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Child support debt recovery from Family Tax Benefit (FTB) 277-51040040

This document outlines the process for the recovery of a child support debt from Family Tax Benefit (FTB) entitlement.

On this page:

Request from Child Support to recover a child support debt from FTB

Review of CSA Max Permissible Amount where rate of FTB changes (A021FY MFU)

Debt recovery from FTB – customer enquiries

Request from Child Support to recover a child support debt from FTB

For Child Support Unit staff only

Table 1




Child Support Unit (CSU) receive a Section 120 notice from Child Support + Read more ...

The Child Support Unit (CSU) will:

  • calculate the maximum permissible amount of FTB that may be deducted for the designated child support (DCS) child/ren. See Resources for examples
  • code the Child Support Maximum Permissible Amount (CSMA) screen
  • key the name of the DCS child/ren on the notes field on the CSMA screen
  • email Child Support Mail Handling Team with the subject line Centrelink response - CRN xxxxxxxxxx See Resources for email template
  • Create a Fast Note, select Auto Text. Use Families > Updates > CSP Info request - S120

Note: ensure there are no spaces in the CRN in the subject line of the email. This will enable the information to automatically scan onto the customer's Cuba record for actioning by Child Support. Do not send the reply directly to an individual Child Support staff member.


Child Support Unit (CSU) receives a Section 72A notice from Child Support + Read more ...

Check the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen for a current Child Support deduction request.

Is a deduction request showing on PINS?

  • Yes, no further action. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 3


Check if Child Support deductions are showing on Cuba + Read more ...

Go to Customer window (front page of Cuba) and select:

  • Collection Details - from the Menu bar at the top of the window
  • Payer Collection - from the drop down menu
  • Go - from the Menu bar of the Payer Collection window
  • Centrelink Deductions - from the drop down menu
  • (any Centrelink deductions that have been coded on Cuba will appear here)
  • to check for FTB deductions, go to the Deduction Type field in the Centrelink Deductions window and select FTB Deductions

Are deductions coded on Cuba?

  • Yes, go to Step 4
  • No, send an email to Centrelink Liaison with subject line:
    Child Support deductions not on Cuba - CRN xxxxxxxxxx, see Resources for email template


Child Support deductions showing on Cuba, not on PINS + Read more ...

Check the date deductions were been coded on the Payment Instruction Summary (PINS) screen.

If the deductions were coded the same day as the check is made, hold record and check the following day. This allows for the overnight data exchange to occur between Child Support and Centrelink

If the deductions are not showing on PINS the following day, in Customer First, create a manual review on the Review Registration (RVR) screen and complete the fields as follows:

  • Service Reason: customer's payment type
  • Review Reason:
    • MAN (Manual Assessment Review Ent), or
    • OTH (Other) where the customer is in receipt of FTB only
  • Due Date: 2 days from today's date
  • Source: INT
  • Date of Receipt: today's date
  • Notes: 'Check if Child Support deductions are showing on PINS. Return to OB 277-51040040 for action.'
  • Keywords: CSUREV
  • Workgroup: leave blank
  • Position: leave blank
  • Transfer to Region: leave blank

The review will mature on the Due Date coded in the RVR activity. Workload Management will allocate the review for manual action.

If after the review the deductions are still not showing on PINS, send an email to Centrelink Liaison with the subject line Child Support deductions on Cuba, however not transferred to Centrelink - CRN xxxxxxxxxx. See Resources for email template


Child Support Unit (CSU) receives a Section 72B or 72AB notice from Child Support + Read more ...

Check the following:

  • DOC on DL screen confirming a Section 120 request has previously been actioned
  • CSMA screen correctly updated
  • Child Support deductions appear on PINS screen

Have the screens been updated correctly?

  • Yes, document the record to confirm receipt of Section 72B or 72A notice, checks were done, no further action required. Procedure ends here
  • No, send an email to Centrelink Liaison with the subject line Child Support Section 72B or 72A (delete which is not appropriate), however Section 120 notice not sent - CRN xxxxxxxxxx. See Resources for email template


A019FY MFU + Read more ...

