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International disbursements - Sweden and Slovakia bulk payments out 277-08040000

For staff processing International Disbursements only.

This page contains the process for when money is collected in Australia and sent electronically to the Swedish and Slovakian authorities for them to distribute to their payees.

Electronically sending bulk payments to Sweden/Slovakia

This table describes the process that Service Officers follow to send bulk payments to Sweden and Slovakia.




Obtain information + Read more ...

Child support payments are collected in Australia and sent to the Swedish and Slovakian authorities for them to distribute to their payees in Sweden and Slovakia.

  • On the first working day of the month, generate the Sweden Disbursement Report in Cuba by selecting the following menu items from the Management menu on the main screen:
    • Intl Disbursement Report
    • Sweden
  • Enter the first and last dates of the previous month in the From and To fields
  • Print the Cuba screen so the total amount can be cross-checked later in the process
  • Convert the report to an Excel file by clicking on the Excel icon
  • Calculate the sum of the amounts using the Autosum function in Excel. If the total:
  • matches the Cuba report, delete the Autosum from the spreadsheet
  • does not match the Cuba report, investigate the cause of the difference
  • Save a copy of the spreadsheet to work from


Create Slovakia schedule + Read more ...

  • Open the Slovakia Payments template (Z/International Disbursement/Old files/Payments In and Out/$$ to Slovakia/Slovakia Payments Template) and make a copy:
    • Do not work in the template
    • Save the copy with a sequential number indicating the month number in the financial year and the name of the month for example, 03.Slovakia Payments September 2017 and save to /Z/International Disbursement/Old files/Payments In and Out/$$ to Slovakia/Schedules 2017-2018
  • In cell B1 enter dates of the previous month for example, 1 - 30 September 2017
  • Open the spreadsheet with the data extracted from Cuba and remove any Slovakian and Bratislava payments and put these on the Slovakia Schedule
    • Search using Control F to locate any customer payments for BRAT (Bratislava) and SLOV (Slovakia)
    • Using the CSIDs identified on the spreadsheet locate these customers on the Slovakia Schedule and copy across the payment amount
    • If there is more than 1 payment for the same payee on the spreadsheet combine these amounts when entering the amount on the Slovakia Schedule
    • Once the payment(s) for a payee have been transferred onto the Slovakia Schedule, remove them from the spreadsheet
    • If there are customers on the Slovakia Schedule that do not have payments, remove them from the spreadsheet by deleting the entire row
  • Perform an Autosum on the Slovakia Schedule and make a note of this amount, then save and close
  • Complete Autosum on the spreadsheet, this amount plus the Slovakia Schedule Autosum amount
  • The Autosum amount on the spreadsheet plus the Slovakia schedule Autosum amount must add up to the original amount from the Cuba print out. If the figures:
    • match, delete the Autosum figure from spreadsheet
    • do not match, investigate the difference and make necessary corrections


Format the spreadsheet + Read more ...

After the payments for Bratislava and Slovakia have been removed, format the spreadsheet:

  • Delete rows 1-7 and 9
  • Delete Columns D, E, G, H, J, K, L & M. This leaves just Payee CSID, Payee Name, Payee International Reference, Payer Name & Total AU$
  • Sort by Payer Name A-Z
  • Save
  • Highlight remaining columns (not global). Data > Subtotal > Payer Name > SUM > Total $AU > Replace current subtotals > Summary below data > OK. The purpose of this is to ensure that if there are multiple payments to the same payer, they are consolidated into 1 amount
  • Highlight spreadsheet by selecting Global > (right click) copy > (right click) paste special values
  • Any payer with 2 payees needs to have a line inserted for the second case number and the total amount split accordingly against each payee
  • If there are any empty rows at the bottom of the spreadsheet between the last line of payment information and the grand total line, delete them
  • Save


Create Sweden schedule + Read more ...

