that the call may be recorded for quality assurance and training purposes. See Calling a customer or returning a customer's call
  • authenticate the customer, or their authorised correspondence nominee, before disclosing personal information. See Authenticating a Centrelink customer
  • tell the customer, or correspondence nominee, work is being conducted outside normal business hours to action their claim
  • ask if it is convenient for them to discuss the outcome at that time

If the customer advises it is not a convenient time

Tell the customer:

  • the claim has been actioned and written advice will be sent
  • if they require a detailed explanation they can contact and request this after they receive their letter
  • Update using Service Offer Interview workflow recording contact as successful and add text, 'contact successful however no claim SOI conducted on OT at customer request, claim finalised and customer advised decision letter will be issued'

If the customer advises it is a convenient time:

  • conduct the SOI
  • refer to Step 14 for discussion points for Grant/ Rejection outcomes
  • complete the Service Officer Interview workflow as Successful
  • if the customer reacts adversely to the SOI discussion, for example, makes threats of self-harm:

Contact is Unsuccessful: + Read more ...

  • complete the Service Officer Interview workflow as Unsuccessful
  • do not attempt a second SOI
  • go to Step 15


SOI during normal business hours + Read more ...

If the DSP claim has gone to QMA, the Quality Management Officer (QMO) is responsible for the SOI including the second attempt, once the check has been completed.

Exceptions to this include where the:

  • Service Officer who submitted the claim is undertaking consolidation of their training
  • Customer Critical Response Team (CCRT) is managing the claim. In this instance, the Service Officer who submitted the claim attempts the SOI (see below), or
  • DSP rejection reason is Insufficient Medical Evidence (IME). In this instance, the MAT Assessor attempts the SOI

Note: Service Officers undertaking consolidation must add to the claim finalisation notes: 'As part of DSP consolidation, the SOI will be actioned by the Service Officer that submitted the claim.' This will allow the QMO to easily identify these claims.

If the DSP claim is finalised after the QMA check, QMO must action the Service Offer Interview workflow. QMO is responsible for completing any follow-up actions as a result of the SOI. For example, release of Medical Assessments and request for SME quality checks.

Attempts to contact the customer by phone must be made on the same day the claim is finalised wherever possible, to deliver the SOI and advise the outcome of their claim.


Service Offer Interview workflow + Read more ...

The Task Selector is the default setting for navigation once transactions are completed. This enables the Service Offer Interview workflow to be presented after the claim is completed.

If settings are set to:

  • Snapshot tab. To go to the Task Selector, key START in the Super Key field
  • Inbox. On completion of claim:
    • return to the Process Direct Landing page by selecting Process Direct on the screen header
    • select Customer Summary, key CRN and select 'Go'
    • in the Search Results, select relevant customer to open the record at START Task Selector

Select Service Offer Interview workflow. Select Start to commence the Task Selector and navigate automatically to the Correspondence screen.

See Process Direct Training material - Service Offer Interview.


Commence Service Offer Interview workflow + Read more ...

The workflow commences at the Correspondence (CORRO) screen.

Note: pre-call SMS functionality is not available to correspondence nominees in Process Direct.

When a correspondence nominee arrangement is in place, attempt to contact the nominee first. If contact is unsuccessful, attempt to contact the customer.

Although there is no restriction on contacting customers who have a correspondence nominee, the Service Officer must consider the nominee arrangement exists for a reason and wherever possible, make the initial contact with the customer's correspondence nominee.

Pre-call SMS

Under Issue Correspondence > select a Correspondence Type > Pre-call SMS to Customer.

If the customer is:

  • registered for SMS messaging, the Contact Details and Phone Number displays
  • not registered for SMS, the warning message 'Customer not registered for SMS' displays

Is the customer registered for SMS?


Issuing the pre-call SMS + Read more ...

Messages created between 8:00am and 8:00pm send in 'real time'. See Centrelink letters online and Electronic Messaging.

Messages created:

  • before 8:00am:
    • Monday to Friday are sent at 9:00am Eastern Standard Time (EST) that day
    • on weekends are sent at 9:00am EST the next working day
  • after 8:00pm on any day, are sent at 9:00am EST the next working day

Select the customer's name and mobile number from the dropdowns. To:

  • preview the SMS, select 'Preview'
  • send the SMS, select 'Submit' > 'Next'

The User Status in the Correspondence History may remain in Batch. Allow 5 minutes after sending the SMS to contact the customer.