The A019FY MFU is created once CSA debt recovery from FTB commences on the FTB screen. These MFUs can be finalised with no further action. A Q019 will automatically issue advising the customer of the commencement of the deduction.

Review of CSA Max Permissible Amount where rate of FTB changes (A021FY MFU)

Table 2




A021FY MFU + Read more ...

This MFU is created on the AL screen when a CSA maximum permissible amount has been previously recorded on the CSMA screen and the customer's rate of FTB changes. The purpose of this MFU is for the maximum amount to be recalculated.

Go to Step 2


Recalculating the CSA Max Permissible Amount + Read more ...

Due to the change in FTB rate, calculate the maximum permissible amount of FTB that may be deducted for the designated Child Support (DCS) child/ren. See Resources for examples.

  • Code this amount on the CSA Max Permissible Amount (CSMA) screen
  • Key the name of the DCS child/ren on the notes field on the CSMA screen
  • Send an email to Child Support Mail Handling Team with subject line Centrelink advice - CRN xxxxxxxxxx. See Resources for email template
  • Create a Fast Note, select Auto Text. Use Families > Updates > Update to CSMA screen to record updates made

Note: ensure there are no spaces in the CRN in the subject line of the email. This will allow for the information to automatically scan onto the customer's Cuba record for actioning by Child Support. Do not send the reply directly to an individual Child Support staff member.

Debt recovery from FTB – customer enquiries

Table 3




Customer enquires about child support debt recovery from Family Tax Benefit (FTB) + Read more ...

Summary of process

Child Support identifies customers who have a child support debt and also receive FTB for the child to whom the debt applies.

Child Support instructs Centrelink to calculate the amount of FTB payable for the designated child support child and the maximum amount recoverable from FTB.

  • The Child Support Unit (CSU):
    • calculates the recovery amount. See the Resources page for examples
    • codes the Child Support Maximum Permissible Amount (CSMA) screen
    • is responsible for any follow up action if the customer disagrees with the amount being recovered
  • Centrelink notifies Child Support of the maximum amount recoverable from FTB
  • Child Support sends an electronic payment instruction to Centrelink stating the amount to be deducted. The deduction may be less than the maximum recoverable amount as calculated by Centrelink


Check details on the customer's record + Read more ...

Tell the customer of the amount to be deducted from their FTB payments to repay their child support debt.

  • View details of the Child Support debt recovery amount from FTB on the Payment Details (PD) screen. CSSLIA indicates that this amount is for child support
  • When a child support overpayment instruction is added, varied or terminated by Child Support, details can be viewed on:
    • Payment Instruction Direct Deduction (PIDD)
    • Payment Instruction Summary (PINS)
    • Payment Instruction History (PIHS) screens

Child Support Max Permissible Amount (CSMA) screen is protected for users without authorised access to FAOCSA.


Reason for or amount of debt + Read more ...

Does the customer question the reason for Child Support debt or the amount of the debt?

  • Yes, record details on a DOC. Refer the customer to Child Support. For contact details, see Child Support. Procedure ends here
  • No, go to Step 4


Recover amount + Read more ...

Does the customer question the recovery amount from FTB or want to know how it was calculated?

  • Yes, go to Step 5
  • No, tell the customer they will be told if the recovery amount changes or ceases. Record details on a DOC. Procedure ends here


Case referral + Read more ...

Refer case to the Child Support Unit (CSU).

Create a Fast Note - select Auto Text, use Families > Enquiry > Maintenance Enquiry.

Keywords: the 'Maintenance Enquiry' template automatically includes the relevant 'ACTCSU' keyword. If the request is urgent, the 'URGENT' keyword must be manually added to the Fast Note.

CSU will annotate the DOC with action they take or with the action that needs to be taken by the Centrelink Service Centre.