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Maintain Employer/Organisation Record Cuba Process Help 277-30010690

This document outlines the processes:

  • for Service Officers about searching Cuba for employer/organisation records, and
  • how Employer Services Officers (ESO) create and maintain employer records, pay cycles and attributes

On this page:

Find organisation searches

Create a new organisation (ESO)

Manage employer pay cycles (ESO)

Update an employee's pay cycle

Manage employer attributes (ESO)

Find organisation searches

Table 1: this table describes how to use the Primary and Secondary Search functions in the Organisation Find dialogue box in the Organisation List window. This process can be used to find a particular record as well as help minimise the risk of creating duplicate records.




Start point - Search for an organisation + Read more ...

Start point: Organisation Find dialogue box of the Organisation List window


Perform a Primary Search + Read more ...

To search using a field in the Primary Search group box, key one search term into the corresponding relevant field.

Select Find to run the search.

Was a record found?

  • Yes, the corresponding Organisation window will automatically open
  • No, select OK to close the Information Detail dialogue box. This will return to the Organisation List window


Perform a Secondary Search + Read more ...

To search using the fields in the Secondary group box:

  • In the Legal Name or Trading Name field, key the first three letters of the organisation’s name followed by the asterisk (*) wildcard character. For information regarding how organisation names are entered onto Cuba see A Guide to Organisation Naming Convention

To refine the search:

  • key the postcode options/range in the Post Code field, if known, and/or
  • select the State from the State dropdown menu, if known

Select Find to run a search with the above parameters. The results will display in the Organisation List window.

Note: if a single record is returned, the Organisation window will open automatically. To return to the List Customer window, select Close, otherwise the search process is complete.


Open an organisation record + Read more ...

If multiple records are returned, a single record can be opened by highlighting the relevant record and selecting Open.

If more results are returned than can be displayed in the List Customer window without scrolling:

  • select Find
  • refine the search parameters by adding another letter to the Legal Name or Trading Name before the wildcard, and
  • search again by selecting Select


If no records are returned from the above searches + Read more ...

If no record is found, select the OK button to close the Information Detail dialogue box.

If no results are returned, it is likely that an organisation record with the specified details does not exist.


Issuing a notice to an individual or an organisation with no ABN + Read more ...

When a notice needs to be issued to an individual or organisation with no ABN, Employer Services will request EL1 approval to create a new organisation in Cuba.

In ICP, complete a name search to get:

  • the full name of the individual or organisation
  • postal address
  • telephone number
  • Tax File Number

Complete the Add attributes request macro and key the:

  • full name of the individual or organisation in the Legal Name and Trading Name fields
  • individual or organisation’s TFN in the ABN field

Create a new organisation (ESO)

Before creating a new organisation, search Cuba for any existing records, see Table 1.

Table 2: Note: only staff in Employer Services are authorised to create a new organisation record.




Start point - Create a new organisation record + Read more ...

Start point: Organisation List window


Open a blank organisation record + Read more ...

Select New. This opens the Organisation Detail window, where all the fields are blank and enterable. Select [Tab] on the keyboard after each of the following entries, to go to the next required field.


Update the organisation type + Read more ...

In the Organisation group box:

  • select the appropriate organisation type from the Type dropdown menu. See Entity types and their primary contacts, to make sure the correct type is selected.
  • do not select the Parent tick box, leave this blank
  • key the organisation’s Australian Business Number and Client Activity Centre number in the ABN/CAC field

Note: get EL1 approval before creating an organisation without an ABN.. To get approval, forward an email to a team leader providing reasons why the organisation needs to be created without an ABN and the searches conducted. The team leader will liaise with the Employer Services EL1 to get approval.

  • key the organisation’s Tax File Number in the TFN field


Record the organisation name + Read more ...

In the Organisation Name group box:

  • key the organisation's legal name in the Legal Name field
  • key the organisation's trading name in the Trading Name field (if this differs to the legal name)

Note: the Legal Name and Trading Name fields have a limit of 38 characters (including spaces). See A Guide to Organisation Naming Convention if the full legal or trading name is unable to be recreated in full.

Add a note in the Organisation Detail window notepad with the entities full legal name for future reference.


Record the organisation's contact details + Read more ...

In the Address group box:

  • select the address type from the Type dropdown menu
  • key the first 2 lines of the customer’s address in the Line 1 and/or Line 2 fields
  • key the suburb into the Suburb/Town field
  • select the State from the dropdown menu. For an international address, select <NONE>
  • key the postcode in the Postcode field. For an international address, this field will be disabled

If the address is an international address:

  • select the country from the Country dropdown menu
  • key the postcode or equivalent into the OS Pcode field

In the Phone Numbers group box:

  • select the relevant number type from the Type dropdown menu
  • in the first Number field, key the area or dialling code if required. Then key the rest of the number in the field that appears after the dash (-)
  • Select Save

Repeat the above steps if the organisation requires a Registered and/or Business address or Mobile and Fax numbers added, selecting Save after each new entry.