Prepare for delivering a quality SOI + Read more ...

Before contacting the customer, including during the lead in time of 5 minutes after issuing a pre-call SMS, check all aspects of the customer's claim.

Go to the Documents icon to review documents (MAT, JCA, DMA) to assist with explanation of decision.

Claim rejection

If the claim is a rejection because of:

  • medical ineligibility:
    • review MAT/JCA/DMA reports, consider what questions the customer may have, and possible responses
    • check reports to determine if it can be released should the customer request it
  • non-medical ineligibility including rejection reasons OTH, IME, FRC, FME, GCD and DIA:
    • consider what questions the customer may have and possible responses
    • what further documents are required
  • residence rejections including NPV, NSR, NIA, NAU:
    • consider if they are also medically ineligible
    • consider what questions the customer may have and possible responses
    • See Assessing residence matrix

Review the customer’s circumstances such as marital status, children in care.

Consider possible alternative income support payments and family assistance.

Consider if any internal or external referrals may be required. For example, Social Worker, employment assistance. Note if an ESAt is required, either because the claim has been rejected because of the DMA outcome, or where MAT has recommended this in the SA479.

Claim grant

If the claim is a grant, consider:

  • what information is required and how to explain this to the customer
  • what questions they may have and possible responses
  • reporting requirements if customer/partner have employment income. For details see Recording and correcting employment income details

Check Snapshot Icon for any outstanding activities. After navigating and reviewing information, select Previous to step back to the Service Offer Interview Summary screen.

Previous may need to be selected multiple times if multiple screens have been visited. If unable to go back to Service Offer Interview Summary screen, key START in the Super Key field > select Service Offer Interview workflow > Next > view Service Offer Interview Summary screen.


Service Offer Interview Summary screen + Read more ...

If there is only one DSP claim outcome, the DSP claim number defaults to the relevant claim ID.

If the customer has had multiple claim IDs, select the relevant claim ID from the DSP Claim number dropdown.

The Date field pre-populates with today's date.

Status will default to On hold with the reason SOI activity held for processing. This will prevent the work item from allocating through Workload Manager while the user is conducting the SOI.


Contact customer to conduct SOI + Read more ...

From the Service Offer Interview Summary screen, select the green Go to Report. This summary may assist in delivering the SOI to the customer.

The report will open in another tab.

This report can be minimised and the Service Officer can go to other sections of Process Direct. For example, Documents icon to open documents to assist with explanation of decision.

After reviewing other information, select Previous to go back to the Service Offer Interview Summary screen. Previous may need to be selected multiple times if multiple screens have been visited.

Attempt to contact the customer or correspondence nominee by phone to tell them of the claim outcome. Use all numbers recorded for the customer/nominee (home, mobile or contact).

Select appropriate Outcome.

Outcome Reason, select from available options.

Further text options available on the Service Offer Interview Summary screen depend on the options selected

Is contact successful?


Contact unsuccessful + Read more ...

First SOI Contact - unsuccessful

SOI first contact unsuccessful - Pre-call SMS sent

  • Do not record an SOI Outcome in the Service Offer Interview workflow
  • Exit the SOI workflow by entering START in the Super Key field and returning to the Task Selector

SOI work item will automatically assign to the Service Officer that started the SOI workflow, as the Employee responsible.

Annotate DSP Claim Reject/Grant DOC to advise:

  • First SOI attempt was unsuccessful, include phone numbers attempted: (for example, home, mobile), time of attempt am/pm

SOI first contact unsuccessful - Pre-call SMS not sent

  • From the Service Offer Interview workflow:
    • Select Set to On Hold option in the workflow
    • Reason: Time not suitable for customer
    • On Hold Expiry: enter next working day
    • Select Finalise to make sure the SOI work item is created
  • Annotate DSP Claim Reject /Grant DOC to advise:
    • First SOI attempt was unsuccessful, include phone numbers attempted: (for example, home, mobile), time of attempt am/pm

Manually assign the SOI work item to yourself through Process Direct:

  • Go to Inbox
  • Change Main Category to: WLM Worklist
  • View: Customer Search
  • Enter Customer Reference Number (CRN) and select Go
  • Select: Multi Select
  • Tick SOI work Item
  • Select: Assign to Me

The second SOI is the responsibility of the Service Officer who attempted the first contact. If they are not able to action the second SOI attempt, they are to refer this to their Team Leader.

