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Child over eighteen Cuba Process Help 277-30010110

This document outlines how to record a child over 18 application and end an extension to an over 18 application.

On this Page:

Recording a child over 18 extension

Ending a child over 18 extension of child support application

Recording a child over 18 extension

Table 1




Record a child over 18 extension + Read more ...

Open the Customer Application List window.


Select child + Read more ...

Select New  to open the Select Child for Over 18 Application dialogue box.

  • In the Eligible child list box:
    • select the entry for the case and child relevant to the extension application
    • if the customer has reverse cases, select the entry for the case in which the applicant has the role of payee
  • Select Ok – the Customer Application Details window will open

Note: if the application is for an initiating binding agreement (whether lodged on time or late) the child cannot be selected in the Eligible child list box, go to Step 8.

If a late application is made after the child turns 18 years of age and the child cannot be selected in the Eligible child list box, go to Step 10.


Record extension application + Read more ...

  • In the Received Date field, type the date the application was received.
  • Select how the application was lodged from the Channel Type dropdown list
  • In the Status dropdown list, select Pending
  • Confirm that the application applies to the correct Child and Case Number
  • In the Last Day of School Year date field, type the date the child will finish secondary school

Application Status

The application status will generally be recorded as Pending, however:

  • If the customer is international, the application status is recorded as Evidence Required, go to Step 7
  • If the application is to extend an agreement, court order or COA, the application status is recorded as Evidence Required, go to Step 8
  • If a late application is made after the child turns 18 years of age, an application status other than Pending may be required, go to Step 10
  • If a late notified care change means the applicant was not eligible to make the application, record an application status of invalid go to Step 15
  • If the school year spans 2 calendar years and it results in the assessment extending beyond a child’s 19th birthday, Error Detail 5000 will display when attempting to key in Cuba. Refer the application to the Solutions Gateway Team (SGT)


Record the School details + Read more ...

Update the:

  • School Name into the corresponding text box
  • street address into the Address Line 1 text box
  • additional address information into the Address Line 2 text box
  • suburb into the Locality text box
  • State from the dropdown list - if address within Australia
  • Country from the dropdown list - if the address is not in Australia
  • postcode or ZIP code into the Postcode text box
  • country code - if no Australia, into the first text box
  • two digit area code into the second text box
  • remaining digits of the telephone number into the third text box


Record relevant course name into the corresponding text box + Read more ...

Type relevant Course Name into the corresponding text box. For example High School Certificate, International Baccalaureate, Victorian Certificate of Education, etc.


Save application + Read more ...

Select Save to save the application.


International customers + Read more ...

For international customers change the application status to Evidence Required, suspend the letter and manually issue the letter with a due date of 28 days. If the other party

  • responds with 28 days and disputes the application, go to Step 11
  • does not respond within 28 days, make a manual decision to accept the application, go to Step 14


Recording applications to extend an agreement, court order or COA + Read more ...

Consider the intention of an agreement, court order or change of assessment (COA)

If the intention is to:

  • extend until the end of the secondary school year in which the child turns 18 years of age and
  • the application requirements are met as in Eighteen year old children extending a Child Support assessment:
    • after initially Pending the application
    • ensure the application status is changed to Evidence Required
    • Cuba will generate an Over 18 Extension process (O18EVRQ) intray to prompt a manual decision

When making the final decision manually, undertake these additional steps:

  • the agreement, court order or COA end date must be updated to match the last day of the secondary school year, providing there is an underlying formula assessment already in place. Contact a Service Support Officer (SSO) with CUB access to update the registration dates (via Case Fix tool) before updating the Additional Registration Information window
  • the end date of the formula modification and/or clause and/or inflation factor must be extended to match the last day of the secondary school year in the:
  • Formula Modification window
  • Clauses window, and
  • Inflation Factors window

If required seek help from an SSO.

In the event:

  • an initiating agreement needs to be extended, a registration work around is needed. To implement the workaround seek help from an SSO. Go to Step 9
  • the underlying formula assessment needs to be extended and another child will remain assessed based on an agreement, court order or COA, new registrations may need to be recorded for each child in order to apply the correct outcome - seek help from an SSO
  • a late application is made after the child turns 18, go to Step 10


Registration work around + Read more ...

SSO needs to:

  • Complete an underlying formula assessment for the child matching the start date of the agreement
  • Update relationship
  • Run eligibility
  • Delete registration letters
  • Select the child in the Eligible child list box to add the application and save eligibility

If the application is accepted, a SSO with CUB access needs to extend the end date on the agreement registration to the end date of the school year.

