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Income processing for incarcerated Child Support customers 277-07010040

This document outlines information relating to income processing for incarcerated Child Support customers. Using the most up to date income for customers is essential to ensure accurate assessments and compliance.

Income processing for incarcerated customer




Identify the income used for an incarcerated customer + Read more ...

Determine the income type used in the assessment. Contact with the incarcerated customer will be required where a more accurate income could be used and/or there is an administrative option available

ATO issued taxable income

If an ATO issued taxable income is used in the assessment, it is effective:

  • from the start date of the child support period. Check whether it is likely the ATO income reflects their current capacity. If not, contact with the incarcerated customer will be required to discuss administrative options available
  • after the start date of the child support period. Check whether there may be grounds to retrospectively apply the income under Section 11.Contact the incarcerated customer to discuss all of their administrative options

Manually derived income

If a manually derived income is used in the assessment, contact the incarcerated customer to obtain a tax lodgement commitment or Income Tax Declaration (ITD) and discuss other relevant administrative options.

Check ATO income Tax records to see whether a Return not Necessary (RNN) deemed income can be manually applied. See Deemed and Default income for Child Support customers.

Indexed income

Contact with the incarcerated customer will be required where the assessment uses one of the following indexed provisional incomes:

  • Default income
  • Deemed income, or
  • Automatically derived income

Where the customer's ATO issued income for the last relevant year of income (LRYI) is not available, check whether there is more recent income information available to allow the determination of a more current provisional income. See New information about adjusted taxable income of the Child Support Guide.

Note: once an ATO issued income has been received the Registrar cannot make a new determination of the customer's income for that year. See Determination of adjusted taxable income of the Child Support Guide.


Information gathering and incarceration history + Read more ...

Conduct preliminary searches to gather information that may assist in the determination of a more accurate income, see Derived income for Child Support customers.

In anticipation of manually deriving a new income or making a Section 11 decision, check whether the customer’s incarceration history is recorded on the system. If not, complete an order form for prison data template located in the Resources page and email the form to Data Incarcerated Customers.

Note: To manually derive an income, the customer must generally have received an income for at least 10 months of the Last Relevant Year of Income (LRYI). A period of incarceration will count towards 10 months of income. See Derived income for Child Support customers for further information.

Updates to a provisional income should occur immediately so not to delay making a more accurate assessment; however contact with the incarcerated customer is still to occur as there may be further administrative options available to them.

See Contact with Child Support customers.


Attempt to contact the customer + Read more ...

Discuss with the customer:

  • the period of imprisonment (to assist in determining administrative options for the customer)
  • payments that may be received while in prison and administrative options, go to Step 4
  • if they believe they are not required to lodge a Tax return. Refer to the ATO website to confirm whether they meet the non-lodgement conditions that apply to child support parents and to lodge a non-lodgement advice. All parents with a child support assessment must notify the ATO and Child Support if they do not need to lodge

Unable to contact customer by phone

If unable to contact the customer by phone send a MX1-1 (CAL) letter:

If unable to obtain an ITD and the income used in the assessment does not reflect the customer's actual income attempt to manually derive an income, see Derived income for Child Support customers, manual.


Payments a customer may receive while incarcerated + Read more ...

A prisoner may receive payments for:

  • work
  • study
  • participation in approved programs, or
  • amenity allowance or gratuities (incidental payments for personal items or other minor expenses)

These payments must be considered when updating an incarcerated customer's income.


Administrative options for incarcerated customers + Read more ...

The following options may be applicable for an incarcerated customer:


Administrative options for incarcerated customers - Examples + Read more ...

Example 1: Jane is incarcerated. Jane's current assessment is based on an income of 2/3 MTAWE. Jane received a salary of $26,000 for 6 months of the relevant financial year. Jane had no other source of income over the financial year and did not receive any payments while in prison. Jane can lodge an ITD that reflects the salary of $26,000.

Example 2: John has been incarcerated since January 2007, with a role as the payer in a single child support case. The only income John has received since the incarceration is a small amenity allowance of less than $10 per fortnight. John's current assessment is based on an income of 2/3 MTAWE as more accurate income information is not available. As John is not earning an income John needs to:

See Fixed annual rate not to apply applications and Minimum annual rate to nil - Reducing child support assessments.

Note: John can request the ATI be applied from the start of the child support period.


Publications, Forms and Referrals available + Read more ...

A list of relevant Publications, Forms and Referrals is available to assist incarcerated customers manage their Child Support responsibilities while they are in prison, see Incarcerated customers, Publications and forms.