Note: if the SOI work item is not yet present, take note of the DSP claim ID, to check later. To locate the SOI work item, enter the claim ID in Inbox to locate CRN. Follow the steps above to assign the work item through Process Direct or through Work Optimiser.


Second SOI contact + Read more ...

Locate the SOI work item

To find the SOI work item:

  • go to Process Direct > Inbox > Main Category, and
  • select WLM Worklist from the dropdown

If the contact attempt is being made because DSP has been granted and customer or their partner have earnings:

Attempt the Second SOI contact:

  • Check the Document List (DL) screen/Notes to see if customer/correspondence nominee has made contact about the DSP Claim outcome, since the first SOI attempt
  • Complete the Service Offer Interview workflow as Unsuccessful, based on the first SOI contact attempt, if the customer/correspondence nominee has lodged:
  • A request for Subject Matter Expert (SME) explanation, or
  • An application for Formal Review of the DSP rejection decision
  • Procedure ends here, go to Step 15
  • If there is no explanation or formal review recorded, re-run the Service Offer Interview workflow, issue another pre-Call SMS and attempt contact:
    • Record the outcome as Successful or Unsuccessful
    • Finalise DSP SOI workflow (SOI work item will automatically finalise)

If contact was Successful, go to Step 14.

If contact was Unsuccessful, go to Step 15.


Contact successful + Read more ...

If contact is successful:

  • complete the privacy statement
  • confirm the customer's identity
  • deliver the SOI using the Service Offer Interview Summary Report:
    • Customer Details. This information is available to assist in verification of customer identity
    • Claim Summary. Displays claim ID, date of claim submission, claim outcome (granted or rejected) and the reason for the claim outcome where the claim has been rejected
    • Explain claim outcome. Displays appropriate talking points. The content is dependent on whether the claim was rejected for medical or non-medical reasons

Granting DSP + Read more ...

The discussion should include:

  • basic details confirming:
    • preferred language
    • child/family details and other information is correct
  • customer support
    • give the customer details of payments and concessions available to them
    • information about where and when the payments will be made and how much
  • if the customer is currently on an income support payment, make them aware of the possible change in payment delivery for a pension
    • notification requirements
    • rate of payment
    • reporting requirements
  • updating Family Tax Benefit income estimates
  • self-service options:
    • Online account. Access through myGov
    • Express Plus mobile apps. Customers can use the app to do most of their business
    • Centrelink phone self service. Range of options including reporting employment income
    • Service Australia website. Customers can access a full range of online guides
  • customer service, advise details about:

Rejecting DSP + Read more ...

The discussion should include:

  • If due to failure to reply to correspondence, tell the customer that once all required documents are provided the claim may be reassessed
  • If on non-medical grounds, explain the reason. For example, income exceeded cut-off limit
  • If on medical grounds, explain the reason for rejection including:
    • the relevant DSP medical eligibility requirements. For example, requirement for conditions to be diagnosed, reasonably treated and stabilised
    • why the customer did not meet these requirements based on available medical evidence
    • the assessment(s) undertaken to support the decision (such as MAT Assessment, JCA and DMA)
    • these assessments carefully considered all available medical evidence
  • See Rejecting a new claim for Disability Support Pension (DSP) including manifest rejections for fact sheets about some common rejection types
    • if the claim was rejected on medical grounds under the 2012 Impairment Tables (claim date is before 1 April 2023), tell customer the Impairment Tables used to assess medical eligibility for DSP changed from 1 April 2023 and to refer to the Services Australia website for more information DSP residence rules applicable to the customer.
  • Explain the customer’s review and appeal rights to them. If appropriate consider playing the customer the Internal Review - Generic automated message
  • Advise a copy of the relevant report/s can be sent to them, either now or in the future. The report may:
    • provide them with a better understanding of why their DSP wasn’t granted
    • reduce the requests for an appeal, or
    • show what additional information they might need to provide

Exception: The author of the report must indicate if the report is for release.

Note: when discussing the internal review options with the customer, and if not playing the Internal Review - Generic automated message, make sure to tell the customer:

  • it is important to apply for a formal review within 13 weeks of being told about the decision, and
  • if their application is made after this time and the decision is changed, they may only receive their entitlement from the date they applied for the review

Discuss possible income support payment + Read more ...

This section displays if the customer is not current on an income support payment.

Tell the customer about possible alternative income support payments they may be eligible for (such as JobSeeker Payment), and explain:

Discuss referral to Employment Services + Read more ...