The SSO can then extend all relevant agreement provisions, run eligibility and delete agreement registration letters.

Once the assessment and agreement is updated:

  • review all letters so only relevant letters go out to customers
  • do not cancel the added assessment.
  • add a notepad with the subject Registration Workaround in Case window explaining the steps


Recording late applications made after the child turns 18 + Read more ...

Late applications can only be granted if there were exceptional circumstances which prevented the making of the application before the child turned 18 years of age.

Note: the delegation to accept a late application (after child's 18th birthday) for assessment/agreement to continue in exceptional circumstances is at the APS4 level and above.

Immediately consider whether exceptional circumstances exist and document that decision in Cuba, see Eighteen year old children extending a Child Support assessment.

Exceptional circumstances are not met: + Read more ...

  • Refuse their application immediately to generate a MSE1-2 letter informing them of the decision and objection rights
  • Key the application with status as Refused

Exceptional circumstances are met: + Read more ...

A decision cannot yet be made as the other party needs to be contacted. The application is pended which will generate a MO18 1-1- CHILD OVER 18 EXTENSION APPLIED FOR letter for the other party. To check the letter, see Step 11.

  • Key the application with status as Pending (generally no further action is required as the application will be automatically Accepted after 21 days
  • Create a General Follow Up intray as a prompt to check the application at the end of the 21 day pending period. After 21 days, if an automated decision has not been made:
    • check the status is Accepted, and
    • save eligibility manually to give effect to the decision, go to Step 14

Exceptional circumstances may be met – evidence required: + Read more ...

A decision cannot be made as evidence is required to demonstrate exceptional circumstances and the other party needs to be contacted. The application is initially pended which will generate a MO18 1-1- CHILD OVER 18 EXTENSION APPLIED FOR letter for the other party. To check the letter, see Step 11.

  • Key the application with status as Pending and save it
  • Then amend the status to Evidence Required

By amending the status from Pending to Evidence Required, an Over 18 Extension process (O18EVRQ) intray will generate to await the exceptional circumstance evidence and prompt a decision. The final decision must be processed manually, go to Step 14.

Unable to key late A18 + Read more ...

If unable to key a late A18 application, seek peer and then SSO advice to confirm a system limitation. If still unable to key the late A18, refer the application to the Solutions Gateway Team (SGT).

Once the SGT pend the application, they will route the Late A18 application back to the referring Service Officer. The Service Officer will be able to make a decision on the application.


Check letters (application) + Read more ...


  • Close to close the Customer Application details window and return to the window of origin (either Case or Registration)
  • Letters List to open the Letters List and make sure the affected customers are receiving the correct information

For a pending application check the generated letters for correctness:



Customer disputes the application - evidence required + Read more ...

If the other party disputes the application and evidence is requested from the parties:

A status of Evidence Required will generate an Over 18 Extension process (O18EVRQ) intray to await the evidence and prompt a decision. Process the final decision manually, go to Step 14.


Automatic versus manual decision process + Read more ...

When a MO18 1-1- CHILD OVER 18 EXTENSION APPLIED FOR letter is issued, the other party has 14 days to contact Child Support to respond.

If either the applicant or other party contacts Child Support at any stage prior to the application being finalised, return to the to the Customer Application Details window to review the application details. The Resources page contains a link to the Customer Application details Cuba Help page.

If the application status is amended as a result of this customer contact, this may vary the decision process - auto or manual.


When the status of an application is recorded as Pending, at 21 days with no contact from the other party recorded in Cuba, on most occasions the application status will automatically change to Approved and new assessment notices will be issued. No further action is required.

If a care change, means a customer wouldn’t be an eligible carer of a claimed for child on the day they made the over 18 extension application it will automatically be made invalid.


A manual decision, including the need to manually save Eligibility to apply the final decision, is required when the:

  • system failed to make an automated decision – this is identified via a Liability Calculation Required or Manual A18 Decision Required intray created by Cuba
  • application status was recorded as Evidence Required. For example International customer, late application or customer dispute
  • applicant wishes to withdraw the application within 21 days of their application - the status needs to be manually updated to Withdrawn
  • application to extend the effect of a relevant dependent child upon an assessment is invalid if a late notified care decisions means that the applicant did not have 35% or more care on the day they applied – the status needs to be manually update to Invalid
  • Refer to an SSO if assistance is required at any stage.


Update the care details + Read more ...

If the application is to be manually Accepted check the care details group box via the Care window. If there is:

  • no date is populated in the To date field, do not update the end date. Cuba will automatically issue an A18 acceptance letter with the new termination date
  • a date populated in the To date field, adjust the date to reflect the end of the school year. For further information see Care Cuba Process Help - add a new care record


Record the decision + Read more ...

