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Maintenance income: health expenses 277-51100030

Examples of manually assessing health expenses

This table describes examples of assessing the value of health insurance where it is necessary to manually assess and record private maintenance income for a Family Tax Benefit (FTB) customer.




Customer advises that her previous partner pays $150 per month in private health insurance premiums (30% government rebate already taken off) + Read more ...

This policy covers the payer, his new partner and her two children, and his child now in the customer's care.

Assessable maintenance = nil

It does not cost the payer any more to insure his child from his previous relationship.


Customer advises that his previous partner pays $100 per month for basic private insurance that covers the payer, the customer and two children from their relationship now living with the customer + Read more ...

To insure a single person would cost $60 per month.

Assessable maintenance = $40 per month

This is the extra cost to insure the customer and children in his care.

If the customer and payer shared the care of the two children, only the extra amount paid to insure the customer would count as child support.

Note: the figures used are example details only.