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Finding old FAM (pre July 2000) maintenance information on Centrelink systems 277-51060010

This page contains information for Service Officers about Child Support maintenance screens. All pre July 2000 families screens can be accessed via the Families Old Task Selection (FOTS) screen in the FAO system.

Child support maintenance screens

Screens relating to child support maintenance

This table describes the information found in various child support maintenance screens, such as the amount of child support paid to the customer in varying circumstances.




Child Support / Maintenance (CSA) screen + Read more ...

The Child Support/Maintenance (CSA) screen displays the amount(s) of child support paid by Child Support.

This screen displays both the annual amount for Maintenance Income Test (MIT) purposes, as well as the amount actually paid.


Maintenance General Information (MGI) screen + Read more ...

The Maintenance General Information (MGI) screen was used to record the child support for the customer.

The following fields are available for selection from the MGI screen:

  • CSA - Child Support Maintenance screen
  • PER - Percentage of Child Support Disregarded
  • PRM - Private Cash Maintenance Screen
  • PNM - Periodic Non-Cash Maintenance Screen
  • CMI - Capitalised Maintenance income Screen


Maintenance Income Summary (MSS) screen + Read more ...

The Maintenance Income Summary (MSS) screen displays a summary of all the child support income information.

This screen displays child support income details and values used to determine the fortnightly child support income reduction amount.


Private Maintenance Entitlement (PME) screen + Read more ...

The Private Maintenance Entitlement (PME) screen displays the child support liability amount to be collected privately by the customer.

This screen displays the monthly rate, and its annualised equivalent, of the Child Support assessment the customer must collect to qualify for more than the minimum rate of Family Allowance.


Child Support Payment (CPS) screen + Read more ...

The Child Support Payment (CPS) screen displays the amount of child support paid to the customer through Child Support (collect cases only).

This screen contains only pay details up to and including 3/3/1999.


Child Support Payment Details (CPH) screen + Read more ...

The Child Support Payment Details (CPH) screen displays the individual payday breakdown of the total child support paid to a customer through Child Support and shows where the payment was issued.

This screen contains only pay details up to and including 3/3/1999.