If the decision is not automatically made by Cuba, select the dropdown that matches the decision made. Options include:

  • Pending
  • Accepted
  • Refused
  • Evidence Required, or
  • Withdrawn
  • invalid


Document the decision + Read more ...


  • Notepad to open the Notes window. Create a document detailing the specifics of the decision
  • Save to save
  • Close to close the Customer Application Details window and return to the window of origin (either Case or Registration)


Process the decision + Read more ...

  • Eligibility must be saved to give effect to these changes. If Cuba has not completed this automatically, select:
    • Go and
    • Eligibility

The Pre confirmation results dialogue box will open.


  • the Close button after reviewing the pre confirmation results. Refer to the Eligibility Window Help article about the types of information found on this screen. If required, seek help from an SSO
  • Save to apply the changes to the case. This generates the Letters Information dialogue box
  • OK to close the Letters Information dialogue box and return to the Case Window


Check letters + Read more ...

Select Letters List to open the Letters List and make sure the affected customers are receiving the correct information.

Check the generated letter(s) for correctness:

  • MSE1-1- To advise the Child Support assessment or agreement will continue beyond the claimed for child or relevant dependents 18th birthday
  • MSE1-2 – To advise the application has been refused and the assessment or agreement will not continue after the 18th birthday of the claimed for child or relevant dependent

On ended cases Cuba will not automatically generate refusal letters. Issue the UQ6.00 – Refused 18 year old extension letters to notify the customers of the decision.

Ending a child over 18 extension of child support application

For over 18 year old children ceasing secondary school prior to the end of the school year process as per Eighteen year old children extending a child support assessment.

Table 2




Record end a child over 18 extension + Read more ...

Open the Customer Application List window.


Select the child over 18 extension to end + Read more ...

Select the:

  • 18 year old extension that must be ended and
  • Open icon

The Customer Application Details window will open.

Determine the date the child last attended secondary school.

To change the Last Day of the School Year to the required date:

In the Status dropdown list select:

  • Rejected and
  • Save to save

Do not run Eligibility


Change the day the child last attended school + Read more ...

Change Last Day of School Year to the day the child last attended secondary school.

In the Status dropdown list, select

  • Accepted and
  • Save to save

Run Eligibility.

Note: this action ensures the information is provided to Centrelink

Does the pre-confirmation result indicate the case will end correctly?

  • Yes, select Save. The assessment and liabilities will reflect the new end date. Procedure ends here.
  • No, the case appears to be ending incorrectly. Seek help from an SSO

Record the reasons for changing the end date in the notepad of the Customer Application Details window.


Objection decision A18 + Read more ...

If the other parent has objected to a child over 18 extension and the objection has been:

  • Upheld, in the Status dropdown list select Refused and select Save
  • Partially upheld, go to Step 2


Applications based on an agreement, court order or COA + Read more ...

If the extended assessment is based on an agreement, court order or change of assessment (COA), determine the date the child ended secondary school and:

  • update the end date of the agreement, court order or COA in the Additional Registration Information window. See the Resources page for a link to this Cuba help page
  • update the end date of the formula modification and/or clause and/or inflation factor in the Formula Modification, Clauses, and Inflation Factor windows. See the Resources page for a link to relevant Cuba help pages
  • end the 18 year old extension on the underlying assessment, go to Step 2

If required seek help from an SSO.


Document the application + Read more ...


  • Notepad to open the Notes window. Create a document detailing the specifics of the decision
  • Save to save
  • Close to close the Customer Application Details window and return to the window of origin (either Case or Registration)


Give effect to the changes + Read more ...

Save Eligibility to give effect to these changes.


  • Go and
  • Eligibility

The Pre-confirmation Results dialogue box will open.

See the Eligibility Window Help article for assistance on the types of information found on this screen. If required seek help from an SSO.


  • Save to apply the changes to the case. This generates the Letters Information dialogue box
  • the OK button to close the Letters Information dialogue box and return to the Case window


Check letter correctness + Read more ...

Select Letters List to open the Letters List and make sure the affected customers are receiving the correct information.

For a terminating event check the generated letters for correctness:

  • MEA1-4 - Letter to a payee to advise that a terminating event has occurred, or
  • MEA1-5 - Letter to a payer to advise that a terminating event has occurred

For an agreement to end check the generated letters for correctness:

  • MEA1-2 – Advise payee accepted application to end assessment/agreement, and
  • MEA1-3 – Advise payer accepted application to end assessment/agreement