The amounts from the Swedish spreadsheet are to be input onto the Swedish Schedule:

  • Open the Sweden Payments template (Z\International Disbursement\Old files\Payments In and Out\$$ to Sweden\Sweden Payments Template) and make a copy. Do not work in the template
  • Save the copy to the same location for the appropriate financial year and name sequentially
  • In cell B1 enter dates of the previous month for example, 1 - 30 September 2017
  • Transfer any Sweden payments from the spreadsheet to the Sweden Schedule:
    • Sort the Swedish Schedule by Payer Name A-Z
    • Using the CSIDs of the payees on the spreadsheet, search using Control F to find those customers on the Sweden Schedule (or do a VLOOKUP)
    • Copy the payment amount from the spreadsheet to the Sweden Schedule
    • If there is more than 1 payment for the payee on the spreadsheet combine these amounts when entering the amount on the Sweden Schedule
    • Repeat the above procedure for each payee
    • If there are customers on the spreadsheet that are not on the Swedish schedule, add these customers and their payment information to the schedule. Also add them to the Swedish payment template and Master Address Register
    • On the Schedule, delete any rows for customers who are not receiving a payment
    • Complete Autosum on the Swedish schedule, this must match the Grand Total on the spreadsheet
    • The Swedish schedule Autosum plus the Slovakia schedule Autosum must add up to match the amount on the original Cuba print out


Remove recalls + Read more ...

Recalled funds show on the payee's Disbursements window in Cuba but the money was not actually disbursed. It was recalled via Financial Accounting Branch. As the Schedules are created from information extracted from Cuba, these payments appear on the report but need to be removed as they did not actually occur.

They are recorded on the Recalls spreadsheet that is located at Z\Old files\Payments In and Out\$$ to Overseas\17-18 Schedules, Refunds & Recalls/Recalls 2017-2018\Recalls 2017-2018.xls.

Complete the following steps to remove or amend the amounts of recalled funds:

  • Open the Recalls spreadsheet
  • Check the tab at the bottom to be it is the correct month
  • Save a copy of the spreadsheet before continuing. This is a safety measure in case any data is lost while working on the spreadsheet. Delete the copy as soon as the Schedules are completed
  • Copy the CSID from the recalls spreadsheet and open the customer in Cuba. If the customer is a Swedish customer then use Control F to locate them on the Swedish Schedule
  • If the amount to be recalled is the same as the amount on the Swedish Schedule, the entire entry is removed from the Swedish Schedule. If the amount to be recalled is less than the amount on the Swedish Schedule, the amount on the Swedish spreadsheet is reduced by the recall amount. Note: if there is more than 1 recall amount for a customer, add the amounts together and either subtract the total from the customer's payment amount or delete the entire entry as outlined above
  • Complete Autosum on the Swedish Schedule, the Grand Total must be the previous amount (step 3.4) minus the recalled funds. Make a note of this amount
  • Save


Include refunds + Read more ...

Refunds (or any payments of excess cash) are processed throughout the month and collated on a spreadsheet, which is later used when creating the Other bulk payments out Schedule

However, if a payee has money to be disbursed via the Sweden Schedule and a refund, the refund amount is added to the disbursement amount to prevent multiple payments to the same payee.

Complete the following steps to add refunds to the Swedish Schedule:

  • Open the Refunds Schedule, located at Z\International Disbursement\Old files\Payments In and Out\$$ to Overseas\17-18 Schedules, Refunds & Recalls\Refunds 2017-2018\Refunds 2017-2018.xls
  • Save a copy of the spreadsheet before continuing. This is a safety measure in case any data is lost while working on the spreadsheet. Delete the copy as soon as the Schedules are completed
  • Sort Country by A-Z to locate any Sweden or Slovakia refunds. The customer rows highlighted in yellow on the refund spreadsheet are due a normal disbursement as well as a refund
  • For these customers:
    • add the refund amount to the disbursement amount on the Sweden Schedule and delete them from the Refund spreadsheet
    • Make a note of any amounts added to the Swedish Schedule from the Refunds Schedule
    • Delete the entire yellow row from the Refund Schedule
  • Complete Autosum on the Schedule, the grand total should be the previous amount plus any refunds added in
  • Save and close the Sweden Schedule


Send schedule to Child Support Cash Management Team + Read more ...

Email the schedule to the Child Support Cash Management Team with a sequential subject line such as '03. Payments Overseas September 2020.'

Enter text in the email body, for example:

'Please find attached the Services Australia CSA September 2020 payment and refund schedules.