If the customer is on a payment which requires participation and work capacity with intervention is at least more than 15 hours per week, discuss Employment Services Providers and requirements for their current income support payment.


Refer (or offer referral) to suitable employment services for support in retraining and building their work capacity. This is particularly important if the claim is rejected because the customer has not actively participated in a Program of Support (POS):

  • Focus on connection to the service recommended by the Assessor, such as Disability Employment Services (DES). Take into account the customer's participation requirements. For example, if the customer has a Partial Capacity to Work (PCW) or Temporary Reduced Work Capacity (TRWC) of less than 15 hours per week, they are not required to participate in employment services but should still be strongly encouraged to participate on a voluntary basis
  • Tell the customer their participation and periods of exemption or non-participation in recommended employment services may affect the outcome of any future claims for DSP (this advice must be recorded as an annotation of the Rejection DOC). The customer must not be advised a future DSP claim will be automatically successful if they participate in a program. Provision of this information is especially important if the claim is being rejected because the customer has not actively participated in a POS or due to an insufficient impairment rating that may change on appeal or in the future
  • If an ESAt is required as per recommendation by the Medical Assessment Team (MAT) or DSP rejection after a Disability Medical Assessment (DMA)
  • Discuss referral to a Social Worker. To commence discussion of Social Worker intervention, if required, and action referral as appropriate

SOI completed with customer + Read more ...

Return to Service Offer Interview Summary screen.

  • Outcome, select Successful
  • Outcome Reason defaults to Service Offer Interview Finalised
  • Select topics discussed with the customer, select appropriate checkboxes to reflect information discussed
  • Free text is available under Further Details to add more information

Complete the Service Offer Interview Summary screen and select Next.

Go to Step 15.


Check if ESAt required + Read more ...

The Service Offer Interview workflow goes to the Referral screen to complete an ESAt referral.

An ESAt may be required when:

  • the customer is assessed as manifestly ineligible for DSP by the MAT Assessment and the Assessor has recommended the customer requires an ESAt to review work capacity and/or employment services referrals, or
  • the customer was not receiving or claiming income support payment at the time of the MAT Assessment and an ESAt is recommended, check the customers record. If the person is current or claiming and alternate payment and there is no current ESAt, the customer should be referred, or
  • a DMA report has been submitted indicating medical ineligibility requiring a reassessment of work capacity and/or employment services referrals

Note: the Create an ESAt referral dropdown defaults to No when the SOI outcome is indicated as unsuccessful or not required.

Is an ESAt required?


Post MAT Assessment ESAt + Read more ...

Tell the customer they may be contacted to arrange an ESAt appointment:

  • change Create an ESAt referral dropdown to Yes
  • select Book Appointment but do not attempt to book the ESAt in the Online Diary
  • when the Online Diary opens, Select Close
  • when the question 'Were you able to book an appointment?' displays, select No
  • Referral Reason defaults to Post MAT ESAt Referral Required with DOC Text
  • complete mandatory fields JSID current and All Previous ESAt/JCA reports finalised
  • ESAt referral reason defaults to Medical
  • select response to DSP new claim Service Offer Interview completed
  • key any required free text in Special Needs/Other Details to include in referral notes for Assessor (such as interpreter requirements) > select Next

This creates a Post MAT ESAt Referral ACTDOC for allocation to Assessment Services for further action.

Go to Step 18.


Post DMA ESAt + Read more ...

Tell the customer they may be contacted to arrange an ESAt appointment:

  • change Create an ESAt referral dropdown to No
  • post DMA ESAt’s are not requested through the SOI Workflow. ESAt is to be requested after SOI is finalised
  • select Next

Go to Step 18.


Service Offer Interview summary + Read more ...

Summary displays a summary of details entered within the workflow.

Review summary details. If information is:

  • incorrect, select Previous to go to the Service Offer Interview Summary. Go to the required screen to change the summary details
  • correct, complete Service Offer Interview workflow > select 'Finalise'

Completion of Service Offer Interview workflow adds details on Notes and DL screen in Process Direct.

A summary of Service Offer Interview History and the report generated at the time of the SOI are available:

  • select More Options icon > DSP Claim Summary > Service Offer Interview

If a post DMA ESAt is required after the SOI Workflow has been finalised:

  • create a Post DMA ESAt Referral required Fast Note in Customer First
  • this creates a Post DMA ESAt Referral ACTDOC for allocation to Assessment Services for further action
  • procedure ends here

Customer First

Conduct SOI in Customer First

Table 1: this table outlines how to conduct an SOI in Customer First.




