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New Zealand Case Management - Exchange of Information – Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) to Child Support - Annually required tasks 277-08170030

This page contains information about the process International Central Authority team Service Officers should follow when actioning annually required tasks.

On this page:

Required tasks when bulk income request received from New Zealand

Required tasks to update assessment information

Required tasks when bulk income request received from New Zealand

Table 1: this table describes the process Service Officers follow when actioning a bulk income request from NZIR.




Request information from ATO + Read more ...

Email the spreadsheet to the CS ATO and DVA Relationships (CSADR) team, they will liaise with the ATO for the provision of incomes.

Income information will be returned from the ATO with one of the following confidence level ratings:

  • High Confidence Level - considered reliable without further investigation
  • Medium Confidence Level - manually search to verify information, and
  • Low Confidence/Unresolved/Multiple Matches
  • The spreadsheet is saved as ‘ATO Income supplied NZBAA’.

Only customers with a High Confidence Level rating are returned to New Zealand.


Send income information to NZIR + Read more ...

Once the spreadsheet has been checked for any anomalies in the data (e.g. blanks where information should be), reformat the spreadsheet so it can be sent using the template for the bulk request. Send to NZIR via secure messaging.

Bulk incomes are provided to NZIR to enable them to create their new assessments (which run from 1 April to 31 March in line with their fiscal year). Once NZIR have the incomes and create their new assessments NZIR provide Child Support with bulk annual assessments.

Required tasks to update assessment information

Table 2: this table describes the process Quality Improvement Officers follow in order to have assessment information updated following a transfer of information between NZIR and Child Support.




Check spreadsheet + Read more ...

Check if the spreadsheet provides the following information:

  • arrears as at 31/03/YY
  • includes payments received date is the last payment schedule date
  • monthly assessed amount is ongoing from 01/04/YY, and
  • there are no blank fields in any of the columns
  • there are no duplicate IRDs or CSIDs on the sheet

If no, request information from the liaison officer NZIR via email and/or phone.

If yes, go to Step 2.


Save spreadsheet + Read more ...

Save the ‘BAA Run to DHS dd mm yy sent’ spreadsheet to Hobart’s shared drive as follows:

  • create a folder titled BAA yyyy in the folder titled Int / NZ / 20{YY}
  • save the spreadsheet in its original format, save as BulkAcertNZAU yyyymmdd
    Do not make any changes to this spreadsheet, it should remain as a clean copy of the exact data sent by NZIR
  • create a copy of the master sheet to use to filter for the batch run

This is the end of the exchange of information process. To process the bulk annual assessments, see New Zealand Case Management - Bulk Annual Assessments of Child Support – NZIR to Child Support.