Lock the organisation + Read more ...

Once created the organisation must be locked. See Transfer or lock a customer Cuba Process Help.

See ES Miscellaneous tools for the Quick Locking Checklist and National Cuba positions resource documents which have further information regarding locking and routing rules for organisations.


Enable notices to be sent to the organisation + Read more ...

To enable notices to be issued to this organisation or an employee be linked to this employer, go to:

Manage employer pay cycles (ESO)

Table 3

Note: only staff in Employer Services are authorised to manage pay cycles on an employer record.




Start point - Manage employer pay cycles + Read more ...

Start point: Organisation Detail Window

To add a pay cycle, go to Step 2.

To end a pay cycle, go to Step 3.


Add a pay cycle (s) + Read more ...

Select the Pay Cycles button to open the Pay Cycles dialogue box

In the Pay Cycles dialogue box:

  • select the appropriate pay cycle from the Cycle dropdown menu
  • key the date the pay cycles commences in the Cycle Start Date field
  • key the date the employee is paid relevant to the pay cycle start date in the Next Pay Date field
  • select Update to List to apply the pay cycle to the List box
  • select OK, to return to the Organisation Detail window
  • select Save

Go to Step 4.


End a pay cycle + Read more ...

Select the Pay Cycle button to open the Pay Cycles dialogue box.

In the Pay Cycles dialogue box:

  • double click the pay cycle that is required to be ended. This populates the fields in the Pay Cycle dialogue box with the dates relevant to the cycle
  • change the date in the Cycle End Date field to a date that is the day after the Next Pay Date displayed in the List box
  • select Update to List
  • select OK, to return to the Organisation Detail window
  • select Save

Go to Step 4.


Document the decision + Read more ...

Select Notepad to open the Notes window and create a note. Make sure the documentation required is made in reference to Documenting Child Support information and Employer Services documentation - Where to document.

Update an employee's pay cycle

Table 4

Note: if updating a pay cycle for an employee that has Employer Withholding with Arrears (EWA) in place, the payment arrangement will need to be ended before updating the pay cycle, and re-keyed when the employee is on the correct pay cycle. See Employer withholding (linking) Cuba Process Help.




Start point - Update an employee's pay cycle + Read more ...

Start point: Payer Employer Relationship window


Link to the correct pay cycle + Read more ...

In the Employee Information group box:

  • select Arrow adjacent to Pay Cycle to open the Employer Pay Cycles dialogue box
  • select the pay cycle that the customer should be linked to
  • select OK to return to the Payer Employer Relationship window
  • select the next pay date in the First Pay Date dropdown menu
  • select Save


Document the decision + Read more ...

Select Notepad to open the Notes window and create a note. Make sure the documentation required is made in reference to Documenting Child Support information and Employer Services documentation - Where to document.


Check the letters + Read more ...

The following letters will be generated on saving:


  • PAD7-2-Copy of Schedule to Employer
  • PAD6-2 – Schedule of deductions
  • CE03-2 - Payer Payment Arrangement-Interim (if EWA is established)


  • PAD7-3 - Employer cover letter and employees schedule of Child Support Deductions. Information on how to make immediate payments is included in the letter
  • PAD6-1 - An introductory letter used when the paying parent was not previously linked to that employer. (New deductions) letters will generate to the Payer and employer to notify them of this change

Check the letters for accuracy.

Manage employer attributes (ESO)

ESOs are responsible for adding the following attributes for employers:

  • Employer
  • EF1
  • 72A
  • 72B
  • S120
  • S161

National Employer Services are responsible for adding all notice attributes on:

  • Financial Institutions
  • External Organisation, and the following notice attributes for employers:
    • 72AC
    • FTB S120
    • FTB 72AB

Table 5: Note: only staff in Employer Services are authorised to manage attributes on an employer record.




Start point: Manage employer attributes + Read more ...

Start point: Organisation Detail window

To add attributes, go to Step 2.

To remove attributes, go to Step 3.


Add attributes + Read more ...

Select Attributes. This opens the Notice/Purpose Attributes dialogue box.

In the Current Attributes group box:

  • select the radio button appropriate to the type of organisation in the Organisation Group box
  • tick the notices that will be able to be issued to the organisation (based on the organisation type selected) in the Notices group box
  • key any comments relevant to the organisation in the Comments field
  • select OK to return to the Organisation Detail window
  • select Save

Go to Step 4.


Remove attributes + Read more ...

Select the Attributes button. This opens the Notice/Purpose Attributes dialogue box.

In the Current Attributes group box:

  • select the ticked tick boxes of any current attributes that are to be removed
  • select the OK button, to return to the Organisation Detail window
  • select the Save icon


Document the decision + Read more ...

Select Notepad to open the Notes window and create a note to document the details of the organisation and any other information not already captured in Cuba. Make sure that the documentation required is made in reference to Documenting Child Support information and Employer Services documentation - Where to document.

If a link is required at this point, copy the organisations CSID, and go to Employer withholding (Linking) Cuba Process Help.