Assessors attempt SOI where outcome is to reject due to Insufficient Medical Evidence (IME) + Read more ...

When an Assessor determines there is insufficient medical evidence to assess a customer’s medical eligibility for DSP, they must:

  • attempt to contact the customer to deliver the SOI (as outlined in the process below)
  • if contact is unsuccessful:
    • hold the MAT Referral and attempt to contact the customer again at a different time, for example, later on the same day, or the next day
    • annotate the DSP Claim Progress DOC to record: attempt to contact customer due to insufficient medical evidence supplied for DSP claim, Assessor will try and contact again. This can be completed in Process Direct
  • record the SOI outcome using the relevant SOI Fast Notes in Customer First:
    • DSP NCL SOI Successful - Assessor successfully completed SOI
    • DSP NCL SOI Unsuccessful - Assessor SOI attempt was unsuccessful
    • DSP NCL SOI Not Required - SOI not required (for example, the customer is deceased or no contact details)

In certain circumstances the Assessor can give the customer an extra 5 days to provide further medical evidence to support their DSP claim. If granted, the Assessor must:

  • record the contact through AssessServ Contact Fast Note, and
  • hold the MAT Referral

After 5 days, if medical evidence from the customer:

  • is not received, the Assessor must:
    • submit an SA479 recommending DSP rejection for reason IME, and
    • record the SOI Successful Fast Note
  • is received and there is no change from the MAT recommendation to reject for reason IME, the Assessor must:
    • submit an SA479 as reject IME
    • attempt an SOI, and
    • record the outcome through relevant SOI Fast Note
  • is received and the MAT recommendation changes to another rejection reason (for example, NDT):
    • the Assessor does not record an SOI outcome
    • Disability Processing Service Officers must follow usual process to action claim and conduct SOI

Does MAT/SA479 recommend rejecting the DSP claim for reason IME?

  • Yes, no further action is required:
    • reject the DSP claim but do not attempt to record an SOI outcome
    • procedure ends here
  • No,


Check if an SOI is required + Read more ...

An SOI is required if the DSP claim:

  • has been rejected including rejection reasons OTH, IME, FRC, FME, GCD and DIA
  • was granted and:
    • the customer or their partner has earnings, unless the customer and/or partner meet either the Pension Monthly Exception Rule or the 1WE or 2WE exception. See Customer First tab in Recording and correcting employment income details
    • an update to their Family Tax Benefit is required, or
    • customer, or their correspondence nominee, has requested contact about the claim outcome

Check customer circumstances:

In limited circumstances, an SOI is not required. This includes where either:

  • the customer:
    • is deceased
    • is in prison
    • is in psychiatric confinement
    • has no contact number on record
    • has service channel restrictions preventing telephone contact under a current Managed Service Plan (MSP)
  • an SOI is identified as not appropriate. For example, customer is overseas
  • the MAT has attempted an SOI for an Insufficient Medical Evidence (IME) outcome, even if the attempt has not been successful

Note: if a customer has an MSP, contact must first be made with the One Main Contact (OMC), Back up Contact or Personalised Services Service Officer (PSSO) if assigned, to discuss how to best approach the SOI.

See Managed Service Plan (MSP) - Customer service delivered through a One Main Contact (OMC).

In the above circumstances, where a correspondence nominee or Executor arrangement exists, an SOI attempt must be made.

Is an SOI required?

  • Yes, go to Step 3
  • No, where an SOI not required, run and complete the Fast Note select Disabilities, use Claims > DSP NCL SOI Not Required

Is an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) required?


SOI for claims selected for QOL + Read more ...

If the claim has been selected for Quality On Line (QOL), the Service Officer assessing the claim must complete the SOI after the activity has been successfully passed.

Service Officers must check the QOL Feedback Tool for their QOL results and feedback.

Note: as there is no work item, DIS Service Officers will need to make a note of the DSP Claim ID to be able to attempt SOI contact.


SOI on overtime

SOI exceptions during overtime + Read more ...

For all claims actioned during overtime (weeknights, weekends and public holidays) where there is no indication Social Work is required, Service Officers must review the customer record and determine if an SOI should be attempted outside of normal business hours before finalising claim.

