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Centrelink action when an application for child support assessment is rejected by Child Support 277-51010040

This page contains links to child support information on the Services Australia website. There is also text to be included in the Free Text (Q999) to the customer to advise the requirement to take child support action after Child Support has rejected their child support application.

Services Australia website

Separated parents for child support information

Income test for FTB Part A

Text to include in the Free Text (Q999) letter to customer

This table describes the available options for the Free Text (Q999) letter used to advise the customer of action required when their application for child support has been rejected.




Text to include in the Free Text (Q999) letter/s to the customer + Read more ...

I am writing to you about your Family Tax Benefit.

To be entitled to receive more than the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A for (AFFECTED CHILD/REN NAME), you/ your partner must take reasonable steps to obtain child support.

Child Support has not been able to process your application for an assessment as:

  • Option 1: the paying parent was not proven nor presumed to be parent of the claimed child
  • Option 2: the paying parent was not a resident of Australia for tax purposes on the day of the application
  • Option 3: you were not an eligible carer on the day of the application
  • Option 4: you were still in a genuine domestic relationship with the other parent on the day of the application
  • Option 1, still within DMA period: A new application for a Child Support Assessment or an exemption must be made within 13 weeks of (DMA START DATE). There will be a delay between Child Support making an assessment and Centrelink receiving the assessment
  • Option 2, outside DMA period: Your Family Tax Benefit Part A for (AFFECTED CHILD/REN NAME) has already reduced to the minimum rate. You will not receive any more than the minimum rate until you take adequate child support action

Please contact us on (PHONE NUMBER) to discuss the options that are available to you including if there are any reasons why you cannot apply for child support.

This is an information notice given under the Family Assistance Law.