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Privacy incidents Cuba Process Help 277-30010500

Risks to a customer's privacy have been identified. See Separating Safely - protecting personal details to make sure the customer's personal details are safe before progressing.

This document outlines the processes for recording, updating and finalising a privacy complaint in Cuba.

On this page:

Record a privacy incident

Update a privacy incident

Finalise a privacy incident

Record a privacy incident

Table 1




Start point - Record a privacy incident + Read more ...

Start point: Customer window


Record a privacy incident - Team Leader process + Read more ...

  • From the Go menu select Feedback and Review
  • From the Feedback and Review window, select Privacy Incident from the Go menu
  • Click the /pages/Separated-parents\images\icon-new-document.pngicon to record a new privacy complaint


Update privacy incident details + Read more ...

In the Privacy Incident Details group box:

  • enter the date the incident was reported in the Date Reported field
  • enter the user id of the person who caused the incident in the User ID field. Note: This field is only enabled and visible in Create and Update modes for Officer Levels 'Business Administrator', 'Office Leadership' and 'CSA Administrator' only. The User Id label and textbox are disabled and invisible for all other Officer Levels
  • indicate how Child Support became aware of the incident by selecting from the drop down list
  • the What was the Incident? field allows the user to enter free text to describe the privacy incident
  • type the name of the Privacy Advisor dealing with the incident into the State Privacy Advisor field
  • select the category of privacy incident from the Incident Category drop down list, e.g. access
  • select the type of interaction that led to the incident from the Business Process drop down list, e.g. COA


Record managing Team Leader details + Read more ...

In the Who is managing the Interaction group box:

  • record the Team Leader, location and position details of the person who is managing the interaction


Document and save privacy incident details + Read more ...

  • Click the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/F5E1821F-C2E2-441A-825E-0D3FD7686BEE/0/IconNote.PNGicon to open the Notes window and add a note documenting the details of the privacy incident, including any desired remedy or outcome
  • Click the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/4137E047-B8C2-459A-B724-93806FF70A43/0/IconSave.PNGicon to save the note
  • Click the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/EF886A02-292C-4B66-A96E-468B5AB2603A/0/IconClose.PNGicon to return to the Privacy Incident window
  • Click the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/4137E047-B8C2-459A-B724-93806FF70A43/0/IconSave.PNGicon to save the privacy incident record

Update a privacy incident

Table 2




Start point - Update a privacy incident + Read more ...

Start point: Privacy Incident window


Select the record to update + Read more ...

Select the relevant privacy incident from the Privacy Incident List list box.


Review and update existing notes + Read more ...

Click on the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/F5E1821F-C2E2-441A-825E-0D3FD7686BEE/0/IconNote.PNGicon to view any existing notes or add notes as the investigation progresses.


Update the information as required + Read more ...

Update information in the privacy incident record as required


Save the updates + Read more ...

Click the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/4137E047-B8C2-459A-B724-93806FF70A43/0/IconSave.PNGicon to save the record.

Finalise a privacy incident

Table 3




Start point - Update a privacy incident + Read more ...

Start point: Privacy Incident window


Select the privacy incident to finalise + Read more ...

Select the relevant privacy incident from the Privacy Incident List list box.


Enter the finalisation details + Read more ...

  • Type the date the incident was finalised in the Date Finalised field
  • Select the result of the investigation from the Result drop down list, e.g. upheld
  • Select the relevant Information Privacy Principle(s) that were breached, if any, from the Information Privacy Principles Breached list box
  • Select the appropriate remedy for the customer from the Remedy list box


Update the SCS information + Read more ...

  • Click on the SCS Information button. This will take you to the SCS Information dialogue box
  • In the Source of issue group box record the location the incident occurred by selecting the Region, Office and Stream/Team from the drop down lists
  • In the Case manager Assigned? group box indicate if a case manager has been assigned to specifically manage the incident by selecting the Yes or No radio button
  • In the Case Manager group box enter the location of the case manager by selecting the Region, Office, Stream/Team and Position from the drop down lists
  • In the Contact with both parents? group box indicate if both parents have been contacted to discuss the incident by selecting the Yes or No radio button
  • In the SCS feedback provided? group box indicate if a case manager has been assigned to specifically manage the incident by selecting the Yes or No radio button
  • If SCS feedback has not been provided, select the reason from the drop down list in the No SCS Feedback Reason field
  • If other referrals have been offered (e.g. family and domestic violence), list the referrals in the Other Referrals list box. More than one referral can be listed

Click the OK button to return to the Privacy Incident window. This will create a Privacy Breach Reported intray.


Document and save finalisation details + Read more ...

  • Click the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/F5E1821F-C2E2-441A-825E-0D3FD7686BEE/0/IconNote.PNGicon and add a finalisation notepad
  • Click the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/4137E047-B8C2-459A-B724-93806FF70A43/0/IconSave.PNGicon to save the note
  • Click the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/EF886A02-292C-4B66-A96E-468B5AB2603A/0/IconClose.PNGicon to return to the Privacy Incident window
  • Click the http://dhsintranet/NR/rdonlyres/4137E047-B8C2-459A-B724-93806FF70A43/0/IconSave.PNGbutton to finalise the privacy incident. This will delete the Privacy Breach Reported intray