Examples of exceptions where an SOI may not be appropriate:

  • manifest eligibility (for example, terminal and nursing home level care)
  • it would adversely impact the customer's wellbeing
  • bereavement cases
  • clearly documented CRU complaints
  • likely to result in an escalation such as media interest
  • if it is clear from the customer record they require an interpreter for Services Australia interactions
  • conflicting time zones - non-appropriate local time zone for customer contact to be attempted

If it is not appropriate to conduct SOI on overtime, do not finalise the DSP claim:

  • annotate the Progress of Claim DOC indicating that claim has not been finalised because SOI attempt on overtime was not considered appropriate
  • apply any updates through Selective Application of Data (SAD)
  • run the Streaming & Progress DOC script selecting the SOI on hold reason (^^SOI keyword is applied to the claim activity).
  • Hold to User

Claim finalisation SOIs during overtime (no exception applies) + Read more ...

Where a Disability Support Pension (DSP) claim is finalised during overtime, and it needs an SOI, a Disability Processing Service Officer must make one genuine attempt to contact the customer.

One genuine contact attempt includes:

  • being mindful of the customer’s local time zone
  • issuing a pre-call SMS, if the customer is registered
  • trying every number the customer has recorded (for example, home and mobile)
  • contacting a correspondence nominee if unable to contact the customer (if applicable)

Contact is Successful: + Read more ...

If the customer advises it is not a convenient time

Tell the customer:

  • the claim has been actioned and written advice will be sent
  • if they require a detailed explanation they can contact and request this after they receive their letter
  • update Fast Note - select Disabilities, use Claims > DSP NCL SOI Successful with:
    • ‘Contact successful however no SOI conducted on overtime at customer request, claim finalised and customer advised decision letter will be issued’

If the customer agrees to proceed

  • conduct the SOI
  • refer to Step 11 for discussion points for Grant/Rejection outcomes
  • run SOI Successful Fast Note to record details

If during the SOI discussion, the customer reacts adversely, for example, makes threats of self-harm:

Contact is Unsuccessful + Read more ...

  • run SOI Unsuccessful Fast Note to record details
  • do not make a second SOI contact attempt
  • go to Step 11


SOI during normal business hours + Read more ...

If the DSP claim has gone to QOL, the SOI is to be attempted by the Service Officer who submitted the claim once it has successfully passed.

The Service Officer who finalised the DSP claim is responsible for completing any follow-up actions as a result of SOI such as, release of Medical Assessments and request for SME quality checks.

An attempt to contact the customer by phone must be made on the same day the claim is finalised wherever possible, to deliver the SOI and advise the outcome of their claim.


Commence Service Offer Interview + Read more ...

When a correspondence nominee arrangement is in place, attempt to contact the nominee first. If contact is unsuccessful, attempt to contact the customer.

Although there is no restriction on contacting customers who have a correspondence nominee, the Service Officer must consider the nominee arrangement exists for a reason and wherever possible, make the initial contact with the customer's correspondence nominee.

Pre-call SMS

If the customer is registered for SMS messaging, a mobile phone number will be listed in Customer Communication.

To check if the customer is registered for pre-call SMS:

  • go to Workspace
  • search Desktop Messaging (Customer Communication)
  • in Customer Communication, check if a mobile phone number is listed

If the customer is not registered for SMS, the mobile phone number section will not have a mobile phone number listed.

Note: also check the Electronic Messaging and Online Letter Services (EMOL) screen.

Is the customer registered for SMS?


Issuing the pre-call SMS + Read more ...

Messages created between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm send it in real time.

Messages created:

  • before 8:00am:
    • Monday to Friday are not sent until 9:00am Eastern Standard Time (EST) that day
    • on weekends are not sent until 9:00am EST the next working day
  • after 8:00pm on any day are not sent until 9:00am EST the next working day

Create message from Customer Communication:

  • select Create EM
  • highlight message in the Document Description list, select Next
  • select text options from dropdown list(s) if applicable
  • Social Workers only: key contact phone number, including area code
  • select Preview EM to view the message. Check for accuracy. If the text is:
    • not correct or not to be sent, select Cancel
    • correct, select Send Electronic Message

The Electronic Message Communication History displays. A message advises an 'Electronic Message has been queued'.

The message also displays on the Customer Details screen > Communication History tab.

Allow 5 minutes after sending the SMS to contact the customer.

Note: if the SMS cannot be sent, see Table 2, Step 6 in of Centrelink letters online and Electronic Messaging and the User guide for DEMC messages.


Prepare for delivering a quality SOI + Read more ...

Before contacting the customer, including during the lead in time of 5 minutes after issuing a pre-call SMS, check all aspects of the customer's claim.

