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Payment and Service Finder 133-17022400

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Payment and Service Finder

FAQs from Service Officers

Frequently asked questions about Payment and Service Finder

This table contains frequently asked questions and responses about the Payment and Service Finder.


Question and answer


How can users estimate Child Support if the Child Support estimator isn't being included? + Read more ...

The Child Support estimator will remain as a standalone estimator. Users can select include Child Support.


When using Payment and Service Finder in Centrelink online account, will the information save? + Read more ...

Certain known information may prefill in the authenticated Payment and Service Finder. No details will store or update on the customer's record when they use this service.


What known information prefills in the authenticated Payment and Service Finder? + Read more ...

  • age
  • gender
  • relationship status (partnered/not partnered)
  • accommodation type
  • weekly rent amount
  • shared accommodation indicator
  • Independence indicator (applicable for YAL/ABY estimates only)
  • income fields (for customer only)
  • asset fields
  • partner information. This will show if the Partner Permitted to Enquire (PPE) indicator is Y. This means the customer's partner allows certain information about them to be available to the customer


Can users estimate more than one payment at the same time? + Read more ...

No, the user needs to request an estimate for each payment one at a time. After each estimation, users can select Back to Payment Results. This will allow them to select another payment to estimate. Users can print that estimation page to view later.


Will users have to enter all their information each time they want to estimate a different payment? + Read more ...

No, the responses the user gives prefill into each estimator. This reduces the need to re-enter details.


Can users return to the Payment and Service Finder results to undertake another estimation without restarting the process? + Read more ...

Yes, there is a Back to Payment Results option available. Each estimation within the same session reuses the details the user provides. The service only asks additional questions relevant to that payment.

If users want to start again, they can select Estimate again.


How can users find out more about the results the service shows? + Read more ...

A link to the payment they may be eligible for provides further information, including how to claim online.


Will users need to submit a claim? + Read more ...

Yes, this service helps users identify appropriate payment options. They still need to submit a claim to apply.


The customer is already on a payment, how will this service help them? + Read more ...

This service can help customers explore 'what if' scenarios. It determines what payments might be appropriate if their circumstances change.


How can users be confident their personal information will remain secure in the authenticated Payment and Service Finder? + Read more ...

Tell the user, Services Australia takes the security and privacy of their information very seriously. It will not store any of their personal information from the use of this service.

In the authenticated version, users can select the website links at the bottom of the page. This will take them to the legal and privacy information.


What is Assistance beyond Centrelink? + Read more ...

Assistance beyond Centrelink gives users information and links to non Centrelink services in their area to help them.

To find out more information about assistance beyond Centrelink, users can View services from the Payment Finder results page.