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New Zealand Case Management (NZ Out Case) - Customer Location Requests from Child Support to Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR) 277-08240000

This page contains information about requesting customer location information from Inland Revenue, New Zealand (NZIR).

Request customer location information from NZIR

This table describes how Service Officers request customer location information from NZIR and document response.




Request information from NZIR + Read more ...

Create a customer location request via the International request dialogue box.

Note: if the matter is urgent obtain team leader approval to request the information via the daily exchange urgent trace tab.

Customer location requests are collated by the International Central Authority (CA) Team and sent to NZIR each Friday morning.

Service Officers must document their request and how it was made in the Communication window to record a customer location request. Select the following:

  • Type: Electronic Out
  • Category: Registration
  • Issue: Tracing Reqd
  • Reason: International
  • With: NZIRD


Information provided by NZIR + Read more ...

A customer location response from NZIR is received within 14 to 28 days and will provide the following information about the paying parent:

  • Name
  • Date of birth (DOB)
  • Inland Revenue Department (IRD) number to be updated in the Individual Customer’s Details window
  • Address
  • Phone numbers
  • Incomes
  • Any benefits received (WINZ)
  • Other liable children/cases in NZ
  • Children in payer’s care
  • Payee’s income details if requested


Notification when customer location information is received + Read more ...

The International CA Team receives and saves the customer location responses from NZIR in the relevant shared folder: G:\Int\NZ\Year\PP NZ - OUTs\Tracing sent\month & year. They will advise all Service Officers by email that their customer location response has been received and is available for updating on Cuba.

Note: where there are multiple requests for customer location on the same customer in a week, only the Service Officer who created the most recent request will be notified - this probably won't happen because a Cuba error will advise that a request has been made within the last 3 months.

Document the customer location response from NZIR in the Communication window notepad. See Documenting Child Support information in Cuba. Select the following:

  • Type: Electronic In
  • Category: Registration
  • Issue: Tracing Recd
  • Reason: International
  • With: NZIRD

Update any new details using the information received from NZIR.

If the information received is likely to change details on an associated assessment, process the amendments or refer to another Service Officer as appropriate.


Requesting customer location on a previously withdrawn case + Read more ...

A customer location request cannot be made on a previously transmitted case or where no withdrawal details have been recorded in the International Transmittal window. Where a case has been withdrawn and no withdrawal date recorded and customer location has been re-requested, a notification will appear in Cuba. Enter the withdrawal information (found in either the case window or communication notepad) into the International Transmittal window. Use Keying Error as the reason code.

If there is no information that confirms original withdrawal dates, enter a ‘dummy’ document. Ensure the notepad clearly reflects why this has been done.

Note: where ’unknown’ is populated in the jurisdiction field, select New Zealand from the drop down list before entering the withdrawal date.