Note: as there is no work item, Service Officers will need to make a note of the DSP Claim ID to be able to attempt second SOI contact.

Go to Document Tools to review documents (MAT, JCA, DMA) to assist with explanation of decision.

Claim rejection + Read more ...

If the claim is a rejection because of:

  • medical ineligibility:
    • review MAT/JCA/DMA reports
    • consider what questions the customer may have and possible responses
    • check reports to determine if it can be released should the customer request it
  • non-medical ineligibility including rejection reasons OTH, IME, FRC, FME, GCD & DIA:
    • consider what questions the customer may have and possible responses
    • what further documents are required
  • residence reasons including NPV, NSV, NIA, NAU:
    • consider if they are also medically ineligible
    • consider what questions the customer may have and possible responses
    • see Assessing residence matrix

Consider possible alternative income support payments and family assistance.

Consider if any internal or external referrals may be required (for example, Social Worker, employment assistance). Note if an ESAt is required, either because the claim has been rejected on the basis of the DMA outcome, or where MAT has recommended this in the SA479.

Claim grant + Read more ...

Consider what reporting requirements if customer/partner have employment income. See Recording and correcting employment income details.

Contact Customer and/or correspondence nominee to conduct SOI + Read more ...

Attempt to contact the customer and/or correspondence nominee by phone to advise them of their claim outcome.

Attempt all numbers recorded for the customer/correspondence nominee (home, mobile or contact).

Is contact successful?

  • Yes, go to Step 10
  • No,
    • First SOI contact attempt. Record the SOI contact as unsuccessful. Run the Fast Note - select Disabilities, use Claims > DSP NCL SOI Unsuccessful. Include the phone numbers, for example, mobile, home, called and time of SOI attempt


Second SOI Contact + Read more ...

Check the Document List (DL) screen/Notes:

  • If no explanation or formal review is recorded, issue another pre-Call SMS and attempt contact, if Successful contact, go to Step 10
  • If customer/correspondence nominee has made contact about the DSP Claim outcome, since the first SOI attempt and the customer/correspondence nominee has lodged:
    • A request for Subject Matter Expert (SME) explanation, or
    • An application for Formal Review of the DSP rejection decision
    • Run the Fast Note - select Disabilities, use Claims > DSP NCL SOI Unsuccessful (based on the first unsuccessful SOI attempt). Include in the DOC text: second SOI attempt not made due to customer/correspondence nominee because customer/correspondencenominee has already made contact re DSP Claim decision
    • Procedure ends here, go to step 11
  • If Unsuccessful contact:
    • Record the SOI contact
    • Run the Fast Note - select Disabilities, use Claims > DSP NCL SOI Unsuccessful. Include the phone numbers, for example, mobile, home, called and time of SOI attempt
    • If the contact attempt was made because DSP has been granted and customer or their partner have earnings:
      Make sure customer is set up to report every 2 weeks, unless exempt. See Recording and correcting employment income details, and
      Check family assistance estimate is reasonable. A new estimate will be automatically requested if identified by the system. See Updating income estimates for the current financial year
    • If the customer has a dependent child (aged under 19 years) in their care and they or their partner are not in receipt of Family Tax Benefit, issue a Q888 inviting the customer to check their eligibility for family assistance.
      See the Resources page of Assessing eligibility for DSP after a Disability Medical Assessment (DMA) for Q888 standard text

If contact was Successful, go to Step 10

If contact was Unsuccessful, go to Step 11


Contact successful + Read more ...

If contact is successful:

Granting DSP + Read more ...

The discussion should include:

  • basic details confirming:
    • preferred language
    • child/family details and other information is correct
  • customer support:
    • advise details about payments and concessions being made available to the customer
    • information about where and when the payments will be made and how much
  • if the customer is currently on an income support payment make sure they are made aware of the possible change in payment delivery for a pension:
  • updating Family Tax Benefit income estimates:
  • self-service options:
    • Online account access through myGov
    • Express Plus mobile apps. Customers can use the app to do most of their business
    • Centrelink phone self service has a range of options including reporting employment income
    • Service Australia website. Customers can access a full range of online guides
  • customer service, advise details about:

Rejecting DSP + Read more ...

The discussion should include:

  • Due to failure to reply to correspondence, or insufficient medical evidence, tell the customer that once all required documents are provided the claim may be reassessed
  • On non-medical grounds, explain the reason. For example, income exceeded cut-off limit
  • On medical grounds, explain the reason for rejection including:
    • the relevant DSP medical eligibility requirements. For example, requirement for conditions to be diagnosed, reasonably treated and stabilised
    • why the customer did not meet these requirements based on available medical evidence
    • the assessment(s) undertaken to support the decision. For example, MAT Assessment, JCA and DMA, and
    • that these assessments carefully considered all available medical evidence
  • See Rejecting a new claim for Disability Support Pension (DSP) including manifest rejections for fact sheets for more details about some common rejection types
    • where the claim was rejected on medical grounds under the 2012 Impairment Tables (claim date is before 1 April 2023), tell customer the Impairment Tables used to assess medical eligibility for DSP changed from 1 April 2023 and to refer to the Services Australia website for more information
    • DSP residence rules applicable to the customer
  • Explain the customer’s review and appeal rights to them
  • Advise a copy of the relevant report/s can be sent to them, either now or in the future. The report may:
    • provide them with a better understanding of why their DSP wasn’t granted
    • reduce the requests for an appeal, or
    • show what additional information they might need to provide

Exception: The author of the report must indicate if the report is for release.

  • If the report is not to be released, tell the customer they can request it through a Freedom of Information request. See Release of Disability Support Pension (DSP) Medical Assessment reports
  • If the author has indicated the report can be released, and the customer wants a copy now, run the Release of Medical Report workflow on completion of the SOI

Note: when providing a customer with their internal review options, tell them:

  • it is important to apply for a formal review within 13 weeks of being told about the decision, and
  • if their application is made after this time and the decision is changed, they may only receive their entitlement from the date they applied for the review

Discuss possible income support payment

This section displays if the customer is not current on an income support payment.

Advise possible alternative income support payments the customer may be eligible for (such as JobSeeker Payment) and explain:

Discuss referral to Employment Services

If the customer is on a payment which requires participation, and work capacity with intervention is at least 15 hours per week, discuss Employment Services referrals and requirements for their current income support payment.


Offer referral to suitable employment services for support in retraining and building their work capacity. This is particularly important if the claim is rejected because the customer has not actively participated in a Program of Support (POS):

  • focus on connection to the service recommended by the Assessor, such as Disability Employment Services (DES). Take into account the customer's participation requirements
  • for example, if the customer has a Partial Capacity to Work (PCW) or Temporary Reduced Work Capacity (TRWC) of less than 15 hours per week, they are not required to participate in employment services but should still be strongly encouraged to participate on a voluntary basis
  • tell the customer their participation and periods of exemption or non participation in recommended employment services may affect the outcome of any future claims for DSP. (This advice must be recorded as an annotation of the Rejection DOC.) Do not tell the customer a future DSP claim will be automatically successful if they participate in a program. Provision of this information is especially important if the claim is being rejected because the customer has not actively participated in a POS or due to an insufficient impairment rating that may change on appeal or in the future
  • if an ESAt is required as per recommendation by the Medical Assessment Team (MAT) or DSP Rejection after a Disability Medical Assessment (DMA)

Discuss referral to a Social Worker

Commence discussion of Social Worker intervention, if required, and action referral as appropriate.

SOI completed with customer + Read more ...

Return to the AL screen.

Run Fast Note - select Disabilities, use Claims > DSP NCL SOI Successful

Go to Step 11.


Check if ESAt required + Read more ...

An ESAt referral may be required when:

  • the customer is assessed as manifestly ineligible for DSP by the MAT Assessment and the Assessor has recommended the customer requires an ESAt to review work capacity and/or employment services referrals, or
  • the customer was not in receipt or claiming income support payment at the time of the MAT Assessment and an ESAt is not recommended, check the customers record. If the person is current or claiming an alternate payment and there is no current ESAt, the customer should be referred, or
  • a DMA report has been submitted indicating medical ineligibility requiring a reassessment of work capacity and/or employment services referrals

Is an ESAt required?


Action ESAt referral + Read more ...

Post MAT Assessment ESAt

Create Fast Note - select Disabilities, use Claims > Post MAT ESAt referral required:

  • make sure there is a current JSID and there are no unfinalised JCA/ESAt reports before completing the Fast Note
  • this creates an ACTDOC for allocation and further action
  • procedure ends here


Create Fast Note - select Disabilities, use Claims > Post DMA ESAt referral required:

  • make sure there is a current JSID and there are no unfinalised JCA/ESAt reports before completing the Fast Note
  • this creates an ACTDOC for allocation and further action